Chapter Five: The Chamber of Old

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As soon as they reached the outside of the tower house, they walked to the house on its right. It was still afternoon. The sunlight was still scorching. There were only four carriages left outside. The remaining coachmen were still hanging out in their umbrella hut. The exterior corridor of the house was much similar with the ones of the tower house. Torches behind the pillars, knights guarding the area. A knight opened the door for them, and inside was a lobby with several hallways leading to the different cabins of the house. On the middle of the lobby was a table with a vase of white daisies decorated. The place was lit up by a candle chandeliers. Footmen and maiden servants stood beside each entrance of hallways. The floor was embellished by a carpet. Paintings of mountain and forest landscapes were on the wall.
    "Been a long time since you visited me here, eh?" Floressa started a new conversation with her nephew and niece while leading their way. "Have both of you already eaten?"
    "We did, aunt." Tasra replied. The feeling of being thought by their aunt was, indeed, heart-warming just like how thoughtful his parents were... In spite of every misfortune that stormed Tasra's and Tessa's childhood. Aunt Floressa remained standing for them.
    "We came here." He continued, lowering his voice to the point where only Floressa and Tessa could hear him. "I think the Forgon is onto something."
    Floressa did not reply, she just raised her eyebrow like she was trying not to express any reactions. Every footman and maiden they met bowed to her. "Let's have this discussion inside, shall we?" She, finally, replied. Well; it was better to talk about their foes in private. Anyone could hear them, and what did they know, what if some people around them were spies of Forgon. Tasra thought about it and nodded.
    On either side, were more doors of cabins with lanterns hung beside. It was quiet, even from inside the lobby. Soon, they heard footsteps getting nearer towards them. At the same time, they reached a stairway where they met a group of maidens in white chemise. Each of them carried baskets on their way down. Tasra, Floressa, and Tessa stopped as they let the maidens pass first. On the moment they met her, the maidens bowed to Floressa, then went on.
    The three of them climbed upstairs, stepping their foot over the wooden surface of the stairs. On the next floor was another corridor that was much similar on the lower level. More doors, more cabins, and more lanterns under the tranquil air. They reached a dead-end where a purple door stood. Floressa drew a key from her pocket then opened the door.
    The inside was spacious. A bed that was big enough, a huge window which shone the afternoon light from the outside. Purple curtain decorated its border, its color dimly reflected on the white wooden walls of the room. There was also a closet where all Floressa's clothes were kept. At the middlemost was a round table where a vase of white tulip was placed. Four chairs circled around it. There was also another door inside, their Aunt's private bathroom. A candle chandelier was hung on the ceiling. Its light was not much visible for it wasn't very dark outside.
    Smile brushed Tessa's face. In glee, she dashed to the bed and sat. "I missed this." She said, taking off her shoes then gently laid herself on the cozy blue-covering blanket of the bed. Tasra thought of the times where they used to live with Aunt Floressa for a few years, back when they were younger. Once they all entered the room, Tasra closed the door then twisted its knob to lock it. He forgot the rumbling thoughts and questions in his mind. He glanced around and felt the familiar scent of the room. "It has been a while..." He pulled one of the table's chairs and sat on it. "This looks tidy as ever." He commented and glanced at Floressa, who was unknotting the curtains and pulling it to cover the entire window. In an instant the room was swallowed by shadows, leaving only the candle chandelier illuminating in the room. The table, chair, and floor surface near the window reflected the purple color of the curtain as it covers the afternoon sunlight. "It seems that you don't usually sleep here." He continued.
    "Feels like this was locked in a few days? You're right." Floressa replied as she turned to him. "The last time I slept here was three nights ago, I think? Work and business that must be settled in Segraum's duty in the council house."
Tasra frowned faintly, sympathizing with her aunt. "Ever since uncle's demise..." He spoke in a low voice.
"Ever since his death..." Floressa repeated, facing the window again but now with dejection. Tasra did not feel any guilt upon bringing up her spouse's memory in the conversation. They both remained silent for a moment, and not an awkward one. No words were needed, they both understood each other's thoughts. Back when his uncle was still alive, he used to help Floressa in her duties in the council house as he was once the council head of the western state of Eclus.
