Over Thinking or Under Thinking?

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"Nightmare," Cross called up to the king once they were alone in the throne room. Nightmare hummed in response, looking quite comfortable as he rested upon the throne. Cross stepped up the platform's stairs to reach him. When he went to so boldly join his lover on the throne, he wasn't shoved away. Nightmare merely shifted to allow him to find a more comfortable spot on his lap. It is 'our' throne after all.

"I'd like a favor, involving your magic," Cross explained, sitting sideways on his lap so he could meet his gaze yet have enough room to flip open his book. A tendril rested behind his spine, which he leaned back against so he could be more comfortable. He found the spot where the four pages were missing. "Paperjam is quite far from the castle. While the pages are gone, I don't want to risk leaving home. If something happens, I need to be by your side for it," Cross explained before he tilted his head. "Sometimes you speak to me through magic when I'm not in sight. Is it possible you could connect me to Paperjam in a similar manner?"

"I can do that for you," Nightmare replied with a nod before another tendril brushed the underside of Cross's jaw. "But you know all my favors must be repaid. And we're currently all alone," He pointed out with a purr. Cross knew that tone of voice. He hummed and closed the book, hiding it within his coat again. I can spare a moment.

Nightmare went to try and kiss him, but Cross boldly placed a hand on his chest and shoved him right back against the throne before their fangs had the chance to touch. "Ah, you know who calls the shots after the mood is set," Cross warned. Nightmare gave a small growl in response, though he didn't argue. He waited on Cross to make a move. "Better," He mused before he shifted his position to easier kiss Nightmare. On his lap, he seemed taller than Nightmare, though in reality it was the other way around.

He stopped as soon as he heard the woosh of an opening door. There wasn't much hiding or recovering from their obvious activity. The most Cross had time to do was let Nightmare sit up properly so it seemed he hadn't just been acting submissive towards his own guard. Cross shut his eyes and furrowed his brow, refusing to glance towards whoever had interrupted their intimacy. Nightmare on the other hand snarled and cast them a harsh glare which radiated pure hatred.

"What the hell do you want? And know that if you do not answer in less than ten words, I'll behead you," Nightmare threatened.

There was a moment of silence. "Uhm... Right," The monster muttered back. That sounds like Killer.

"Eight words now," Nightmare growled in warning. His tendrils were twitching with his annoyance. Cross managed to catch one beneath his palm, out of sight from their unwanted guest. He gently ran his thumb along the tendril, attempting to sooth its little spasms. Only that one tendril stopped twitching.

Killer cleared his throat. "Your just needed at the front gates, my-"

Nightmare silenced him by swiftly raising a hand. "Shut up, you're out of words now," He reminded him before he let out a long irritated sigh. "Get out. I'll be there in a moment," He told Killer, signaling dismissively with his free tendrils. It didn't take long for the door to thud shut after that. Nightmare growled again, leaning back against the throne with clear frustration. "I can never seem to catch a break," He complained.

"You need to better enforce your subjects knocking first," Cross noted.

"I do..." Nightmare agreed. He gently tapped Cross with a tendril to ask him off. He slipped from the king's lap, allowing him to stand. "I best check to see what all the fuss is about. I won't be too far," He told Cross. He yawned, which Cross found oddly adorable. We could both use time to relax and unwind. "In the meanwhile I'll establish that connection between you and Paperjam. It will last until one of you purposefully breaks from my magic," He offered. Cross nodded in return. He trusted the trio to keep an eye on his beloved king in his absence.


Your magic never fails to impress me, Nightmare.

Cross's corner within the library was as dark as ever, though the book's magic lit the pages within, meaning candles were no longer necessary to read. He had the book open on his desk, staring in frustration at the empty space where Nightmare's portrait once was. "I don't know who has them, or what damage they're going to cause," He spoke to seemingly no one. It felt odd, speaking into an empty room yet being heard by someone within the anti-void. "But taking all four pages must mean some serious trouble."

Paperjam's response held a hint of hesitance. When they finally spoke, it sounded as if they were right in front of Cross, though he knew that wasn't the case. "Error must have taken them before I had the chance to steal back the book," They replied evenly, calm as can be.

"If Errors the one who stole the pages, then why hasn't he already used them against us? He isn't exactly the most merciful monster out there. If he could, he'd strike," Cross pointed out. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Not to mention Error's page is missing as well. Why would he bother to take something he can't even use?" He questioned. This just seems strange. There has to be more to it. He noticed Paperjam's prolonged silence. "Why are you so calm, PJ?"

"Because I understand," They replied. Cross could hear the hint of a smile in their voice. "Stealing your own page is actually a smart move. It means no one else can use it against you," They explained. Cross gave a low hum. I suppose that adds up. "As for Error's apparent lack of action, I believe that's because he can't do anything," They suggested. "The pages alone may not be enough if the book itself is the source of magic."

Is that right? "How can you be so sure?"

They didn't miss a beat with their response. "I'm the one who found and wrote the book, aren't I?" They mused. Yes, but... He sighed. Maybe that's it then. "You should take some time to settle down, Cross. You're essentially still in fight mode. You could use a break," Paperjam told him, which was something Cross already knew. If I'm sitting here making something out of nothing though, that just really proves their point.

He closed the book. "I just don't feel like anything is over," He murmured.

"I get it," Paperjam replied in a comforting manner. "I thought helping you with Nightmare would help me feel more-" He paused, and in the end he never finished that thought. "Anyway, I should get going. I'm meeting up with Fresh again," They admitted.

Cross still found the concept of anyone willingly hanging around Fresh absolutely mind-boggling, but he didn't comment on it. "Don't let him eat your soul," Was the only response he gave before he felt the connection vanish. He stared at the book in silence for a solid minute before he groaned to himself. "Paperjam is right... I need a break."

Just a short one for now. Just give me a bit to get these next chapters organized and written.

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