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I slowly walked into the apartment. Trying to calm myself down.

I gulped, "what Uh, what happened...."

Sonny breathed heavily as I walked closer and picked up Eleanor. I then held out my other hand for Sonny.

Sonny shook his head and got up on his own. Once he stood up I realized the blood he was covered in wasn't his.

I looked around and found Amber dead. I nearly dropped Eleanor out of shock.

"Sonny...what did you do...."

"She threatened to kill you and Eleanor. me mad."

I backed away from him a Little bit holding Eleanor really close. I heard Sirah and Marshall close the door to their apartment, getting ready to leave.

Sonny gave me a panicked look as I went to shut the door but Sirah already caught a quick glimpse of it all.

"What the hell happened?"

She looked at me and Eleanor. "Oh thank God Eleanor's alright. Are you okay Ellie....what happened?"

Sonny was about to open his mouth but Sirah gave him a death stare. "Sonny.... uh, found Eleanor..."

I looked at Marshall who bit his thumb, I could tell he was nervous.

"So that explains all of it huh Ellie? Then why is there a body right there huh?"

"Sirah, I was with you. I just came home. I have no clue."

"I know you didn't do it Ellie, Sonny did."

I knew Sonny couldn't hold it in any longer. "Yes I did it. She was going to kill Ellie and Eleanor, and possibly me. I had too!" He blurted out."

Sirah stood there in shock.

"Im calling the cops"

"No!" Me and Sonny both screamed.

"Sirah. You will ruin my whole life if you put my brother in jail. I need to take care of Eleanor. I need help with that. I need Sonny's help. I need his help with everything. I know this seems like a huge blur for you, but I have been living with this Sirah. Back when I still lived in my old house, my father killed constantly. Then I had to kill my own father. Because he killed my sister. But now im done. This is the last time when I walk in my apartment to find something terrible. Just please, please don't call the cops."

Sirah stood there and looked at Marshall who shook his head.

"Okay. I won't "


I would _______ Want to be Ellie and Sonnys neighbour


Revenge (Part Three To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now