But after that, Floressa had to do things on her own, although Segraum and the other council people were good to be with. It was just a matter of time when things got more complicated when he was gone.
     Floressa faced him once again, giving her a stern look. "Is it about the statues?"
    Tasra was too distracted from his agenda, and almost forgot about it. "Yes, yes. I suppose you already found out about it earlier? That was why you came here first before us."
Floressa gave him a dry smile. "The Forgon is onto something. We must warn the coven right away."
Tasra stood. "But what are those statues for? All my life I've never seen such until now."
"That statues of Light and Wing..." Floressa paused, her thoughts froze herself from speaking and a painful memory flashed in her mind.     "Thirty years ago, the Forgon used those statues to conquer Xen-Trisida." She walked towards the small bookshelf found beside her closet and continued. "The statues are made in hardest stones of the Forgon's mountain ranges. Enchanted by light sorcery, it amplifies the power of light sorcerers. The stones, or statues, themselves are indestructible at the same time."
    "Does it sense the presence of every witch?" Tessa rose from the bed.
    "No, but it is still a huge problem for us." She placed her palm over the top of the bookshelf. "Agahas, sod zokes." She whispered an incantation and, suddenly, the shelf was pushed aside. A hidden door was revealed on the ground that camouflages with the wooden surface of the floor. Floressa crouched and pulled it open. Tasra and Tessa weren't surprised upon seeing it. Such hidden passageways that leads to their hideout were common among them. "Get inside. We have a lot to talk about, my dear ones." She faced them, keeping her stern expression. The siblings got on their foot. Below was a narrow passageway with a ladder heading to absolute darkness. Tasra and Tessa went first to climb down. After half a minute, they reached a dark corridor. Torches were hung on the walls, revealing the stone-bricked structure of the entire place.
    "This is just my sixth time going to the Black Garden." Tessa said, fixing her glance on the way ahead them.
    "Oh, is that so?" Floressa replied as she just climbed down from the ladder. "Well, I know you won't get lost here." Floressa kept facing the ladder, then closed her eyes and whispered. "Agahas, sod zokes." In a sudden, the door has been pulled close, leaving no trace of light. From its above was a sudden movement of something, probably the bookshelf being back to its original place which covered the door once again. Floressa faced her nephews.
    "The coven has discovered something. Follow me." She led their way. Walking on the silent and calm atmosphere of the dark corridor was never odd to them for this place conceals them from the Forgonians. They finally reached a door. Floressa opened and went inside. Inside was a wider corridor. Side-by-side were two columns, with torches hung, that led to a stairway downward.
    "Are we still far? I cannot remember since I've only visited the coven's hidden stronghold in western Eclus once when I was nine." Tessa said like she was complaining.
    "Not quite." Floressa started to take her steps on the stairway. Together, the siblings followed. Unlike his sister, Tasra had been there several times before. Yet it has been more than a year since he last visited western Eclus, even the coven's hidden stronghold in that place. These underground structures were built by their ancestors as a safe hideout from their foes. Fortunately, no invaders from beyond Mirillios have discovered about it, not even the Forgonians. Most importantly, the coven's stronghold holds a very essential thing for every single witch and warlock living in their country.
    "I think we're not that far from the Black Garden." Tasra said to Tessa. "You know how colossal that is. It's just a few steps ahead."
    "You're right, Tasra." Floressa replied, "And I understand why you are not much familiar here, Tessa. But I know that one day, you will be." She smiled without facing them. As they walked, Tasra felt a cold breeze of air that brushed his face, even though the place was unventilated. Down the stairway was another hallway but was wider than earlier. By then, the torches were hung on each of the stone columns. It was uncrowded. They were the only people there. The only thing which bothers the silence was their footsteps.
    "Has something serious happened?" Tasra asked Floressa. "I heard that the southern Loverra was invaded and... yeah..." He did not dare to continue his words. Many of their kind were captured, imprisoned, and slain.
