Chapter Eight: A Lovely Farmland

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    When the sunrise shone from the east of dusky sky, Tasra just reached their farmland in Eastern Eclus, nearby the borders of Loverra. It was vast and tranquil out there. A hundred feet away from him was their barn, where their harvests were kept in. Beside it was their massive animal pen. Although it has windows, the animals weren't seen from the outside. From afar, he could already hear the cows' moo, the chicken's cluck, and all of the other animals' noise. There was also their field of wheat and other crops. Its lushness were very juvenile as they were recently planted, about a week ago. It will take more weeks for it to be fully grown, golden brown. Before him was a wooden bridge across a stream which flows up to the stream nearby the woods on the farther end of their field crops. It was sturdy and wide enough. At times, wagons or carriages are passing through their bridge when massive farm supplies must be delivered to their farmland. Two boats with paddles were stationed underneath the bridge, just beside the shore. There were wooden buckets in each, probably used for fishing. The surface was covered with soft blades of grass. Few grass bushes scattered, and few daisies grew planted, too. Overall, the whole area of their farmland was fenced. On beyond, both right and left, more grasslands and farmlands of other citizens were seen.
    The morning breeze was cool as it kissed his face, blowing his hair. From the sleep he had since passing out in the Black Rose Chamber, he wasn't feeling drowsy at all. He went across the bridge and looked sideways. The fish swimming underneath have made ripples, disrupting the stream's calm and mirror-like surface. As soon as he went down from the bridge, he spotted their well. Beside it were closed-barrels which contained waters. Its ground was damped, few spots of mud we're formed. Tasra inhaled its moistly scent, like a petrichor after drizzles of rain. He went to look at it and found out that the bucket was above and full. Down below was deep and hollow. Tasra thought about their farmers. He was wondering if they already left so he went to a hut stood nearby the well.
    A lantern was hung above its door. He glanced around and saw no one out there. Inside the hut was a table and three beds. The interior wasn't much spacious but was just right. Its windows were open, giving a view on the animal pen and field crops outside. On the table were two used rakes, with muds stained its teeth, and a slightly rusted shovel. Axes, more shovels, and rakes of different sizes were hung on the wall. He looked at the two beds on his left. Those were neat. Maybe the farmers just got away to their home. He sat on the nearest bed to him and thought about everything they talked earlier.
    Personally, he was with Floressa's idea: to open the dark chamber. Although he did not know what those magics were, he thought that trying to master it once more could help the coven win against Forgon. Only the problems were that first; its key is unknown, and second, the spell's whisper could possess the user and corrupts them where they lose control of themselves. How could the Spirit of Black Rose do that? It was quite absurd on how their source of strength and life could corrupt them. Judging on how against Ronan was about using it, he also thought that it was really dangerous. He was also confused but has to hope that the agreement which Ronan wrote would do any good for them.
    Suddenly, there were knocks on the door. Tasra's heart jumped in surprise, even though he already knew who that was. He reached for the door and opened it. Before him was a woman in a red hood, aged same as him. Her long hair was black and silky, eyes were brown, and was tall as him. She smiled at him then gave him a hug. "Honey." She whispered.
    Hearing her soft voice made his heart calm. He enclosed his arms around her and softly rubbed his hand on hear head, smelling the sweet scent of her hair. "How have you been?"
    Then he pulled away from Asha, without noticing himself smiling, too.
    "The farmers just finished their watch." She told him. "They went their way home." She yawned then walked towards the barn. Tasra followed him and closed the door behind as he left.
    "Everything is fine." Asha said. "Few chickens have hatched already as you expected.
    "The last sheep? How are they?"
    "Hmmm. Just good. They seemed to like their new home and are eating well." They were half a hundred feet away from the barn and kept walking. The sky became brighter and blue as the sun was gradually rising above, giving light in the morning.
    "Where' s Tessa? Is she left alone in your home?"
    Tasra nodded. "She will just rest for today and have no school for the following days."
    "Ah, yes, the Forgons suspended school days. Why would they do that out of nowhere?"
    "I don't know much about it." Tasra replied and said nothing more. He conspired that they were planning to do a massive extinction movement against the coven. Given the deployment of angel statues all around Mirillios to strengthen the light sorcerers' magic, the oppressing government under the Forgon decided to close the schools which was, probably, to minimize the people who will stroll around when they started to invade the coven. Yes, he was familiar with such these plans of their foes. On Loverra, the Forgon bade the council heads of the city to close the schools and even all the businesses in the marketplace. "As far as I know, Tessa's happy about it. She wanted to do things beyond school and rest."
