Chapter Seventeen: The Superior Warlock

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Tasra strode in to the absolute darkness of the room, his feet stepping on the smooth surface of the cobblestone floor. When the door behind him has closed itself, purple flames of torches flickered on the walls, similar with their stronghold. It was a large rectangular chamber. The floor was built in stone bricks. Glancing around the chamber, Tasra's heart raced. Inscribed on the walls were symbols of spells that was unfamiliar to him. He has been studying sorcery but those were much different. He scanned those and found few of those familiar.

 He scanned those and found few of those familiar

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"Tartaros sil tribah?" Tasra muttered. He heard the spirit laughed once more. He gasped in surprise.  His eyes were fixed on the wall in front him where a panoramic picture depicts two different imagery. Painted on the right was the image of their world. People were on a farm field of wheats and crops with trees, and barns. Just like every typical farmlands in Mirillios. All the people gathered as they were gazing at the middle of the field were a bush of red and purple roses was planted. It was probably the Black Rose. Black lightning bolts flickered in the blue morning sky and friendly clouds. Scanning from the left, it was also a world but something was odd about it. The cloudless sky was painted purple, slightly fainter compared to the color of the Black Rose' purple petals. The vast land below was in a dark shade of brown. Instead of wheats and crops, countless purple and crimson roses were planted. Trees were painted pure black- its trunk, barks, and leaves. No humans were painted but figures of monsters were flying on the sky. He already encountered several mythical creatures in his life. Hippogriffs, dragonhawks, but Tasra cannot recognize these. They were like human but has horns, wings, and tails. Their skin was black, and eyes were flaring pink. Stood in the middle of the Black Rose field was a tall and black temple with bolts of black lightning flashed nearby its tall spires. Finally, at the middle of the two different imageries, was a large figure of man stood. He was in cloak and was tall, with his face cannot be seen clearly for it was only a silhouette. However, its eyes also flared pink like the monsters. He held an axe by one of his hands. It was as tall as himself. Tasra stared at it. He did not know who it was nor what it was. It scares him as he stared at his eyes on it for longer. Looking at the whole picture, the scene on the right tells the origin of the Black Rose. The farm field, the rose bush, and the black lightning were all familiar to him just like from the old stories. The man on the middle? He truly has no idea about him. As far as he remembered, the Black Rose came from a different dimension, and he thought that it was the scene painted on the left side? It looks entirely different from the painting of their world.
"Finally, the door has been opened after centuries." The spirit applauded.
"Where am I?" Tasra said and almost jumped in surprise when he saw several tapers lighted on the floor near the walls. Tasra looked behind him and saw four stone statues of monsters stood on the wall, blocking the closed doorway from where he came from. It was the same as the ones he saw on the painting. By then, he saw closer their large horns, pointed ears, enormous and folded wings at its back, huge sharp claws, flaring pink eyes and long twitched tail. They just stood with their arms folded on their chest. Their body was brawny and was twice as tall as him. He stepped back. These statues and the candles seemed like it wasn't even there earlier when he entered. They came out of nowhere, Tasra thought.
"The gargoyles, the mighty and trustworthy servants of the dark god, the supreme lord of hollow and desolation." The spirit added.
"What is happening?" Tasra asked, feeling anxious. "Let me get out of here!"
The spirit laughed once more. "Oh...don't be, young one. I can sense your fear, but we won't harm you. The dark god will do everything to protect his sinister herald."
Sinister herald? Tasra didn't like the way it sounds. Perhaps those were the words that the Spirit of the Black Rose have been telling their ancestors to corrupt and take control of them.
"We do never corrupt you..." It spoke again. It was just that time when he realized that the spirit could read his thoughts. "We are part of your lives especially in the early ages when they consumed these lovely flowers."
"Then why did all these dark spells were thrown away?" Tasra asked fiercely. "Why do you think that no one nowadays uses these magics you've written? Our history was tainted with malice, that it once driven its people in madness and conquer anyone who wasn't along their side. And everything was because of this Black Rose curse!"
"A curse? But it was also your ancestors who consumed it, weren't they? Oh, I remember how they rejoiced when they crushed its petals and took its sip for their special drinks."
