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      The Security guards had managed to pull Adler off of Lucy. Her chest was pounding and she was full with adrenaline. Lucy was on the ground crying as the security guesses helped pick her up and escorted her to the nurses office. "I think I broke something!" Lucy screamed in a panic. A security guard still had Adler by the arm and he took her to the principals office.
     Adler sat down in the chair and crossed her arms. Lucy had managed to scratch her face and her nose was slightly bleeding but, besides that and her messed up hair she was fine. "I d  ok by even know what to say." Mr. Rowens, the principal said. "I'm very upset that you did this to my daughter but, I'm going to try and not have a bias." Mr. Rowens said. "Can you explain to me why this all happened?" Mr. Rowens asked in a calm demeanor. Adler did not reply, she stayed silent. "I'll ask again, Why did this happen?" Mr. Rowens asked again slightly more serious. "I don't wanna talk about it just expel me and I can go home." Adler said. "I'm not gonna expel you." Mr. Rowens said. "It is only your first offense." Mr. Rowens explained. "Fine, she's posted private pictures of me and another student and she stole my boyfriend." Adler summarized. "I wasn't planning to put my hands on her until she insinuated that I was insane and should be taking medication." Adler explained with a sour look on her face. "Okay, well I'm not gonna spend so much time here but, just so you know your not the only person getting punished here Lucy will also be reprimanded just not as bad since she didn't also participate in the fight as badly." Mr. Rowens explained. "I think it's best if you go home for now, I will contact your parents and they should be her shortly." Mr. Rowan's said as he escorted Adler to the main office. As Adler walked to her seat she saw Lucy going to her moms car. Adler felt a slight sense of guilt come over here when she saw how mess up she was. her eye was puffy and red and her nose was bleeding terribly. Her lip was scratched and bruised, And her left arm looked limp and out of place. Adler sat down and waited for someone to come and get her. She felt sad and embarrassed. Just a week ago she was the most popular girl at school with the hottest boyfriend, and now she was just that girl who got in a huge fight and won outside of the school. She took out her phone and put her head phones in listening to Nirvena, when suddenly her brother, Robbie walked in. "Hey, Adler. Dad and mom are busy so I'll drive you home." Robbie told asking. Adler quietly got up and left with Robbie.
     "What the hell were you thinking getting into a fight like that?" Robbie yelled at Adler Ridiculing her. "Stay out of it your bit my dad!" Adler yelled back. "Dads never home!" Robbie yelled. "I drove you everywhere and do everything I have since you were little!" Robbie screamed. Adler looked down ashamed for getting in an argument with Robbie. See Adler's Mom was always out buying stuff and drinking and her dad was never there because of his job. So, in a way Robbie was like her caretaker. Though, she still thought of him as a brother. Adler arrived at her house and walked in.
      Lucy was in the e.r being checked up. Her mom in the room. "Hey" said a voice comeing into the room, Parker. He had brought Lucy Lucy flowers. "Aw you brought me followers how sweet! What else?" Lucy asked. "Oh, um..." Parker stuttered. "That's all you brought?" Lucy said annoyed. "Yeah- I thought you would like it." Parker said looking down. Parker then put the flowers next to the hospital bed. Lucy positioned her self so she was sitting on the edge of the bed, Parker joined. Lucy then moved her head to kiss him. Parker moved back "Is this really appropriate for a hospital?" Parker questioned uncomfortably. "I think you need to stop talking and just kiss me." Lucy then leaned back in and they started kissing. Parker was okay with it sort of. He had accepted him an Adler broke up but after really getting to know Lucy he didn't really like her personality. Sure she was very pretty but, she could be very manipulative at times. He started to second guess himself though, maybe he was just the manipulative one.
        Y/n walked into the lunch room and immediately sat towards Braylen, it was the first time they had been together since he kissed her. "Hey!" Y/n said with a delightful smile on her face as she sat right next to Braylen snuggled up next to him. "Hey." Braylen said back blushing. "Can you believe that fight with Adler and Lucy?" Y/n asked Braylen. "It was a little shocking but I didn't think there friendship would last forever." Braylen said. "Honestly with everything that's happened just in the past week I'm over school, it doesn't seem like the most important thing right now." Y/n said. "Hey, I have an idea." Braylen said with an excited look on his face. "What is it? Y/n eagerly asked. "Why don't we just skip." Braylen said. Y/n's face turned from intrigued to questionable. "Before you say anything we only have 3 classes left anyways." Braylen said. Y/n thought for a moment "Sure!" Y/n said excitedly. "Okay, follow me!" Braylen said as the both walked out of the lunch room and out the back exit to his Car. Y/n was excited to see what they would do skipping, which she had never done before. Looks like things are getting heated between everyone. Will they make amends? Will You finally date Braylen?


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