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It was still Monday, first period. Parker and Lucy were making out in the bathroom. "Your such a good kisser." Lucy said to Parker as she released from their make out. "I just have a question though." Lucy said. "What is it?" Parker asked. "It's just, what's the real reason you and Adler broke up?" Lucy asked. Parker looked down at the floor. "I won't tell anyone if that's what your wondering." Lucy said. "So basically I walked in on Adler making out with someone." Parker said. "Oh my gosh that's horrible!" Lucy said. "So who was it?" Lucy asked. "It was...Naomi." Parker said. Lucy's eyes widened as her jaw dropped. "No way." Lucy said. "Well it's almost time for second period. Tootles!" Lucy said.
It was second period. Y/n was still thinking about her and Braylens kiss. Every time she thought about him she smiled. She was falling for him hard. "Hey Y/n!" Ella yelled, catching Y/n out of her day dream. "Oh, hi Ella." Y/n said. "So, what's the deal with you and Braylen. Why did you walk in with him this morning?" Ella asked "Nothing." Y/n said. "We just happened to walk in at the same time." Y/n said. "Sure..." Ella said not convinced. Y/n was not paying attention at all for the rest of the day.
It was now lunch period and Y/n quickly sat next to Braylen giddy to talk to him. Naomi was sitting alone this time. Adler was in the bathroom . She had skipped all her classes and was still sobbing. Lucy walked in alone without Parker and sat next to Naomi. Naomi was oblivious to the whole situation. "Hey Naomi!" Lucy said excitedly. "Hi." Naomi said. "What's wrong?" Lucy asked. "It's nothing." Naomi said shrugging off her question. "Hey I know when my best friend is down." Lucy said. Naomi cracked a slight smile. "You okay?" Lucy said. "To be honest no.. I'm not." Naomi said. "Oh no! What happened?" Lucy asked. "I can't really tell you it's just a lot has happened." Naomi said. "That's okay I won't pressure you into anything." Lucy said. "Thanks for trying to be there for me anyways." Naomi said. "Of course I would be there for you! That's what friends are for." Lucy said. "Oh by the way, I'm totally stupid and forgot my phone at home!" Lucy said. "Silly me, well I need to call my mom, is it okay if I borrow your phone for a second?" Lucy asked. "Oh of course you can." Naomi said. "Anytime." Naomi added as she got her phone out of her back back and handed it to Lucy. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Lucy yelled excitedly . "Your a life saver! I'll be right back!" Lucy yelled as she swiftly walked out of the Cafeteria.
But, Lucy was not planning on calling her mom. As soon as she was out of the Cafeteria Lucy opened up Naomi's phone and went snooping on her camera app she found a picture she had taken of Her and Adler making out. She then sent the photos to herself on Naomi's phone and quickly saved them on her phone and deleted them off of Naomi's phone. She then logged into her secret tweeter account and posted them tagging the school. She then put her phone away and walked back into the Cafeteria. "Thank you so much again!" Lucy said to Naomi as she handed her her phone back. "It's no problem." Naomi said. Y/n was all over Braylen she had a huge crush. "Are you gonna drive me home?" Y/n asked. "Yeah if you want me too." Braylen said. "I should totally spend the night sometime again, don't you think?" Y/n said. "Yeah that would be fun." Braylen said. "Yeah." Y/n said giggling. "What is wrong with you?" Braylen asked. What do you mean?" Y/n said. "Your just being strange." Braylen said. "I think I'm acting normal." Y/n said. "I don't know your just really giggly." Braylen said. "I just think it's maybe are kiss from earlier it gave us weird tension." Braylen said. "Yeah." Y/n agreed. Braylen cheeks became bright red then he said. "I need to use the bathroom." And got up quickly to leave. "Weird." Y/n thought to herself.
Y/n then noticed the whole cafeteria was looking at there phones. So she went to check hers. It was a notification to tweeter. "Now way." Y/n said to herself as she looked at the imagine on twitter. It was posted by a random account of Naomi and Adler makeing out. "This can't be real." Y/n thought to herself as she inspected the image carefully and realized it very much was real. There was no way it could have been photoshopped. The whole Cafeteria was gossiping. Y/n looked over to Naomi who had just checked her phone. Naomi quickly stood up and scurried out of the Cafeteria. Adler quickly found Naomi. Who was standing in the hallway crying. "What the hell!" Adler screamed. "When did you take these?!" Adler yelled. "I don't know!" Naomi screamed. "I don't remember!" Naomi said. "Did you post them?!" Adler asked. "No, I don't know who posted them!" Naomi screamed. "Now everybody knows, it's all your fault!" Adler screamed. "This was supposed to just blow over!" Adler yelled. "Stop yelling at me!l Naomi shouted as she began to cry and ran off to another bathroom. Adler also began to cry and ran out of the school through the back door. "I feel bad for Naomi and Adler." Y/n thought to herself. "It's bad they cheated but it's wrong to just post this without there permission" Y/n thought as she turned off her phone. There it was the truth was out. Everybody Now knows about Naomi and Adler it wasn't supposed to be like this but sometimes life isn't always fair.


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