    He lied, faking a smile in his face. He and Asha have been together for two years. They met on the port of Southern Eclus when Tasra sold fishes there. From that time, Asha has no one, not even her family. They died long ago during a distressing incident when she was younger. Since then, Asha worked together with the sailormen and fisherman across different seas. She was from Galem, the country beside Forgon. After several days from that day, the interest they have to one another has concealed no longer. They dated and managed to keep their relationship healthy, although they had few misunderstandings before. It has been a very long time to keep his mouth shut, knowing how intimate their relationship was. However, he knew that it was for his safety. For their safety. He tells Asha everything in his life as his loving partner, setting aside his coven life as an exception. Unlike when Tasra was younger, he managed to tell his close friends that his family has warlocks' and witches' blood. Yet as he grew up, he never shared their real identity from other humans. Although some warlocks and witches reveal themselves to humans out there and they managed to keep it from Forgonians. But in Tasra's case, he thought that it was better to keep his identity hidden, as his family was part of the coven heads.
    Tasra glanced at her when Asha responded. "Oh, good for her. I remember how exhausting the schoolworks could be. At least she can have a rest for a while." She smiled, then silence passed through her face for a moment, a thought that something Tasra cannot read on her expression. Asha spoke again. "Where were you from? Why did you come so early?"
    "I came from Aunt's council house." He replied. "She asked for some help yesterday. Then I had an early sleep last night." Asha knew who Aunt Floressa was. She knew her as one of the council heads of Western Eclus, nothing more than that.
    The noises of the animals in the pen got louder as they finally reached the huge door of the barn, which was locked by a plank of wood inserted on its handles. Tasra pulled away the plank and placed it beside the door. There were two windows, but nothing was much visible from the outside other than the silhouette of the barrels and tables. Asha pushed the door open then Tasra followed.
    Several hay bale, on rolls, were stacked above the tables. Half of those were yellowish-brown that was dry enough while the others were both green and yellow which were recently harvested and weren't stale. Either of the two, any can be fed to the horses and cows that they have. On the right were more barrels of different harvested crops. Carrot shoots were jutted out from the top of the barrels, slightly exposing the orange texture of the vegetables. The next set of barrels have potatoes in it, followed by a table where boxes of seeds were stored. Glancing above, the wooden frame of the barn's roof was seen. The cobwebs on the ceiling weren't very visible since it was dark inside. On the farther end of the wall they were facing, were more rakes, shovel, axes, and even swords hung. Large wooden chests stood on all corners. More storage for their food and tools for farming. It was still dark inside, only the windows beside the door gleamed light from the morning's sunlight outside.
Nothing much has changed, Tasra thought to himself as he scanned the whole place. Nothing was missing and everything was fine. He stepped across the wooden floor, where few wisps of hay have scattered. Tasra and Asha walked towards the wall. When they reached it, before them was a wooden door camouflaged on the floor. A door similar with the ones they have back in Floressa's cabin. Tasra pulled its handle open, revealing a wooden staircase leading down below. Suddenly, he felt drowsy again. He thought earlier that he had enough sleep as he passed out. But he was wrong and he can feel that his body wanted to rest again.
    "I will sleep for a while..." Tasra yawned and started to take steps downward.
    "Oh, but can you please join me to the pen first." Asha said. "Would you want to check the hens first?"
    Tasra remembered about it, then he joined her on her way to visit their animals. Asha took a sack of seed before they left.
    The smell of livestock animals reeked throughout the area of the pen, but they were used to it as the farm owners. The entrance was a simple fence gate, and they went in. Inside, several fences have caged different animals together. Each has fence gate that was wide enough when they have to get them out of their pen. All the pigs were together, muds scattered on the dirt surface they were stepping on. There were cows, too, that mooed. Beside were the horses that were sleeping as they stood. He saw the cage of sheep. Originally, they only had three sheep but recently, Asha found more sheep wandering in the woods nearby them, so now they have seven. It was, indeed, surprising. The next fence were chickens. Inside was a separate chicken coop where three hens settled over the fibers of nests. Few chicks settled under their mother's body, while some managed to walk around. Asha picked seeds then threw it on the chickens. In hunger, they pecked it and ate it.
