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Today is graduation. Everybody's gathered together for one final day in a hot sweaty gym. Everybody's dressed head to toe in their graduation gowns with their caps. Ready to move on with their lives. But Adler still has some unfinished business. "Hey Naomi" adler says Naomi quickly turns around. She looks happy and she's smiling."Oh hey." Naomi responds.
"I just wanted to say that. Everything that happened between us was messed up and I'm sorry.
Naomi paused
"It-it's okay I've gotten over things and I'm good now."
Naomi says looking down
"Well I know it probably doesn't matter that much to you but I do miss you.
"Yeah, I miss you too."
They both smile at each other obligatorily
"Well I guess I'll see you around?" Adler says "Yeah" Naomi reply's. They both turn away. Something about how everything ended between them is so bittersweet. They got the closure they needed after all. Adler took a deep breath and felt a tear come up in her eye. She felt very emotional about the whole thing with Naomi. Naomi deserved better and she knew Naomi would get what she deserved without Adler. And Adler was okay with that finally.
Naomi walked away and felt fulfilled. She missed Adler but she knew the way Adler made her feel wasn't the way she should feel. As long as they were on good terms Naomi was okay with not being friends. Besides her and Kelly have already gotten very close.
Parker showed up to graduation despite his situation. He left his baby with his sister Fiona. He sat alone until graduation started when everyone got into there assigned spot.
They called names until they got to Lucy. You could hear a pin drop. They called for her again but she didn't show up. There was a moment of awkward silence until they moved onto the next person. Everybody had heard about her disappearance. People were shocked they even still called her name. Nobody knew where she was except that she was somewhere far far away.
    When Parker's name got called a baby in the audience started crying. Everybody knew the rumors but nothing was confirmed. Some said it was his sister's baby. Or that Lucy cheated on him. But nobody knew for sure what happened or if Parker even had a kid. Parker quickly walked off the stage and rushed out of the room before anybody could even start clapping.
When Adler got called only a few people clapped in the audience but she didn't care. Her parents didn't show up. They were always too "busy". but Robbie was proudly supporting her. She didn't mind that not many people clapped because she knows her self worth and is proud of herself. She got a great gpa of 3.8 and knew she could get into a good college and start over.
Naomi went to get her diploma. It was mostly normal except for when someone in the crowd shouted. "Nice tits lesbo!" People in the audience turned their heads to see who it was but they couldn't tell. She thought that this was over that it was behind her. Naomi walked off stage embarrassed holding back tears and made a quick glance at Adler who was looking at her sympathetically . But Kelly quickly consoled her.
When Braylens name got called he could hear Y/n's name cheering the loudest. She was always his bigggest supporter. He grabbed his diploma and marched proudly off stage.
Finally it was Y/n's turn to get her diplomas. as she walked up she thought about the memories she had made this year and how different her like would be if she didn't come to that school, APCS. And she thought about the way if she never came here how she would have never met Braylen. And how she could have missed the chance to meet such a wonderful person who she loved so dearly. Surely he was the love of her life, her soulmate.
After all the names were called Aspen, the valedictorian made a wonderful speech about the school year. She gained a new confidence after breaking up with her terrible boyfriend Linus who was pouting in the audience when people clapped for her.
"Congratulations class of 2023!" Mr Rowan's said.he showed up despite the recent disappearance of his daughter Lucy. He was deceitfully cheerful. And honestly, it was a little unsettling. "We are so happy to have made it to the end of the year with everybody. There may have been some bumps along the way but we did it. I'm so proud of each and everyone of you and how far you have come since the beginning of the year." Mr Rowan's speech was heartwarming at first but quickly dragged on and became boring. The crowd was tired and everybody was ready for this year to depart. So I guess this is the end. Everybody parted ways said there final good byes and hugs before the day was over.
The end...For now

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