Note Part 2

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I snatched the note out of his hands and opened it, while trying not to drop Eleanor.

So I see you've killed me, or hurt me. Either way I knew for sure you would kill me. So now here is your reward. For hurting or killing me. Something that will help you find what you are looking for, no, not Eleanor, your mother. That's right. I know what her plan is. If I am dead, she must of called you saying that she is willing to take my body. Say no. Don't let her get a hold of me. And that girl Kara? Don't trust her. Yes, I was watching you two, please don't trust her. I know I was a jerk to you Ellie. But I do have some what of a heart, and my heart is telling me to help you. So that's what im doing. First off, don't go looking for another note. Your not going to get another one. This is the only one. So Listen. Stay close to Sonny. This is when things get bad. Second, don't keep your damn eyes off Eleanor. Got it? If you just leave her for two minutes, she will be gone just like that. Your mother is always watching. I hate to say it but she is smarter than you, Sonny, and me. Third, don't call the cops. Don't you think its a bit to late for that? Sonny will get arrested. If they even catch your mother....she will too, and possibly you. And then where will Eleanor go? Nowhere. She has no family. She will go to a Foster home and do you want that for her? No. You don't and I know it. And you don't want to go to jail too. And even if you don't go to jail, Sonny and your mother will. You and Eleanor will have to go to Foster homes. Hell, Maybe out two will get separated. So don't call the cops. And finally, the most important rule, don't kill anyone. Don't let Sonny kill anyone either. If im dead, hide me, bury me, just don't give my body to your mother.

I dropped the note as Sonny picked it up and read it. "How do we know this isn't from our mom?" Sonny asked.

I shrugged. "I guess we'll find out by Listening to it."

Sonny didn't seem to happy. "No...."

"What do you mean no....we've been following these rules anyway!"

"What if someone threatens to hurt you? Or kill you? Or what if someone trys to kill me? I can't kill them?"

I nodded. "Yep."

Sonny shook his head. "That's going to put us in more danger. I don't think so. Maybe Sirah was lying, Maybe she is telling the cops right now! And you saw that boys expression! He might tell the cops too!"

"His name is Marshall, and I don't know okay? I think its time people stop relying on me for crap. Im fourteen! And I have to deal with all of this"

"That has Nothing to do with the fact that I might get arrested. Maybe even you for all I know! And who Ever wrote with note, mom, or Amber, there right! Once we both get arrested, Eleanor is going to a Foster home!"

I was going to scream off the top of my lungs. I didn't want too, I think I learned something new about myself today. I've been holding in to much anger

"Don't even say that Sonny! I Don't want her to go to a Foster home at all and you know that!"

"Well, Maybe she should go to a Foster home! Were putting her in to much danger!"

"What the hell? What are you saying? No!"

"Don't you think that note is just a Little weird? Ellie I don't trust this note. I don't even know if I trust you anymore. We've been growing apart."

I felt a pool of tears rushing down my face. "W-what are you trying to say? You don't trust me anymore? Well....I can't trust you anymore either!"

"Fine! Whatever! I don't care! I don't know what the hell happened to you but your just a mess lately!"

"Oh, im a mess? Look at you! You can't even pay for this apartment! Soon we need to move because of that! So don't call me a mess!"

"Oh Yea? At least im not the one who killed Mallory!"

I was shocked. How could he say that to me. I did think it was my fault for a very long time. I still sort of believe it was. Sonny always said it wasn't. I guess it was....

I realized that I was crying really badly.

"Oh, God Ellie..... I didn't mean that, its not your fault...."

With Eleanor in my hands, I ran out of the apartment. Planning to never come back.


Team Sonny? Or Team Ellie? Comment!

And I must team Ellie!!! 


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