The Meeting

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   "Here it goes" said Y/n to herself nervously it was her first day at her new school APCS and she
was terrified. She had gotten bullied at her old school for being "too silly and goofy" she opened the door with her sweaty hands and walked in to her first bell, Drama. All the boys heads turned at the sight of her. "Shes so hot!!!!!" Exclaimed Linus the nerd Aspen, Linus girlfriend hit him after he said that "shhh kitten your my favorite always" said Linus to calm his kittens nerves "Oh my god I'm drooling!!!" Said Parker the jock "But she's not as pretty as me right?" That was Adler the popular and sexiest girl in school of course she was dating Parker they were the hottest couple in town "Of Course your the prettiest I love you Adler!" Said Naomi she was Adler's bestie and secretly in love with her "what was that?" Asked Adler "oh nothing Adler." Replied Naomi embarrassed.
    Y/n examined &the class room that she will be spending her next 126 days in this year and giggled when she noticed someone. A short kid in the corner who was Offaly quiet. He was different than the rest of them he wasn't acting out or talking he was just chill. "Alright class!!" Mr. Jones, the Drama teacher yelled "it's time for class" "um, excuse me" Y/n said " were do I sit?" Mr jones replied "oh, my bad I forgot about you you can sit next to hmmm. Braylen" "Sorry but, whos Braylen?" Y/n asked "the kid sitting in front of Linus" Mr jones said "the kid in the orange hoddie?" Y/n asked "Yes, him." Mr. Jones replied. Y/n walked over to Braylen to intrudce herself "Hi Braylen, I'm Y/n" Y/n waited but Braylen did not reply "Did you hear me? I'm Y/n" Y/n said "I heard you I just don't care." Braylon scoffed coldly "OOH BURN" Ella, the class clown no, the class Circus exclaimed. "That's quite enough Ella" Mr Jones firmly said "Alright today we will be doing two person skits varying from comedy, romance, slice of life, and argumentative . "Linus and Aspen you will be doing a comedy skit. Adler and Naomi you will be doing a slice of life skit Parker and Ella you will be doing an Argumentative skit and..." Mr. Jones paused and looked around "oh, and Braylen and Y/n you will be performing a romance skit." Mr. Jones said "
   Shit" Y/n thought "first day and I'm already performing a romance skit with this Asshole?" "OOOOH" Parker said stupidly "Braylen has a girl friend! Braylen has a girlfriend!" Parker sang while Ella Laughed hysterically "Shut up!" Adler exclaimed "Stop acting like an idiot!" Adler scolded Parker "I'm sorry babe." Parker said then whispered "wanna go to the bathroom and have a little make up make out sesh?" Parker asked sensually "in a little bit" Adler said. "Well that's about all the time we have left class, look over your scripts when you get home and we will work on these tomorrow." Mr jones said everybody got up and left the classroom "Exuse me What homework do we have?" Jaylah, the nerd said as everybody groaned
    "I need to use the restroom" Y/n thought to herself she left and when to the girls bathroom in the basement to use the restroom she had a while to her next class anyways, as she walked in she notice someone. Adler and Parker making out "gross" Y/n thought to herself. She started debating even using the restroom as she watched in disbelief. Adler was sitting on the sink counter while Parker holding her and they were going at it. "Jesus Christ" Y/n thought to herself. She carefully walked in trying to make sure they didn't notice. "Babe!" Adler said muffled as Parker was still linking his lips with hers "BABE!" Adler screamed "What is it Babe?" Parker asked "LOOK!!!" Adler yelped Parker turned his head and saw Y/n trying to hurry up in a stall "Hey!" Adler said "Yes?" Y/n replied "What do you think your doing in her? Everybody knows that me and Parker make out in this bathroom every day after Drama" "Oh I'm- Sorry I'll I'll just leave." Y/n said nervously "You better watch what you do around here" Adler said "I run this school shoo" Adler rudely said "Who does this girl think she is?" Y/n thought. Y/n thought about saying something but didn't and quietly left as they continued there business.
   "Seems like my next class is English." Y/n said to herself. She rushed up the stairs and barely made it in time when she saw Adler hugging a girl " Oh my god!! Lucy, I hate drama I wish you were in it." Adler said excitingly to Lucy Adler's best friend who she honestly like more then Naomi "that's so gay" Ella stupidly blurted out "You better watch your mouth Ella you know what me and Adler are to this school." Lucy said. "Prank, Prank" Ella replied. "Hello everybody as you might know we have a new student, Y/n who will be in our class hopefully for the rest of the year." Mrs. Jones explained to the class "it's so weird this school has a Mr and Mrs jones and they are not related" Y/n thought to herself. "So, Y/n our class sits in tables of 4 as you can see why don't you sit in that table in the back with Francesca, Ella and Elke" Y/n nodded as she walked over to her seat "Do, re, mei, fa, So, La, TI, DO!"  Francesca sang loudly "Be, quiet Francesca I'm trying to focus." Lucy yelled from across the room. "Don't yell at my pookie!" Ella yelled back "Watch your mouth!" Adler barked "Yeah what she said!" Naomi said backing up Adler. "Ugh, I don't understand this!" Elke said struggling with her work "We just learned this!" Aspen screamed across the room "shhh kitten" Linus said "just pay attention to me" nothing much happened after that until...


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