Chapter Four: A Lovely Visit

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"To the house of council people of Western Eclus." Tasra said to the coachman as he joined Tessa in the carriage. The coachman took a black, long, flexible rod, which was a whip that rested beside him. He hit the horses and they neighed before they ran.
It was past afternoon when Tasra and Tessa began their journey to aunt Floressa. They already had their meal for the noon and rested for a little while before they left home. Soon, they arrived in the western state of Eclus. Houses around, people interacting with one another, carriages are along the way, everything was usual until they passed a colossal stone temple; a towering spire stood at its middle. In its entrance was a huge wooden door where a face of a lion was engraved. It was similar with the ones they saw on the banner of the Forgon's army earlier. The huge windows of the temple were vibrant as those were made in colored-stain glass. A stone-fenced balcony was also seen in the temple's anterior, hundred feet above its main door.
In their carriage's swiftness, they passed its huge pool of shadow across the pavement. Tasra's face was brushed by dismay when he glanced at it. He faced away from the temple, a cold and melancholic memory brushed his heart. Whatever that thought was, he shook it off his mind and found that they were near to reach their destination. After minutes of traveling, and turning several directions, they reached a vast land which was enclosed by a fence. There were two huge lavish houses embellished by red roofs, gleaming under the sunlight. Both were built in wood and was very alike. In between the houses was a tower house, made in stone. On it were men groomed in leather vests and hat with a crossbow hung around their body. They were called the watchers or the guards who observed everything from above and who would load their weapons whenever something evil stirs from below.
    Tasra's carriage halted. He handed the coachman his fare then they stepped out. Apparently, the place of the town's councilman was luxurious. Before them was an arc that says THE WESTERN ECLUS TOWN HALL. The place was not much crowded with citizens. Even from beyond the borders of the fence, they could see a group of carriage gathered in the lawn of the councilman's houses. Particularly there were six of them, who stationed before the tower house. Few trees stood around the area, laying out their shadows on the ground under the afternoon sunlight.
    All the coachmen left their carriages while they sat around a table under an umbrella hut. They were doing nothing but chattering with a bottle of wine and glasses before them. Two lantern posts stood beside each door of the three buildings where armored knights positioned.
    "Do you think she's here?" Tessa asked Tasra.
    "I suppose she is. Aunt does not have any other plans today." They both walked towards the entrance arc where they saw a hut.
    "Good afternoon, how may we serve you?" Greeted the guard from its window.
    "We're here to visit Lady Floressa Hedsen." Tasra replied. "We're her nephew and niece."
    The guard's eyes widened for a millisecond as he remembered. "Oh, right! Yes, uhm Tasra and Tessa, right?"
    The siblings nodded in reply. The guard continued. "Well then. She is currently with Lord Segraum, probably they are in the assembly hall. Lady Hedsen has just arrived."
    "Fine. Thank you."
    Each of the three building's exterior were identical. The corridors were supported by wooden pillars, stood along with the armored knights on guard. Tasra and Tessa walked to the tower house that was directly in front them. The chattering coachmen did not mind their presence. They reached the exterior corridor as their feet stepped on its solid, bricked-floor surface. Tasra glanced around. It was only then when he visited this councilman's house- the last time he came from here was almost a year ago.
    Tasra also noticed the torches hung on the back of every pillar, keeping it hidden from the view in front. The flames were small, its light was not much visible under the afternoon skies.
    When they reached the door, they realized that it was twice as tall compared to a person. Its dark wooden material and its polish was pleasing on the sight. Even before they got near by the door, the knights opened it for them. He did not interrogate them and spoke no words. He twisted the knob and pushed it open.
    "Thank you." Tessa said in a low voice. The inside was simple yet a neat hallway. There was no people, only the unrolled blue carpet on the wooden floor and the small lamps, hung on the walls, were seen over the silent atmosphere. Tasra lead the way and Tessa followed.
"It is so quiet, I could assume that there's no one inside this place." Tessa said in a wondering tone.
"Perhaps they are in the assembly hall." Tasra guessed.
