Chapter Eighteen: The First Battle

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The thought of him flying has, apparently, amazed him. As soon as he entered, his surrounding was swallowed by dark mist for a second, then it dissolved, leaving him in the land behind the western council house. There wasn't any Forgonians out there, since most of them were at the front lawn of the council house. The atmosphere was filled by shrieks and battlecries from the bloodshed from somewhere nearby them. The dragonhawks were encircling around the tower house, which was utterly devastated by fire, leaving its base crumbled in ruins. Meanwhile, both the council houses were being swallowed by the raging blaze. Tasra could still sense their army there, certainly. No one was looking at their direction. The four gargoyles stood before him, facing the burning buildings. Their black skin was very much alive under the sky of morning sunrise compared to earlier when they had rough and ashen-black skin in the dark. They all faced Tasra and one of them spoke. "Shall we begin, our lord?"
He nodded. At once, they stretched their enormous, black reptilian wings. The gargoyles shot to the air, two of them flew to one of the dragonhawks while the other two charged at the remaining one. The winged beasts noticed them and screeched before they breathed fire to the gargoyles. The blast of flame swallowed them but as soon as it stopped breathing, the gargoyles were still flying. Both dragonhawks screeched in surprise and the gargoyles punched them on their face with immense force. One dragonhawk was knocked back and nearly hit the collapsed tower house. It managed to maintain its balance as it continuously flapped its wings, while the other one was knocked out and fell to one of the burning council houses. All the knights were stunned as they witnessed it. The gargoyles horrified them as they have never seen such creature. Their whole army fell back, leaving Segarum and his men. Their arms and legs were shackled, their mouth was muffled by a rope. They were lying on the ground, few feet away from the outside of the obstructed tower house. He and his men have wounds and bruises, but they just stayed there and watched the gargoyles in surprise, even though they didn't know what they were.
The four gargoyles gathered and swiftly charged to the remaining dragonhawk that was preparing itself to breathe fire again. They lunged at the winged-beast, pushing it to the ground. More debris crumbled and the ground shook. The gargoyles were strong that the dragonhawk cannot lift its body and wings. It cannot escape and squawked helplessly. Tasra just watched on how his monsters extended their claws and raked the winged-beast's neck. Its screeches boomed through the air. The gargoyles continuously lacerated the dragonhawk's entire body and its wings. Their body, especially their long menacing claws were splashed and tainted by blood. Soon, they left its body soaking in crimson. All the knights watched in disbelief.
Tasra flew high to see what was happening. The thin black mist was still around his body. Once more, the feeling of him flying with his hair and cloak being kissed by the cold morning breeze was truly joyful and astonishing. He passed over the obstructed council house and landed beside Segraum. The councilman looked at him with relief. Maybe he could recognize him easily, but didn't he wonder or wasn't he surprised with all the magics and strange things that he was witnessing? Perhaps Floressa had told him about their coven when he discovered what his aunt was, Segraum expected to witness such these things. All the Forgonians retreated farther. Tasra glanced at them. "Go away and retreat! Do never bother sire Segraum and his people again!" He called to all Forgonians and the gargoyles landed below him. Their skin was still the same, as if they haven't blasted by scorching flames a while ago. From the back line of the army, hundreds of searing and golden arrows flew swiftly. Neither of the gargoyles moved. Tasra wasn't certain on how he will block it.
"The power bends upon your will..." The Spirit of the Black Rose whispered to him. "The blood of the Black Rose in your blood is not a curse. It never was. It's a gift..."
Tasra opened his palms and raised it to the arrows before it rained down to them. One at a time, multiple arrows turned into ashes and dispersed in the air. Few nearly hit them but their bodies remained unharmed. When the sky was clear, he flew up and saw a battalion of archers on the farther back of the army. They were all astounded, and all the knights pulled their swords out and held their position. "Last warning!" He called once more. "Leave now and spare your own lives."
From behind him, he sensed that the other dragonhawk gained consciousness upon hearing movements from the burning waste and scarps of the building. The gargoyles turned around. The winged-beast, finally, flew out screeching in rage. Naturally, he expected that it was still alive as strong punches couldn't just kill such gigantic beast.
The dragonhawk glanced around and fixed its scornful gaze at the gargoyles. Its body was very much alive. Dusts of debris and feathers fell off as it was flapping its enormous wings. Tasra already anticipated the dragonhawk's next move. His emotions were mixed with rage and impatience. He opened his palms and his hands has blazed with purple flames. It feels the same as summoning emerald flames. He wondered what else he could do with a new color of flame. Ronan told him that the green ones were the most destructive fire spell. He did not mention anything about purple flames. And now, Tasra was about to find out was else he could do. Before the gargoyles flew and charge to it, he faced at the dragonhawk and blasted a beam of dark purple flares. As just when the dragonhawk opened its mouth to breathe fire, it accidentally swallowed Tasra's magic. The superior warlock pulled his hand away as his beam vanished, too. The dragonhawk remained flying in the air yet its wing flaps turning slow. Its eyes felt heavy, its yellow scales and golden feathers were both turning grey. Suddenly, it collapsed and fell to the ground, back to the burning debris and ruins. Its bright-colored feathers was drained out of color and life. Soon, its entire body was totally drained out of color, its skin turning more ashen and paler.
Later on, Tasra saw a horseman in golden armor who brought a banner with a lion's head on it. He ran from the backline as the entire army let him pass until he reached the vast space before the frontmost of the vanguard, where shield-men held their position. The horseman mounted down and planted the Frogon's banner on the land. He glanced up at Tasra and spoke. "Surrender now! Before the king himself punish you. Do not make this any longer. You have no odds of being victorious against the mighty Forgon!"
