Chapter Two: A Morning Meal

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The Hedsens lived in the central town state of Eclus, in the nation of Mirillios. Just like what every warlock and witch does, the Hedsens settled in their town, peacefully socializing with ordinary humans. Naturally, not all humans in Mirillios knew who among their neighborhood was a witch or warlock. However, they did not wish to cause harm to mundane humans in anyway. They did never cannibalize them, kill and cut their fleshes that will be used as a special ingredient for their potions and mixing them with a rod on a giant cauldron. Fortunately, no people of witchcraft did such. They were using spells and incantations to cast magics, written in books and scrolls. They were very alike with humans, only the difference was that humans have the inability to control any kind of sorcery. Given these, the humans still embraced them. They considered their nature acceptable in their society for as long as they don't harm other's lives. Warlocks and witches lived in their own houses. Some have their own farmland and any useful establishments which became part of their livelihood. Farming, fishing, going to the marketplace, interacting with their neighborhood, everything was fine until the kingdom of Forgon invaded their country. From that time, everything has changed which forced witches and warlocks to hide. The conquerors have suppressed their liberty, for a greater power dominates their sorcery. Many of them were vanquished and were helpless. Soon, all the witches and warlocks of Mirillios refrained themselves from choosing violence and bloodshed.
The morning's sun rays awoke Tasra Hedsen from his slumber as it kissed his face by its shine, coming from the open window of his bedroom. He rose from his bed in his white, simple, and warm clothes and pajamas. Tasra aged around twenty two years, has dazzling brown eyes, short black hair and perfect jawline. He grunted and stretched his thin arms. The feeling of being touched by the cozy sunlight every morning was really comfortable, making his golden brown skin gleam.
Glancing around his room, everything was neat in the eyes for he has fixed his things last night. A small round table where a vase of white daisy was placed, a simple adornment which pleases him. His closet beside the window and, of course, his bookshelf of spells and scrolls beside his bed.
Finally, he yawned and got up on his feet. He fixed his pillows and neatly folded his blankets before he left his bedroom. Their house's interior was not spacious, but it was just right. Few feet away, there was their dining table with two plates and utensils  served on it. In the kitchen, Tasra saw his younger sister, Tessa, doing something nearby the sink. She has a pointed nose, amber eyes, and short brown hair in her pink chemise.  Her skin was similar with her aunt Floressa. He walked towards her and saw her cooking. Before Tessa was a bowl of broken eggshells and a clay furnace pot. Settled over the pot was a plate where she was cooking the eggs. It seemed to be raw as Tasra noticed that the flame in the furnace was very weak and dim.
Tessa greeted him as she heard his footsteps. "Hello, brother." Then she turned her attention back on the furnace. Beside the furnace pot was a bowl with loaves of bread, an essential meal at all times.
"That is taking so long. I suppose?" Tasra frowned lightly.
"I guess so." Tessa managed a smile, her eyes still fixed on the eggs. She was few inches shorter than Tasra, even though she was three years younger than him. Tessa took a spatula which was hanging on the wall along with the remaining utensils they often use in cooking. She used it as she tried to flip the eggs which mostly remained liquified and raw.
"Let me have it." Tasra went to her and Tessa handed him the spatula. His sister stepped aside and watched him continue. While holding the spatula, he used his other hand and opened his palm facing the dim fire that barely kindled with the charcoals under the plate.
"Flenaras, sod bihas." Tasra whispered. The flames in the furnace grew instantly. The egg sizzled and slowly solidified as it was being cooked. Its pleasing smell quickly swirled around the air. He waited for the egg to be cooked over seconds.
"I was about to get the matchsticks." Tessa said. "But then I tried to do incantations you often use." She handed Tasra a jar of grounded pepper. "Even when I closed my eyes and poured my whole concentration in it, I can't make the flame any bigger."
"You will learn it, soon." Tasra reassured her. He took the jar and pinched the peppers, then sprinkled it to the eggs which were nearly cooked. "Too bad I cannot teach you the same way how aunt Floressa and Ronan can."
"Yeah. They are barely idle due to their responsibilities in our coven. Unfortunately,  I cannot go down there often because of my school days."
"When was the last time you visited the Black Rose Chamber?"
Tessa thought about it. "Hmm... I cannot even remember. Perhaps in years?"
Tasra flipped the eggs upside down, producing more sizzling sound. "Have you already watered the plants?" With a snap of his fingers, the flame died. He transferred the eggs to a clean plate.
"Of course. I just woke up before sunrise." She took the bowl of bread. The siblings went to the table, serving their meals before them.
"I think we have to buy food in the marketplace later." Tessa said. "We don't have enough tomatoes, onions, and garlic for the following days. I'm certain that we won't be able to buy those, soon enough."
"Because of the Forgonians." Tasra finished her sentence.
"Even our goods are being taken by them." Tessa frowned.
Right after serving the eggs on the table. Tasra took a wooden pitcher with two other mugs. "It's bothering to stroll alone outside, although they cannot sense who the warlocks and witches are."
"Which is good for us." There were four chairs around the table. The siblings sat together and began to eat their morning meal.
"I will go to the marketplace later, at Eclus." Tasra volunteered. "I still have enough gold. Will you be staying here for today?"
"I just visited our farmland earlier..." She replied as she wiped her mouth with a clean white cloth before she continued. "So I guess I won't have to go there later. I could join you later, instead."
"Great. Then prepare after we eat."

The siblings have finished their morning meal. They cleaned and arranged the table, leaving it neat as usual. In his bedroom, Tasra took his purple robe from his closet, where all his clothes were kept. Hidden by his hanging clothes, he pulled a wooden chest box and opened it. There were piles of gold coins and even jewels stored within. Tasra drew a small sack from his pocket and filled it with gold coins. Suddenly, he heard knocks on his door.
"Tasra, Sire Menard is calling you outside." Tessa's voice called. Tasra returned the chest box, hid it, and closed the closet.
He went on his way then as soon as he reached their lawn, there was a bald and blonde-bearded man waiting in his brown tunic and leather boots.
"Sire Hedsen!" He greeted with a smile and a friendly wave. A huge sack bag was knotted around his body that contained many mails he will deliver.
"Sire Menard! How are we today?" Tasra greeted back and walked towards him.
Menard drew something from his bag. "It's all good. Hopefully, you are, too." He pulled a scroll and handed it to him. "A letter from lady Asha Deheron."
Tasra's face has blushed a little and was quite surprised upon receiving the scroll. "Thank you, Menard. Have a nice venture ahead."
"Thank you, have a nice day." The mailman nodded and went away.
"I'm ready!" Tessa said as she stepped out from the door. By then, she was also wearing a robe similar with Tasra's. She carried a basket that hung on her arm. "Oh, a letter." She muttered to Tasra, who heard him from afar.
"Close the door." He told her. "We have to leave now."

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