The Dreadfull Weekend

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     It was still the day of the party. Parker was standing in the rain, cold and wet. Waiting for the light on the cross walk to turn green. Absolutely devastated., The only thing he could think about was Adler. He could barley hold back tears when someone suddenly put an umbrella over his head.  "Lucy?" Parker asked. "Hey" Lucy said. "Why are you standing in the rain.?" Lucy asked. "Something...happened." Parker said blowing off her question. "It was Adler, wasn't it?" Lucy said. Parker looked down "Yeah" Parker quietly answered.  "She seems to just bring out the worst in people doesn't she." Lucy said. "I guess so." Parker said. "Don't let her get to you." Lucy said. "I don't know why you ever stayed with her" Lucy said. "What do you mean?" Parker asked turning his head to face Lucy. "I just mean that your obviously the most attractive guy in the school." Lucy said. "And she never really appreciated you." Lucy continued. "I mean you had to notice every time you would say something she would call you and idiot or make you feel bad." Lucy said. "Yeah, your right." Parker said. "I would never treat you that way." Lucy said. "I'd appreciate you for you." Parker smiled and Lucy positioned her self closer to him under the umbrella. "I always thought you were funny." Lucy said. "And cute." Lucy added. "What about you?" Lucy asked. "I mean, I've always found you pretty." Parker said. Lucy smiled then said. "Okay charmer." Lucy said while they both giggled. Lucy then leaned in for a kiss. Parker was shocked at first but, did not resist.
      The whole weekend all Adler could do was sulk and pity herself. She had called and texted Parker about 100 times but he never responded. Meanwhile, Y/n had just woken up in a random persons house. "Where am I!" Y/n shouted as she jolted up from the couch she was laying on. Her head was spinning. "What happened?" Y/n said as she grabbed her throbbing head and hot up to search around. "It's about time you woke up." Braylen said. "What happened?" Y/n asked. "We went to Adlers party and you kept on taking a lot of shots." Braylen said. "Really?" Y/n asked. "I don't even remember doing that." Y/n explained. "You must of blacked out." Braylen said. "Blacked out?" Y/n asked. "It's what happened when you drink to much and you don't have a good tolerance for it. You forget what your doing." Braylen said. "What day is it?" Y/n asked. "It's Saturday, 4:00." Braylen told Y/n. "You were out for a long time." Braylen said. Y/n groaned as she went to grab her throbbing head. "Your hung over." Braylen explained. "Here put this on your head." Braylen said as he handed a hot towel to Y/n. "Thank you." Y/n said. "Nobody's ever been this nice to me before." Y/n said. Braylen cracked a slight smile as Y/n drifted off back to sleep.
      "Pick up!" Adler screamed at her phone as she began to call Parker again. Adler was falling apart. She was a mess. Her hair was I brushed and in knots and her house was a wreck. Her entire life she had done so much to achieve was falling apart, she was distraught. Some might even say Manic. She knew it was her fault that all of this even happened but she didn't care. Adler couldn't even be in her room without crying. That's when Robbie came downstairs. "What is wrong with you!?" Robbie shouted at Adler. "My band is coming over today and this mess better be cleaned up!" Robbie yelled as he stormed back upstairs to turn his loud metal music back on. Adler reluctantly picked herself out of the couch to pick her stuff up. There were tissues scattered everywhere along with water bottles and any other thing she had been doing to try and make her feelings go away. She didn't have the energy to clean up she just shoved everything under the couch and went upstairs were she passed out on her bed.
      It was now Sunday. Adler faked called in sick for her job still depressed, she was dreading having to go to school the next day. Meanwhile Y/n woke up again still in Braylens house. She felt slightly better but still sick. "Hey Braylen" Y/n said. "What day is it?" Y/n asked "its Sunday afternoon now." Braylen said. "I think I can go now" Y/n said. When she stood she was still wobbly and her dress was wrinkled and one of the straps was hanging off her shoulder. She pushed through and continued to inch her way towards the front door."Wait!" Braylen yelled. "What?" Y/n asked. "Please stay." Braylen asked as his eyes softened and he looked down towards the ground. Y/n had seen a different side of Braylen she had never seen before. "It's just- Braylen stuttered. "I-I never get any company nobody every comes to see me since." Braylen got cut off by Y/n "you don't have to explain." Y/n said "I know you cheated." Y/n said. "I didn't cheat though!" Braylen yelled. "Lucy and Adler made that up! We broke up mutually and I thought we were okay, until I came to school the next day to find that everyone was excluding me from everything and, everyone thought I was a terrible person!" Braylens voice cracked as his eyes became watery.  Y/n walked over to Braylen. "I don't think your a bad person." Y/n said. Braylen smiled as Y/n wiped away his tears and they hugged. In there embrace, Y/n noticed Braylens heart was pounding and his face became pink. "I'll stay for tonight." Y/n said. "Do you have anything more comfortable I can change into?" Y/n asked. "Oh yeah." Braylen said as he ran upstairs and brought Y/n an old Baggy T-Shirt with boxers. "I know it looks ratty but it's clean." Braylen said. "The bathrooms over there." Braylen said as he handed the clothes to Y/n. There relationship had grown for the better. The both understand each other contently. I wonder what school on Monday will be like?


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