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      The police arrived at Adlers house. Everyone was scrambling to get away. Running through her backyard and back windows to leave.  the police where inching towards Adlers house everyone was out but she still had to clean some stuff up she was almost done when she heard a knock on her door. So she went to open it.
       "Hello young lady, how are you doing tonight?" The policeman asked "Good." Adler replied. "I'm just here because I got a noise complaint from one of your neighbors everything okay?" The policeman explained. "Yes, sorry me and my friends were just having a sleep over they are asleep now. It won't happen again." Adler said. "Look you seem like a respectable young lady so I'm gonna let you off with a warning okay." The policeman said. "Thank you." Adler replied. "Alright have a nice night." The policeman said as he left Alders house.
"That's was a close one" Adler mumbled to herself as she walked upstairs. Adler was ready to just go to sleep. But when she opened her door to her bedroom she noticed someone. "Ahh!" Adler screamed not expecting Naomi to be on her bed. "What!" Naomi said sitting up right. "Nothing you just scared me, I wasn't expecting you here." Adler said "oh sorry I must have passed out" Naomi explained. "It's fine" Adler said. "you can spend the night if you want." Adler offered. "Yeah that would be nice." Naomi replied  "I'm Thirsty got anything to drink?" Naomi asked. "I'm not sure let me check" Adler told Naomi.
    The girls both went downstairs and Naomi wandered around the house. Naomi then went downstairs. "Hey I got your water!" Adler said but Naomi was nowhere to be seen. She then searched for her and when she went in the basement that's where she was. "Hey your basements cool it's not dirty like most people's." Naomi said. "Here's your water." Adler said. "Hey we're does this door lead too?" Naomi asked. "It's locked." Naomi pointed out. "Is there like dead bodies or something in there" Adler laughed "No, that's my dads wine cellar he doesn't let me go in there."  Adler said "Cool, so there's like expensive wine in there hugh?" Naomi asked. "Yep." Adler said. Naomi wandered around examining the basement. "Aww look at this." Naomi said, as she picked up an old picture of Adler from her childhood. "Oh that's when me and my dad my mom and my brother Robbie went to the Bahamas together." Adler said "it was so fun." "Hey what's this?" Naomi asked as she picked up a slip of paper that was sticking from the bottom of the picture. "I don't know, what is it?" Adler asked. Naomi flipped the tiny piece of paper over which read, 3502. "I thinks it a code." Naomi said. "I have an idea!" Naomi shouted in excitement as she went over to the wine cellar lock to put in the code. That's when the lock made a "ding!" Sound and, it was open. "Cool!" Naomi said as she went in the wine cellar. The cellar was the size of a small walk-in closet with rows full of expensive high end wine and beer. "I wonder how much this closet is worth." Naomi said to herself. "Hey we should drink one!" Naomi said. "Oh no we can't, my dad will be so mad." Adler said. "Come on there's so many in here surely he won't miss one!" Naomi said. "He probably wouldn't even notice!" Naomi added. Adler thought "fine, but just one!" Adler said. "Awesome!" Naomi said.
      Naomi took a wine from one of the shelves and looked at the flavor. "Raspberry sounds good." Naomi said. The girls then walked up stairs and Adler got out the wine glasses. "How are we even gonna open this?" Adler asked. "I'll figure it out." Naomi said as she banged the cork on the table. the Cork when flying across the room. Naomi then poured Adler and herself a glass. they filled their wine glasses up and went upstairs. They sat themselves comfortably on Adlers bed then talked. "So what's the deal with you and Lucy?" Naomi asked. "I honestly don't even know." Adler said "she's been acting weird." Adler added. "Well she's been trying to talk shit about you to me all night." Naomi said. "Are you serious?" Adler asked. "Yep." Naomi said. "What did she say?" Adler asked as Naomi poured both of them another glass of wine.  "She was whining about something really stupid and then called you a bitch." Naomi said. "She called me a bitch?" Adler asked shocked. "Yeah" Naomi replied. "What is her problem?" Adler said to herself. "I don't know but, looks like we're out of wine." Naomi pointed out. "Go downstairs and grab another!" Adler said. "What about your dad?" Naomi asked. "Eh, I don't give a shit" Naomi then went back downstairs to grab another bottle of wine. They drank and talked for a while, until eventually they were both completely wasted and not even thinking clearly anymore. "I don't even really like Parker anymore!" Adler blurted out. "Yeah! He's so stupid!" Naomi said as they laughed hysterically. "Hey you know what would be funny?" Naomi said. "Oh my god what?!" Adler asked. "If we just started like making out right now!" Naomi said they both giggled. "I dare you to do it right now!" Adler said. "Your on!" Naomi yelled as she grabbed Adler by the waist and sensually kissed her. "Wow your such a better kisser than Parker!" Adler said laughing as they continued to kiss. Naomi's heart fluttered as she went back to kiss her again Adler did not resist. They let themselves go in the moment as Naomi pinned Adler on the bed continuing to make out. They felt closer then they had ever been. Naomi noticed the view of head lights coming from Adlers window but ignored it. Adlers phone was blowing up but the girls were having so much fun Adler put it on silent. That's when Adlers window opened. "Parker?!" Naomi yelled as Adler quickly pushed Naomi off of her. "What the hell.." Parker said. "Parker what are you doing here!" Adler  yelled in a panic. "I always come here around this time to make out remember? Guess I know why you weren't answering my texts." Parker said. "Parker I can explain-" Parker cut Adler off "dont just dont." Parker said as he walked past them to leave out of the front door. Adler and Naomi followed. "Please parker it's not what you think! We can get through this!" Adler said. "No." Parker said. "Don't make this harder then it already is." Parker said. "We're done." Parker said as he began to leave. "No! Parker wait!" Adler yelled as she began to vomit on the ground. "ah Sick!" Parker yelled as he gave Adler a disgusted look and walked off. Adler and Naomi stood in silence while Adler silently started to shed tears. "I think it's best if you go." Adler said choked up. Naomi looked down at the ground then walked off. Adler was alone. Standing alone. Somehow she new it would always end up like this. Just not how.


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