    "Unfortunately, you're correct." Floressa replied. "It was a few days ago and as usual, the Forgonians are forcing our brothers and sisters to speak about our coven's origin and history."
"But why? Since when did Luison become curious about us? All I thought is that he desires to conquer other places just to expand his power as what he did in Galem."
"I know. That country is the first colony beyond their borders. Now they managed to sail to Mirillios and recently captured Xen-Trisida." Floressa heaved a sigh of anguish and continued. "It is really bothering. Luison and his people must not discover the Black Garden."
"Maybe he got a hint about it." Tessa guessed. "Then he will use it against us."
"I fear that you're right, Tessa. The people in Mirillios might be aware about our existence and our use of magic. But I swear, none of them knows about the Black Garden." Tasra thought about it. Some warlocks and witches may tell the humans about the Black Garden, but that place was heavily enchanted by spell. Only witches and warlocks could enter the Black Garden, even the underground passages, vaults, and everything underneath the surface. Once, Tasra had a close friendship with a human and told him about their place. He tried to bring him to the Black garden but once he stepped in the bricked underground passageway, his head was constantly aching and was nauseous. Tasra managed to get him out of there and when Floressa found out about what her nephew did, he was scolded.
"But there is something more than that." Floressa continued. "You'll find out when we got there." Later on, they reached an enormous obsidian double door. The flames of the torches nearby were burning emerald. It was guarded by two people in black cloak stood at each side. With their veiled faces, they turned to Tasra's direction.
Floressa halted her footsteps, and so did her nephew and niece. She went towards the door then glanced at each of the guards. They bowed to her and, at once, a soft rumbling sound rang from inside. The door has slowly opened.
Floressa faced Tasra and Tessa. "Time to visit the garden, kids. This way." The inside was a land enclosed by a towering dome ceiling. The ground was made in black soil. Glowing purple and crimson roses were planted everywhere, yet some laid dead and wilted on the ground. Flaming green torches hung on the walls. Glancing above were illuminating magenta stones protruded on the stone-brick surface of the ceiling, hanging like stalactites. Overall, the color of the entire chamber was mixed with the light green torches and the luminosity of the pinkish stones above. Straight ahead them was another dark corridor but was narrower than the ones outside the Black Garden.
"This is no good." Tasra spoke in dismay upon noticing that nearly half of the roses were withered.
"Indeed." Tessa agreed. They both followed their aunt towards the corridor ahead of them. He even caught a glimpse of a few roses falling to the ground. After passing through the corridor they reached the inner layer of the Black Garden, so called the Black Rose Chamber.
"The heart of all living warlocks and witches in Mirillios. Our coven's lives and power." Floressa whispered. On the inside was another garden of roses. Some were alive, some laid wilted over the surface of the dark soil. The chamber was not spacious like the garden outside. The smell of sweet floral scent took over the entire area. At the middlemost was a huge rose bush with its glowing purple and crimson petals.
Floressa, Tasra, and Tessa bowed their heads to it upon seeing.
"It is as beautiful as ever." Tessa whispered in awe. "It's been a while since I visited here."
"Many flowers are dying. Few petals of the Greatest Black Rose are starting to fall." Floressa said, keeping her gaze at the rose bush before her. "However, none of the roses wilt... Well not yet..." She paused as melancholy has frozen her.
"We are twelve, right?" Tasra asked, breaking the silence.
Floressa nodded and faced him. "Four head witches and warlocks in every town in Mirillios."
"You, Tasra, sire Ronan, and I." Tessa said. "We are the head of the coven in Eclus. That is what mom used to tell us."
"We are the coven of the Black Rose." Floressa agreed. "The power flows in our blood, from our ancestors. We were greater in numbers before. Only if the Forgon did not conquer us then we should be living in peace until now." She faced Tessa. "It's good that Bryllda taught you well about our coven."
