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Yeji took a deep breath as she lifted her head up to see the enormous doors of Ryujin's house staring back at her, feeling the prickling in her nose as tears formed in her eyes once more.

After missing the billionaire at the airport, she headed to her home instead, wishing to find a piece of clue to know where she could possibly be. She didn't even know why Ryujin went away. It was just all of a sudden, and being the private person that she was, Yeji's chances of finding her were just as thin as finding out what actually happened. She already tried reaching out to their friends and the Kingstons but all of them were just as surprised as she was when they found out that Ryujin left Vancouver. She even tried Jinni but just like her, the younger Saint Laurent was oblivious of the billionaire's whereabouts.

Everybody telling her that they would call her back if they got information about Ryujin brought hardly any comfort. A part of her was dying to know where she was, thinking of how the billionaire could be on her own at the moment, that she was dealing with her dilemmas by herself and how lonesome she felt.

She heard the stories before. Ryujin found solace in solitude and although it was comforting that she was able to feel peace in isolation, Yeji wasn't entirely happy with her choice of defense mechanism. She was aware of Ryujin's self-destructive nature and how bad it could get. There was a high tendency of her holding herself accountable for the tribulations that she was going through despite it being far from the truth. Whatever it was, Yeji was certain that it was gravely detrimental if Ryujin chose to push everyone away once again.

Even the therapist wasn't good enough to mend Ryujin's broken fragments, reminding Yeji how the billionaire used to tell her that her scars ran deeper than she realized.

And it showed just how much as soon as she entered her former room.

Yeji's throat tightened in terror at the chaos in front of her. She couldn't even recognize her room anymore—the items that she left were in shambles, her closet was ripped open, her clothes were torn apart, glimmering shards of glass spread throughout the room by the broken window. The blood stain marking the walls and the floors sent a chill to her spine, visualizing how Ryujin had to be frighteningly ballistic that she managed to wreck the place to an extent that it wasn't recognizable anymore. What Yeji dreaded more was what could have possibly triggered her to become so vindictive.

With trembling legs, Yeji turned on her heels and walked towards the billionaire's room instead. She pursed her lips as she held onto the doorknob, her hand barely having a grip before twisting it.

It almost felt like she was in a completely different house. Ryujin's room was the same. Everything was still in place, all in order. There were no broken windows, no misplaced TVs, no clothes on the floor. It was almost as if the room was untouched for days. The damage in Yeji's room was obviously intentional—no, it was personal.

Ryujin was mad . . . at her?

Yeji forced herself to focus on her priorities first. She had no time to waste and aimlessly pondering about what she did in the past to cause such a ruckus in Ryujin's head was one way to do that.

She started with the billionaire's computer, thinking that if there were any transactions made recently regarding the details of her plane tickets, her desktop would be the best option to investigate. However, not even ten minutes on the chair and Yeji already felt dizzy from looking through files after files that only concerned Bifrost. Her search history was clear and aside from the thousands of emails and other corporate notifications, there was nothing helpful there. She felt hopeless for a second but she didn't allow herself to go down that path. Being emotional at the moment when she needed herself to be at her best wasn't a good idea. She could cry later on. She had to find Ryujin first.

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