Tasra thought about it. The Spirit was correct. Who else thought that drinking the sip of some random glowing flower could give them powers and will, eventually, bring those speaking spirits inside their head? The Spirit's point was indisputable.
Tasra took a deep breath. He admitted that the Spirit was right, and he didn't want to further continue this argument with something who could read minds. "Okay, fine. What do you want? Why did you bring me here?" Suddenly, all the written spells on the wall blazed purple. All the candles moved towards him, encircling around Tasra.
"Now is the time that we found our new herald." The spirit told him. Black mist swirled around the gargoyles then they faintly shook their body as they gained consciousness. They looked around them then fixed their gaze on Tasra. Their footsteps were loud, thought it didn't make the chamber tremble. Tasra didn't know what to do against them. He couldn't even defeat a light sorcerer by himself. I am trapped, Tasra thought to himself. He opened his palm and green flames sparked around his hand. It was a good thing that given his mastery of the fire spell, he can summon it even without reciting its incantation. Sometimes it works for him, sometimes it doesn't. He was about to blast it to them, yet they halted. The four of them knelt before him. It baffled his mind, the flame in his hands has quenched. "What is happening?" He asked the spirit. 
"The time has come." The spirit said. "I proclaim you as the Superior of all Warlocks of the Black Rose. You have been chosen by the dark god to harness the power of the dark realm."
Tasra thought of that at the very moment. Darkness has always been considered to have resemblance with evil. Their conquerors who were worshiping the god of light and their alliance with the light sorcerers. Their coven had the use of any other sorcery that was bestowed upon them since the Arcane war. However, it was barely enough for them to fight for their own freedom. On the other hand, the thought of embracing this dark magics could also be menacing as Ronan warned them before. Tasra had no choice but to use this to liberate Mirillios from the Forgonians. I will show you how darkness balances everything and how can you all be safe under our shadows, perhaps the Spirit was right.
"From the time being, the Superior Warlock need no words to cast any spell as the absolute power of Black Rose bends to your will." The Spirit said. A black mist came from underneath him. It devoured him then it dissolved. From then, he was wearing a black leather coat with newly black cloak. His hands covered with black gloves and his feet with black leathery boots. Tasra felt that his strength was replenished. It was strange. Maybe he was just dreaming. However, he was not. He can't feel his drowsiness, nor exhaustion, and was very much awakened.
"Unlike from your ancestors, I won't be teaching you any witchcraft." The Spirit of the Black Rose continued. "Everything you desire is within your hands. As I proclaim you, the power is yours to explore..." It laughed once again.
"What do you mean power?" Tasra asked and glanced at the inscribed spells on the walls, which were still blazing purple. "I don't even know any of these?"
There was no response from the Spirit. He waited for few moments, but the silence of the place remained unbothered.
"Fine." He said and was about to get out of the chamber yet one of the gargoyles spoke in his very deep voice. "What will we do first, our lord?" His heart jumped in surprise, once again. Tasra was stunned and couldn't believe that these terrifying creatures were at his command. "Uhmm... I am not sure, but I have to find where Anfred Luison is. I think I have to call the coven and tell them about this then we'll make our plan."
"My lord, if I may suggest, you can do all the things alone with us." The second gargoyle spoke. Their voices sound the same, though he knew who among them speaks as he sees their mouth moving.
Tasra raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? They are literally an entire powerful kingdom with a huge army of light sorcerers and magical beasts that helps them."
"I believe in your abilities, my lord." The third one spoke. "If you knew how any sorcery works, you can easily use this power."
"Okay, I will try." Tasra replied. He was about to ask them on how to get out of there but he heard soft whispers from the walls, which wasn't definitely the Spirit of the Black Rose.
"You have to find them..."
"Your lover...Your sister..."
"The western state...A danger awaits..."
"You have a vision to see...Superior Warlock."
"A vision to see..."