"Yes, she was the best. We miss her." Tessa said. She and Tasra knew how devastating the memory of their mother's loss was. Back then, Floressa, Bryllda and Murray were the ones who were guiding Tessa and Tasra about their life as part of the coven. Every sweet and genuine moments they shared, every shard of joyful memory they yearned for. Floressa walked around the Black Rose. "Our ancestors have greatly sinned. The darkest witchcrafts and magics tormenting innocent lives for greed and power. Fortunately, it has come to an end as sorcerers from differenr lands fought them. That was centuries ago." She faced Tasra with a stern look. "But now I can feel that history tends to repeat itself."
Tasra raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Floressa smiled. There was something in her eyes, as if she was hiding something for their own good. "Follow me." She walked towards another door. It was black and wooden, figures of three roses carved in it, and a knob.
Tasra didn't notice that earlier and knew that door was not there the last time he visited. He and Tessa were surprised when they saw it.
"What is that?" Tasra asked, pointing his finger at the door. Even Tessa was speechless upon seeing it.
"The Ancient Chamber of Dark Spells." Floressa replied. "Also known as the Chamber of Old. It only appeared three days ago. It is where the ancient spells of our ancestors are kept."
"And what are these 'dark spells' and 'ancient sorceries' exactly?" Tessa interrogated.
Floressa placed her palm on the surface of the door. "When I was young, I used to hear from my grandparents that the true power of the Black Rose is drawn from different dimension."
"What dimension is this, aunt?" Tasra asked as he don't hear about this much.
"No one ever knows, as for warlocks and witches living today." Floressa continued. "Even I, do not know about it and all my knowledge are based on the stories of my grandparents. Their generation witnessed how the use of dark spells has been forbidden in our land.
They said that back in the time where warlocks and witches use dark spells as their primary spells, it gives them the power they needed. They could summon these 'dark demons' from another dimension, and more. Mirillios was once a powerful conqueror of other domains..."
Tasra knew that Mirillios was once an evil colonizer of kingdoms that was related about this dark magics which he never heard much about until then. But all his life, he was never knowledgeable on how things have ended exactly, but at the very least, he has an idea about their history. "I remember that our ancestors were being corrupted for as long as they are using these dark spells?"
"Yes, Tasra. That's right." Floressa said. "They say that, upon seeing these dark spells, voices are usually speaking in their minds and they called it the Spirit of the Black Rose. Our ancestors could communicate with them but the longer they use the spells, something starts to control them. They cannot control their own body and some supernatural force was taking them."
"Oh..." Tessa just knew about this by then since she didn't usually care to know about such things.
"Then when half of the population of Mirillios were startled by the spell's possession, they made a revolution and had alliances from spellcasters and sorcerers from different kingdoms."
"The Arcane war, isn't it?" Tasra asked.
Floressa nodded. "It was one of the major events of the Arcane war. The war which was about something that mages from all around the world were fighting for. But we won't dwell deeper to that."
She faced her nephews. "My grandparents told me that the sorcerers of light managed to cast a spell that weakens everyone who uses those dark magics. But in the end, all the people in Mirillios agreed to never use those witchcrafts again as it was dangerous. They burned all the books, scrolls, and more copies of these spells. And this chamber..." She rested her palm on the door. "Suddenly vanished."
"That's why from that time, the magics we are using are from the sorcery scrolls of different spellcasters, mainly from people who were included in the Arcane war?" Tessa guessed.
"Yes dear, you got it." Floressa said with a smile. "When the doors showed itself, few days ago, it must be the Spirit of the Black Rose who whispered."
"What does it say?"
"We'll discuss it later. I invited the whole coven of Mirillios, both from Xen-Trisida and Loverra."
Tasra went closer to the door. He touched its knob. "Where is its key?"
Floressa shrugged. "We don't know. We have no idea."
Suddenly, Tasra heard whispers of raspy voices he never heard before. "Do you hear that?"
Both faces of Floressa and Tessa were dazzled by confusion.
"Hear what?" Tessa asked him back.
"The key."
"The threshold of the past."
"Darkness after a new dawn."
The voices... Tasra thought to himself. Maybe those were the corrupting spirit that Floressa was talking about? His vision was dazed. He continuously hears them whispering the same words over and over again. Unconsciously, he fell on his knees then his body collapsed to the soft soil on the ground, joining both the living and wilted roses.

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