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"Or you could just go skydiving and, you know, show the ring during the fall," Lisa said convincingly, raising her eyebrows at her friends who didn't seem impressed at all. "Since she likes bikes, maybe you could propose while she's driving?"

"Since she likes bikes, why don't you stand in the middle of the road and let her run you over?" Chaeryeong said sardonically and earned a middle finger from her. "Seriously, can your ideas be any fucking worse? Showing the ring while driving? Yeji's going to have her eyes ahead. It's either Saint here is going to lose the ring because of the wind pressure or they'll both meet the Father Almighty before they could even get engaged because Yeji freaked out in the middle of the fucking road."

Ryujin bit her lip as she pulled her phone out from her pocket before opening Instagram, her attention wandering somewhere else. The messages that she sent Yeji remained unopened since she saw her presence in Lia's story, and she didn't understand why she was refusing to answer her. Was it because she refused to handle the spider back home?

She was certain that they left on a positive note the last time they talked and yet she still couldn't figure out why Yeji didn't speak a word about going out that day, and most importantly, why she was ignoring her messages now. Ryujin wasn't angry that Yeji "forgot" to tell her that she was drinking tonight with their friends. It wasn't something to make a big deal out of as they were adults capable of making decisions for themselves, and she was only naturally curious about her girlfriend's timetable anyway so she was aware of what was going on, so she knew she didn't have to worry. What infuriated her was being blatantly neglected when Yeji was still posting videos and photos of them in the club. The architect was obviously doing it on purpose and it irked her off in the worst way possible that Yeji was intentionally turning a blind eye on her queries, which were hardly interrogative and hostile. Ryujin made sure that her tone remained amiable, sending questions that a girlfriend would normally ask when their significant other was out and about. Among other things, if there was anything that Yeji should remember based on her recent mishaps, it was to keep her girlfriend on the loop.

Ryujin slammed her phone on her lap, earning the attention of her friends and ending their bickering. She sighed, subtly taking a deep breath as she tried to keep her composure.

"See? Even Saint couldn't believe how absurd your suggestions are," Chaeryeong said, frowning at a chuckling Lisa.

"Well, if someone's going to get married among us, they better know how to set the bars right since they'll be the first one on the line," Lisa said, raising her arms up in defense.

"Bro, your recommendations won't be setting any bars because they'll be dead before it even happens."

"No one's fucking dying, Ryeong. You're just overreacting."

"It's my sister's proposal. I want it to happen the way she wants it."

"How do you know Yeji doesn't like skydiving?" Lisa asked in an accusing tone. "Because I personally think that she'd love that. Right, Ryu?"

"Yeji would rather have Saint propose to her in a peaceful setting," Chaeryeong argued, leaning forward to grab Ryujin's gaze that was initially on Lisa. "They're already chaotic as they are. Popping the question in a placid environment would balance their dynamic perfectly, and it would also make the entire thing easier to remember. They'll appreciate the occasion more since they're not focusing on trying to keep themselves alive."

"If Jennie proposed to me with our body plummeting down to the Earth's core at a hundred and twenty miles per hour, I think that shit would never leave my brain even if I get a special treatment to erase my memories."

"There's no brain to keep the memories in the first place."

"You know what—"

"I already know what I have to do," Ryujin said before they could even begin an unnecessary brawl. "I already have a plan for that too, but it's an entire maze in my head. What I need is to have the paths cleared and trimmed to get a proper arrangement."

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