On the end of the hallway was a painting of the tower house under the sunny sky. They walked towards it with their gaze locked on its details. They observed that there were five figures of people standing outside. They cannot see nor recognize clearly who those were for their faces was not painted clearly. However, they were distinguishable in some way. Among the five people, two were women, given that their hair was painted long, the woman on the right has black-haired while the other has a blonde one. The three remaining figures of men were almost identical. All of them were dressed in purple except for the man in the middle who wore a brown leather vest and a black hat.
The image seemed to be painted several years ago since the two houses beside the tower house was not shown. There were two enormous trees instead.
"Who are they? The first council heads?" Tessa asked.
"Yes. The council house and the council people of the Western State."
"Oh." She fixed his sight on the blonde-haired woman. "I never knew that Aunt Floressa will be one of them. Because it's been so long, since then."
"Agreed." Tasra said. "The western state was the youngest city division born in Mirillios. I was very young during that time." On both directions were more hallways. The siblings walked on right.
"Where do you think they are?" Tessa turned to Tasra, who lead their way as they went on.
"May be in the assembly hall." He replied. "Let's see."
"What if they were having discussion on something? We might disturb them."
"I know. Then we'll wait for her." As they reached the dead-end of the hallway, they found a stairway and went up.
On the next floor was another uncrowded hallway, but this time there were doors on either side.
"So which one of these?" Tessa asked.
"None." Tasra shook his head. "Neither of these is the workplace for the council heads. It's up there." Then they both proceeded up to the stairway. Having multiple floors and stairways were expected for any building, such for a tower house. It may be exhausting if people go back and forth, as if they had a choice. They reached the next floor and caught their breath for a little while. The corridor was similar with the ones below, yet this time there were only three doors. Each was guarded by footman in leather vest. They were frozen; they seemed to refrain themselves to make any movement and didn't mind Tessa and Tasra. The siblings went to the nearest door, then the footman faced them as they got nearer. He only stared at them and waited for them to speak their agenda.
"We wish to talk to Lady Floressa Hedsen." Tasra spoke. The silence of this man made him nervous, making him feel that he won't let them to talk with their aunt.
"They have just arrived earlier, and currently having their discussion with Lord Segraum." He spoke in his deep voice. "Let me call her." He knocked before he entered inside.
Glancing around, while waiting, there were five portraits of people hung on the wall, just beside the door. They were all smiling, and they can see clearly all their faces. The first portrait was a man aged forty years. His eyes were blue, hair was white, skin was milky. Next to him was a woman's portrait, aged same as Floressa. She has long black hair, pointed nose and kind smile on her tanned skin. The third one was an old, bearded man.
Sire Segraum. Tasra thought to himself. On the second to the last, was Floressa's portrait. Seeing her smile reminds him of their father. She and Murray Hedsen shared some common resemblance on their face. Beside her aunt's portrait was a young man's face with short black hair and brown eyes. He couldn't remember his name though he was familiar to him, as one of the council head of the western state, Eclus. Tasra barely visits this town. However he was familiar with the place but the people in it? Not so much.
Hung on the ceiling was a crystal chandelier that was bright enough to illuminate the entire corridor. On its corner was a wall where a table stood. Adorned by two porcelain jars, one golden and one silver. He did not know what those were for. Perhaps a simple decoration? He did not mind knowing about it.
Later on, the footman came outside the door, then stood back to his position earlier. After him was a woman, non-other than Floressa, in her usual purple robes. Deep inside her, Floressa was worried with Tasra's and Tessa's sudden visit in the council house. However, she managed to hide her worries from them.
"My dear ones!" She smiled. "What brings you here? How are you both?" Then she threw a hug to both of them.
"Hello aunt." Tasra said. "I think there is something that you need to know..."
"Can we talk about this now?" Tessa asked Floressa. She pulled away from them and read their expression upon hearing their approach.
"Fine." She said and turned back inside, pulling the door close for a while. They heard murmurs of conversation from inside. Probably, Floressa talking with Segraum or somebody else. It didn't take any longer for her to went out of the room. "Okay, kids, let's go." She said and together they went their way out.
"I am not a kid." Tasra insisted.
"Oops, sorry. I'm just used to it." Floressa giggled. "Come on, follow me to my cabin. I suppose there's something urgent, eh?"

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