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After English nothing else happened until Y/n ran into someone "Hey!" Adler said in a energetic tone as Y/n wondered why all of the sudden she was being so civil Adler spoke again "Remember me? I'm Afraid I haven't properly introduced Myself Im Adler and?" "Y/n my name is Y/n" Y/n added "Aw, that's such a interesting name!" Adler slyly remarked "Well me, Lucy" Adler paused "And..Naomi are heading to MC'Bonalds like we always do after school. If you join maybe I'll forgive your rude interruption from earlier." Y/n sighed "I thought maybe she wasn't as rude as I thought but maybe I was wrong." Y/n thought to herself "As you probably already know, My Dad is the CEO of MC'Bonalds and I'm a manger there. My shifts every day after school Lucy and Naomi usually talk while I work, then again I don't do any work anyways because if they fired me my dad would just fire them" Adler giggled annoyingly and then Walked away leaving Y/n "So you coming or not?" Adler barked "oh um.." Y/n said then thought "Sure. Why not." Y/n replied "Good choice" Adler remarked "Now, follow me"
     as the girls walked Lucy and Naomi gossiped "Oh my god" Lucy said to Naomi "Ella is really getting on my last nerve she always has something to say" Lucy whined "True, True" Naomi agreed "I mean like 3 strikes and your out the next time she says anything I'm gonna tell the whole school that she has bunions I mean you know how much pride she takes in her nasty feet" Lucy said "Ooo, you think people will believe it?" Naomi asked "of course they will believe it Naomi, you know how convincing I am"   Lucy added "Gezze- do these girls have nothing better to talk about?" Y/n thought to herself "Pay attention Girls!" Adler yelled "We're here."
     As they walked into MC'Bonalds Y/n examined the area as she noticed someone sitting in one of the booths, Braylen, the kid from earlier who she was partners with. "Looks like all the ass holes congregate here" Y/n thought to herself and giggled then her eyes lingered over to Adler who was talking to a boy? No, A girl. A person you couldn't really make out who was standing behind a register with there hair in front of there face "It's time for my shift Lee" Adler said "You better not be up to anything" Adler said. Lee mumbled something under there breath and then went to go take drive thru orders. "Y/n!" Naomi shouted "Come sit over here with us." Naomi said while Lucy lead her over to a booth next to window overlooking outside seating. "So. Y/n do you have a crush on anyone?" Lucy asked "Oh, no I just got here." Y/n replied "Oh come one you have to like someone" Lucy added "I mean I just don't know yet" Y/n answered "Aw your no fun!" Lucy said "what about you Naomi?" Lucy asked "um!" Naomi said while her cheeks became an array of reds "Your blushing! You have to like someone" Lucy said taunting Naomi "I don't like anyone." Naomi said "Who do you like?" Lucy pried "I told you, I don't like anyone!" Naomi said getting flustered "Who is it? Is it Y/n?" "No." "Parker?" "No!" "Linus?" "NO!" "Adler?" "NO!" Naomi shouted one last time. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore Lucy! I don't like anyone!" Naomi shouted at her. And the room went silent.
     "Hey Girls!"Adler said chattily "I brought you guys drinks, on the house of course." Adler said while everyone was still silent "Damn what happened here?" Adler said "It's nothing" Naomi said "Alright" Adler said still suspicious "ew look at that kid over there" Adler said giggling "oh my god is that Braylen?" Lucy asked. "That guy is so weird now." Naomi said. "Guys I have a hilarious idea!" Lucy said containing her laughter. "Did he order anything?" Lucy asked "Yeah" Adler replied. "A Sprite and the MC'Bonalds burger with extra lettuce." Adler restated from her notes "You should totally put something gross in his food!" Lucy added while everyone Cackled "Your so funny Lucy!" Adler added "What should I put in there?" Adler asked "I don't know like toenails or something!" Lucy said "Oh my god! I'm so gonna do that!" Adler said and then walked off to the back counter "Is she actually gonna do this?" Y/n thought "that's so mean". Adler came out of the back with a seemingly harmless order in her hands everything was just what Braylen ordered A sprite and the MC'Bonalds burger with extra lettuce." Adler sat the order at his table "A sprite and the MC'Bonalds burger, of course with extra lettuce. made just for you!" Adler said in the fakest nice voice possible. "Thanks.." Braylen said softly waiting for Adler to leave. "You can leave now.." Braylen said "No I wanna see you eat it." Adler said "I Made it special just for you" Adler said with a smirk on her face. Braylen looked down at his shoes before Adler added "Come on. Eat it!" Braylen took a bite out of his burger and slowly chewed right as he was about to swallow he felt something not right. "What's wrong? don't like it?" Adler said Braylen then coughed up a toenail out of his mouth. Adler, Lucy and Naomi cackled as Braylen went to the trash can to spit up his food and walked out of there without a word.
     The girls laughter ringed in Y/n's ears as she new in that moment what she needed to do "Sorry girls I have to go!" Y/n blurted out "What? Why?" Naomi asked "Uh.." y/n quickly made up a lie on the spot "I forgot I have to.. pick up my cat! From the grommers so bye!" Y/n quickly said as she jumped out of her seat and dashed do the door. "Hey wait!" Y/n yelled but Braylen kept walking "Hey Braylen!" Y/n shouted at Braylen and ran after him until he stopped "hey I know we got off at the wrong foot but what Adler and everyone did in there was wrong. They are so rude" Y/n said "Hey later do you wanna-" Stop!" Braylen yelled "just leave me alone! You don't understand Nobody does!" Braylen yelled at Y/n leavening her speechless. "Listen it's just best you leave me alone... All my friends always leave me and I know you would to." Braylen said "I-" Y/n began to say something put did not an watched silently as Braylen walked away
     "I can't go back in to MC'Bonalds" Y/n thought  "then they will know something's up" Y/n decided she would just walk to her house since it was only a block away as she walked she reflected on the day she had just had. Ready to go home and sleep, by the time she got to her house it was 5:00. Her cat Stonk welcomed her home and rubbed against her legs she then walked to her room and was out as soon as she hit her bed. The question now is, What will happen Tomorrow?


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