The Skit

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It was the next day. Y/n was sitting on her bed and woke up to her cat, Stonk licking her elbow. "Stonk stop!" Y/n said giggling as she rolled over to check her phone "SHIT!" Y/n yelled as she looked at her clock which said 8:05 class starts at 8:30 "that's not enough time for me to get ready!" Y/n shouted in a panic. She quickly through an outfit together and bolted out the door. As soon as she arrived at the school she sprinted down the stairs and before she could even step into drama the late bell had rang. "Second day and your already running late." Mr jones pointed out "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Y/n told Mr jones when she heard someone mumbling from across the room "psst. Y/n!" Adler whispered. Y/n turned her head to see a piece of paper souring through the air directly to her when she un raveled it, it read "Hey, it's me Alder! We had so much fun yesterday the toenail joke was hilarious! I'm sad you left early. Anyways I'm having a party tonight at 7:00 you should totally come, it would be your first party at SCPA! Heart, Adler" Y/n read the note then crumbled it back up and put it in her back pack for later.
"Alright Class!" Mr jones said as the kids focused there attention to him "get in your groups and go over your skits" Mr jones said "There's not enough room for everyone to practice there skits peacefully in here so Braylen and Y/n you guys can work in the hallway" Mr jones explained "Ooo Braylen got Rizz" Parker said "ha ha W Rizz" Ella said "Knock it off!" Adler said to Parker sternly. The sounds of everyone messing around faded out as Braylen and Y/n enters the hallway. "So I guess we should get this skit out of the way" Braylen said as he began to read his first line "I love what you wrote for me" "I love what you drew for me" "it's probably been the most creative time of my life" "Me too. I wonder if anyone will see what we did." "It doesn't matter I did it for you" "I couldn't imagine a better person to be stuck at the end of the world with" they went on with skit for a while after and then stopped afterwards "Hey, about last night look I'm sorry, tonight Adler's having a party do you wanna come with me? Maybe they won't make fun of you if they think I like you" y/n said "You don't know them like I do that's not how they are like" Braylen replied "It's worth a try." Y/n said "Fine" Braylen said "just know this doesn't mean anything alright?" Braylen said Y/n nodded and they headed back into the classroom to collect there stuff. As Y/n began to leave the class room she was stopped by Adler "Hey Y/n!" Adler said "Hi Adler" Y/n replied "Did you get my note?" Adler asked "oh, yeah." Y/n replied "So, you comeing?" Adler asked "of course!" Y/n replied "Good." Adler said "Hey, sexy" Parker said from behind Adler resting his arm around her shoulder "Now, if you'll excuse me." Adler said "I have to go the bathroom" Adler giggled as she gave Parker a sensual kiss as she walked to the bathroom before English.
Y/n walked up the stairs and into her second bell, English with 3 minutes to spare she sat in her seat to study when she heard a voice comeing from behind her "Hey!" She looked back to see Elke looking desperately at her "You look smart, Can you help me with this math homework please??" Elke said with her eye bags so heavy it was probably marking her shorter "oh um, sorry I have a different math class than you" Y/n said "We have different assignments" Y/n explained "hey stop bothering her!" Francesca said "Nobody's gonna help you with your math homework just pay attention!" Francesca yelled. Y/n sighed and looked around the classroom she saw Raiyvn, doing her homework quietly Aspen and Linus cuddling in the corner, gross Francesca and Ella talking. Lucy and Naomi gosssiping and then Looked to the door seeing Parker and Adler walk in together. They embraced and walked to there assigned seats when the bell rang while Y/n thought.
Y/ns mind was all over the place while Mrs. Jones was giving everyone a lecture about and upcoming assignment Y/n was thinking about her first meeting with Braylen the incident with Braylen at MC'Bonalds the skit with Braylen and, Adlers party she's going too with Braylen. "Why does everything have something to do with Braylen?" Y/n thought she barely knew this kid but yet it's all she could think about. She had to know more. No, she Needed to know more. "Y/n!" Y/n ignored the sound a kept thinking when someone poked her "Pay attention goofy!" Ella said. Suddenly Y/n regained her consciousness and focused her attention to Mrs. Jones "Do you mind answering my question Y/n?" Mrs jones said while she tried to remember what she said. "Bruh" Ella said giggling Mrs jones sighed then asked "What did Oberon and Titania do this chapter Y/n ?" Y/ns mind went blank as she realized she had zoned out the entire class when the bell rang "Saved by the bell" Mrs jones said as Y/n gathered her things and left with the other students "Hey Y/n!" Adler shouted "I forgot to ask but, me Lucy, Parker and Naomi always meet at my house before my parties around 5:00 to get ready and talk wanna join?" Adler asked "Sure!" Y/n replied "Okay, fun!" Adler said as Y/n walked to her next class Math. The whole time walking to Math class she couldn't stop thinking about Braylen About the party she had to know more.


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