    "Want to see the chicks?" Asha turned to him.
    Tasra nodded. "Let me feed them." Asha handed him the seeds sack. He opened the fence gate and went to the chicken coop. It was made of wood. Thin metallic strings enclosed it like typical cages. He reached it then stared at the chicks and chickens within. They hatched as I expected, he thought to himself. The newborn chicks could already walk, although they also stumble. Tasra opened it then threw seedlings on its surface. The chick went rushing as they pecked. The hens remained sitting and did no movement. Probably they weren't hungry yet or they have to keep the unhatched eggs warm. The clucks of chicks made him happy, hoping that they, too, would live long enough. He turned back and saw Asha feeding the cows with hays. She noticed him and smiled. "You can go to the cabin now. I will prepare the meal later."
    Tasra nodded with a smile. He went out and found the roosters whose legs were bind in a standing, thin log. They crowed in the early morning, as usual. Tasra fed them then headed back to the cabin in their barn.
    On his way down the stairs, Tasra pulled the door closed and proceeded. It was neat inside. His footsteps were heard over the varnished plank floor. Lanterns were hung on the walls, so it wasn't very dark on the corridor. Soon, he reached a door and entered. It was a bedroom. Lanterns hung on each corner of the room. Beside the bed was a tea table where an empty cup was placed. There was a cabinet for clothes. Weapons were hung on the walls. One bow, two quivers, three spears, and three sheathed swords were seen. Below were three jars of arrows. These were hunting tools that the Hedsens use when they hunt in the woods, just beside their farmland. But Tasra didn't use much of these, instead Asha did as she also knew how to hunt animals aside from taking care of their farm. He doffed his shoe, placing it just beside the door. Bare-footed, he walked to the bed, gently lying himself on the soft and comfortable bed. Why was sleepiness would take over him again? Even that he had enough sleep and knew he wasn't exhausted after the assembly and their visitation on a cemetery of their coven. His mind was still bothered by the thought of what he was thinking about earlier, but it didn't take any longer for him to fall asleep.

    It was past noon when Tasra and Asha had their meal in the farmer's hut. The sun rose high in the sky, though heat wasn't that scorching. The two of them rested for a little while then they started to pour fertilizer to all their crops.
    Tasra brought an unknotted sack. It contains white powder-like with white small stones mixed in it. He and Asha wore hats before they expose themselves to the afternoon sunlight. They first went to the nearest, that was the wheat field. Asha has two handheld shovels and gave the other one to Tasra. He placed the fertilizer sack in between them then they did what they have to.
    "Here I go again." Tasra said under his breath. He crouched and scooped a portion of soil under one of the wheat crops, exposing some of its roots. He scooped a small amount of fertilizer and poured it on its roots, then buried it again with the humid soil. Tasra stood again and faced Asha who was doing the same thing. "One down." He spoke then glanced around the remaining crops he has to apply with fertilizer.
    "Mhmm." Asha muttered. "I don't think we'll be finished by the sunset." They both went on. These were the normal days as the farm owners. Even though they have their farmers who were working for them, sometimes they wanted to do the work themselves.
    When the dusk peeked from the west of salmon sky, Tasra and Asha finished the whole wheat field. As a matter of fact, they were nearly finished on the half the carrot field, just beside the wheats. But with the carrots, they just sprinkled the fertilizer on the soil and water it. Hence it was faster than what they did on the wheat. Of course, they took rests in between because it was really exhausting when crouching for long and continuous periods of time.
    "Ughh..." Asha stretched her arms and hips as she stood up. "So we'll continue this tomorrow, up to the potatoes?"
    "Yeah." Tasra groaned and stretched, too. "A lot of work to do."
    "Indeed." Asha smiled then handed him her shovel. "Let's take a rest now, honey. I'm starving, too."
    He carried the sack which has barely fertilizer left. They both turned around on their way to the farmer's hut to prepare their dinner. Suddenly, they heard a loud bleat of sheep from the woods that was only less than a hundred feet away from them. Both of them were shocked and stared at the direction of the noise. "What is that?" Tasra muttered.
    "Probably another lost sheep in the woods." She replied with her eyes locked on the woods. "Should we go and check for it?"

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