Many Reasons

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"What do you want...."

"I want you dead."


".....many reasons."

"Just let Jack go."

The phone made a noise. That type of noise when someone hangs up on you. The noise that I did not want to hear. I want Jack to live....



"Come here..."

He came over to me. "What?"

"I meant to ask you, what did you do with Amber's body...?"

"Your asking me this now?"

"Its important Sonny!"

"I gave it to someone...okay?"

I was about to scream at him but I realized Chrissy was still here. Chrissy was blankly looking at us, I realized we were whispering really loud.



"Was discussing Amber really that important?" Sonny asked.

"Yes! I pretty sure mom just kill Jack and Kara kill Veronica and she's probably going to kill me because she is screwed up and I think Darin is in danger and I think you guys are too and so is Eleanor..... Sonny who the hell did you give the body too?"

"Uh.... no one..."

"No one? Okay. Listen Chrissy it was so nice meeting you but I have to go. Please keep your eye on Eleanor, thanks."


Sonny's POV

I don't know who the hell Veronica is. I don't know who Darin is either. And I barley know Kara.

But Ellie just walked out, but im not really mad at her. Im mad at myself. But first I just need to calm down Chrissy.

"S-should I call the cops...."

"No! No baby....don't please..."

"But....this is illegal!"

"I know I know....I just need to tell you everything okay?"

This was going to be hard.


Ellie's POV

I walked down the road as Darin followed. "Im under a lot of stress right now." I said slowly.

"I can tell....can I ask you something"

"Go ahead."

"Are we official?"

"What? What the hell does that mean?"

"Are we dating?"

"Oh....I don't know..."

"Listen Ellie I- "


"Ellie.... "


"Who is that...?"


"Behind you..."

I turned around and saw a shadow.



Revenge (Part Three To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now