After the whispers, the blaze of all symbols has vanished except for the one on his right. It was a symbol he cannot read but beneath it was a blazing figure of a person, sitting crossed-legged and both palms were open as each hand rested over each knee. Upon hearing the whispers and seeing the symbols, he had an idea on what he will do. Tasra sat on the floor and positioned himself like what he saw on the wall. He closed his eyes and for a moment, he was astounded to find himself levitating few feet above the ground. He closed his eyes again and thought of the visions he wanted to see. Even without reciting or memorizing any symbol in his mind, Tasra thought of seeing Asha and Tessa, as it was one of the things that the whispers told him. Like a dream, he had a vision where he saw their cabin in the barn. There was no one inside. Earlier, he saw Asha sleeping and Tessa must be resting there, too. The room wasn't left neatly which he found suspicious. The blankets were left on the bed wrinkled. Some of the pillows scattered on the floor. All the weapons that hung on the wall were also dropped and scattered everywhere. Spears were broken into half. Everything was chaotic. Except for the tea table that stood over the door to their underground stronghold. Tasra know that Asha would never leave the cabin like this, nor would Tessa. His vision shifted. Under the morning sky, just before the sunrise, there was an army of a dozen sorcerers and knights, marching away from their farmland. Along with them were three carriages. Luison was on the first one, leading the vanguard.
"We are not able to look for him." He muttered and faced the two carriages behind him. Each was accompanied by two knights. On the second carriage was Asha. She was still in her white cloak and was unconscious while her hands and legs were bound. Her staff was nowhere to be seen around. On the next carriage was his sister. She, too, was unconscious and bound. "Leastwise we got them." Anfred continued and his carriage went through.
"Where we will go now, my lord?" One of the knights asked.
Anfred smiled. "To Western Eclus. We'll be giving a lovely visit to one of the council people." Then the entire army marched on. On the skies were four enormous dragonhawks that drifted along with the clouds. They followed the king's army from above. All the villagers out there hid as those scared them, especially with the king's presence.
Tasra's vision rippled in to a new one. He saw the council house of Western Eclus being invaded by Forgonians. Segraum's guards were on the lawn below the tower house, having sword-to-sword combat against Forgonian knights. They were severely outnumbered but they managed to hold them back and buy enough time for Segraum and the watchers to shoot more arrows to their foes from the tower house. An advantage they had against them.
"Fire!" The head councilman bade his men. It was good for them that they have enough arrows to shoot. Later on, a dozen horsemen came in, charging towards his people on the ground. They easily slashed them and bested them, leaving his men's bodies lying on the ground. The horsemen and the rest of the Forgonians kept walking to the council houses. Segraum reloaded his crossbow and aimed it at them. The watchers did the same yet a blast of fire struck the base of the tower. The place trembled, Segraum and the watchers lost their balance. They dropped their crossbows on the floor. He glared above from where did the blast came from and saw two flying dragonhawks in the sky. "Get out of here! Now!" he called on his men as they went their way out, down the stairs, before another blast of flames hit their floor. Tasra cannot see where Luison was. He didn't even know if all of these were happening in the present.  No matter what, one thing was for sure. He knows that his family and sire Segraum were in danger. Tasra felt a gentle brush of wind around him, softly blowing his hair and cloak. He opened his eyes. A thin cloud of black mist was covering his body. The light of candles did not die.
Tasra got on his foot and spoke. "We need to go now." He tried to use his powers for him to see what else he can do. He was thinking if who among them he will save first, his family or a close friend of her aunt? Perhaps Luison is on his way to Segraum, Tasra thought. He desired of going right away to aid Segraum. By then, an enormous black cloud emerged from the floor, just behind the gargoyles. They all turned to it.
"Shall we go now, our lord?" The one asked.
Tasra responded with a nod. He wasn't sure if he summoned that cloud, but it seemed that the gargoyles thought of that. "Do not harm Segraum and his people." He added. "We have to save them. As well as my sister and-"
"Asha." The other one interrupted. "Yes, our lord. We know who they are."
Woah, what kind of creatures are these? Can they also read minds? Either way, he thought it was good that they were aware about them, especially about Asha, who was a light sorceress. One by one, the gargoyles walked to the cloud and disappeared. Tasra thought of flying since he floated earlier, or did it only work when he wanted to see visions? He opened his arms and his body levitated, then he flew towards the cloud.

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