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    It was the end of Adlers shift at MC'Bonalds . She had accepted the fact that her social life would never be the same. She would never be best friends with Naomi and Lucy again. And, she would never date Parker again. She decided she needed to amend some things. When Adler was done with her shift her brother, Robbie picked her up. Adler got in the car quietly. "You okay?" Robbie asked. "I'm fine" Adler said. "Just thinking" Adler added. "Hey you know I'm always here for you" Robbie told Adler. "Even if your annoying sometimes." Robbie said. "I'm fine ." Adler assured Robbie. "Before we go home can you take me somewhere?" Adler asked
Robbie pulled up to a random house he didn't know. "Is this the right place?" Robbie asked. "Yeah" Adler said as she began to open the car door. "Stay here I'll be back in a second." Adler said as she hopped out of the car. Adler walked up to the front door, her chest was pounding. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. That's when it opened, it was Braylen. "What are you doing here?" Braylen asked. "I needed to tell you something." Adler said. "Go on." Braylen said as he crossed his arms. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Adler said and let out a long belated sigh. "What are you trying to do?" Braylen asked. "I'm not in the mood for one of your sick jokes." Braylen said annoyed. "There is no joke." Adler said. "I'm really truly sorry." Adler said. "It was wrong for me to humiliate you all those times and, to let Lucy spread those rumors about you." Adler said. "You don't mean that." Braylen coldly scoffed. "I swear I do!" Adler said. Braylen's gaze softened as he realized the sincerity of Adlers apology. "I don't expect you to forgive me, or really care I just wanted you to know." Adler said. They stood there for a minute when Adler walked away Braylen then lightly closed the door behind her. Adler then got back in the car. "Wanna go anywhere else?" Robbie asked. "No." Adler replied. "Just home." Adler added. Robbie turned his car on and they drove home.
Lucy was sitting on her bed spreading more rumors and lies on her burner tweeter account. See, Lucy was the type of person when she was upset she had to make everyone else suffer with her. She had to take her own misery or, her idea of misery. On other people that's just how she was. It's how she made herself feel better. Lucy giggled as she looked at her phone, the photo she posted of Naomi and Adler making out got thousands of retweets and comments. "That's so hot, got a video?" Linus commented. "BRO WHAT ‼️‼️" Naser commented, class clown along with Ella. "I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THEM BEING GAY!" Ella commented. "What about Parker?" Rayvin commented. "I think they broke up." Jaylah replied to Rayvin's comment. That's when Lucy logged into her actual account. She then commented. "You should take this down, it's a private moment between them that's just wrong." Lucy commented and then smirked. Lucy was a master manipulator. She knew how to make herself look like an angel while everyone else was terrible. After she commented people replied to her applauding her empathy. "Lucy's right, why would someone post that?" Raving quickly replied. "Someone was clearly trying to sabotage them." Elke commented. "I would do the Sam lol Adler is a B-I-T-C-H‼️‼️" Naser commented. Lucy laughed and twirled around her room. She had gotten everything she wanted. Popularity, a boyfriend and a good reputation. She had put herself on a pedestal where everyone was beneath her. As she pranced around giddy, she heard her phone ringing. "Who could that be?" Lucy said as she picked up her phone and answered it without looking at the contact name. "Hello?" Lucy said. "Hey it's me." Said a voice behind the screen, Parker. "What do you want." Lucy scoffed. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not following through earlier. I just was still sad about my break up with Adler and I shouldn't have gotten in a relationship so fast without fully processing it but, I still wanna stay with you j think your pretty and kind and would love to stay in a relationship." Parker explained. "I don't know, Parker it was very disrespectful to say no back there. We are in a relationship you have to give me what I want or I can't be with you anymore." Lucy said. "I'll do anything you say I just really wanna be with you." Parker said. "I'm still iffy I mean I feel like your guilt tripping me here. It's your fault this happened." Lucy said. "I'm not trying to guilt trip you, I just wanna be with you Lucy please." Parker begged. "Fine, I'll stay with you. But only if you do what I ask of you when it comes to intimacy." Lucy said. "Yes I'll do anything." Parker said. "Alright I'll keep you around see you tomorrow babe." Lucy said. Parker sighed in relief. "Okay thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow babe." Lucy then hung up and smiled. She had Parker wrapped around her pretty little finger. She could make him do anything for her even if he really wasn't comfortable with it. Just what she wanted.
     Adler was home, sitting on her bed. She was staring at her phone dumbfounded looking at the tweeter post. All she could do was stare in shock. She knew it was someone at the school who posted this but who? She scrolled through all the comments some pitied hers others didn't. She didn't want pity she just wanted it deleted. She should have to deal with the mixed emotions by herself not with the whole school. She had to know who posted this, she needed to know who posted this. She just remembered her brother,  Robbie is great with hacking though, will Adler find out?


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