Tasra smiled and slightly tilted his head without any words. He flew higher and saw how many men were about to die in his hands. How many lives he has to punish. Yet part of him was hesitant to take all their lives. He knew that it was mainly the Luisons and the Highest House of Light Sorcery who brought all the torment which they have been enduring for a very long time up to then. This army was just following orders, though that won't change the fact that they were under their king's influence and malice. It makes no difference with Luison. They were following the tyrant's desires and intentions.
"The warning is yours. I am giving a you chance to retreat!" Tasra replied. "Leave now or face your death in no time." The gargoyles flew up behind him. The man in golden armor remained standing and glanced at the archers on the backline. He raised his hand and all of them loaded their bows with searing arrows. They aimed it at Tasra. Before the man signaled them to shoot the arrows, all the archers' weapons turned into ashes and were instantly blown away by the wind. They startled and looked around to find where their bows and quivers were. The man in golden armor was petrified and his eyes widened in horror. He faced Tasra again and unsheathed his sword, impatiently pointing it at him. "Stop whatever you are doing! This won't do any good for you!" All the knights behind him drew their swords, too, preparing themselves to charge at Segraum and his men.
I gave enough chances for you, but it looks like you all wanted to learn a lesson the hardest way. Tasra knew within himself that he was reluctant to do it. Sadly, he realized he has no other option left. He didn't notice how teary his eyes were. Finally, he took a deep breath and both his hands flared purple. He gave a stern gaze at the man in golden armor. "Fine." Tasra threw several blasts of his magic to the entire battalion. They all stumbled back while retreating away. Some tried to protect themselves by their stout iron shields. Turned out, it just melted easily by absorbing a single blast. The man in golden armor mounted back on his horse and ran away. Before he got any farther, Tasra incinerated him, too. The man and his horse shrieked in pain, melting their body and his useless golden protection. The gargoyles flew to their enemy's retreating wave, lunging and raking them with their claws that destroyed their iron armors. The knights tried to fight them, but their swords can't even slash and pierce their dark impenetrable skins. Even their wings were regenerating when damaged. It was already morning when Tasra continued to rain down the Forgonians with his black magic. He felt so good and was very satisfied as he hasn't summoned any flames that was deadly as this one. Although the green ones was powerful too. Under sorcery, it was said to be the strongest class of flame they could summon. At least he did not need to memorize any incantations or even any symbols this time. He knew that sometimes he can summon emerald flames without whispering because he already mastered it. However, there were times when he cannot do it just like whenever he doesn't have enough strength.
He felt that justice dwells upon his hands. I won't hesitate to burn everyone who goes on our way. And I will do everything for the sake of Mirillios. After all, he believed that Floressa was right. Vengeance is the only way to attain their freedom from all the decades of affliction which Luison and the light sorcerers have wrought. The air was filled with shrieks and grunts of dying men as they were incinerated or slain by the gargoyles. Lilac flames scattered around, the trees were set ablaze, too.
As soon as their whole wave fell back far away from Segraum and his people, Tasra landed behind the councilman. Their chains and rope turned into ashes and vanished. "Thank goodness you've come!" Segraum greeted in glee and stood. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you and those..." He pointed his finger to the gargoyles who were slaughtering the helpless Forgonians. "...whatever creatures they are."
    Tasra smiled at him. "You're welcome, sire Segraum. For now, what's important is for you and your people to get out of here." When they were on their feet, a large dark cloud formed behind Tasra. Segraum's and the watchers' eyes widened in surprise and were startled until Tasra spoke. "Get in. It will lead you to the council house of Northern Eclus. I know that you're friends with them."
    Segraum gazed at the cloud he summoned. "I don't know what is really happening and I don't know anything much about these magic and stuffs, but I trust in you, Tasra. Thank you and take care."
    Segraum patted his back and walked straightly to the cloud then he vanished. Tasra can sense the hesitancy among his men yet soon, they followed him inside. When all of them got inside, the dark cloud dissolved in air. Tasra faced the battlefield and soared nearer towards them. The battle cries were heard stronger, as well as their howls. His gargoyles roared upon having fun on the carnage. By then, there were countless corpse in armors laid on the blood-tainted land. Nearly half were surviving, retreating their way out towards beyond the welcome arc of the council house. He saw few of them hid inside the hut beside.
    "The power is yours...avenge them..." The Spirit whispered to him.
    Without hesitation, Tasra blasted it and let the hut be devoured by scorching flames. He was about to throw more blasts yet his attention was caught by several marching light sorcerers on the horizon from afar the streets. The Forgonians rushed towards them. The gargoyles let most of them ran away when they saw the sorcerers, too. Behind them were dozens of carriages that has angel statues. It was followed by another battalion of horsemen and knights who accompanied Anfred's carriage. Behind him were two more carriages. It was Asha and Tessa, just like what he saw in his vision a while ago. They were still unconscious. It made him nervous though he sensed that they weren't dead. The thin black mist still wafted around him as he was levitating in the middle of the morning sky. Four dragonhawks flew above Anfred's carriage. At once, all the eyes of the angel statues lit. The staffs of all sorcerers were covered by yellow aura. Even though he was powerful more than before, that made Tasra nervous and doubtful. He did not know but certainly, he was still vulnerable in light sorcery. This time, Asha wasn't by his side. She cannot heal him just like what she did when they fought Hagan. All alone, with these loyal monsters, Tasra has finally faced the tyrant king and his entire army from his powerful alliance.

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