Chapter 3

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It was 5:47 am and Katsuki was becoming insane, the alarm was already ringing for the 7th time and Evelyn just hit snooze. "Can't you turn the fucking alarm off!" He screamed though the pillow squished on his face. "Yeah in a minute..." she mumbled drowsy and turned around to continue sleeping. "Ah you annoying fuck!" He grumbled and stood up. Now stomping up to her and ripping the blanket off her.

Now Evelyn was sitting groggily on her bed and trying to find her will to live. Katsuki was already changed and now brushing teeth while packing his backpack. "Get ready dumbass.", "Yeah okay..." she whispered and finally started to get ready. 

"What time do we have to leave?" The blonde asked Evelyn who was putting on makeup and doing her hair. "6:30", "What! We already have 6:24! Hurry up!" The black haired girl wasn't impressed and just continued putting on her lip gloss. "Calm down blondie, we wont miss the train." She calmly put on her jacket and took her purse filled with school utensils."

"Wait Katsuki, I forgot something." She quickly shoved her bag in Katsukis direction for him to hold and ran up the stairs. 

Finally, they got the train, even through they had to hurry bit, but now they were sitting in their seats. Evelyn was panting a bit and Katsuki didn't seem out of breath at all. Probably for the reason that he was way more athletic than the girl next to him. "Katsuki, we will get off the train one stop earlier, yeah? We need to buy food and snacks for school.", "Yeah whatever." "Awesome" Evelyn hummed.

Now they were walking through the supermarket with a basket full of snacks, bread rolls and crisps. "We need to get to the soft drink aisle. We need 2 blue red bulls, 2 orange ones, a monster in pink and some bottles of coke." "Wait why do we even need so much?" He asked confused. "Well it is for the whole friend group, they already sent me the money. I usually get the stuff because I am the only one passing by a supermarket. Also the cafeteria food is way to expensive." She started putting the cans in the basket while Katsuki fetched the coke bottles. "You also want a red bull?" She was now facing Katsuki who was having trouble deciding. "Uhm yeah sure." "And which one? Açai, Apricot-strawberry, blueberry?" "I dunno, you can choose." Evelyn just shrugged and put another blue one in the basket. 

"The total is 18,77. Do you pay with card or cash?" The cashier asked. The girl quickly paid with card while packing the stuff in a plastic bag, luckily she had help today. "Give me the bag idiot." Katsuki snatched the bag and didn't even gave her a second to respond. "It is way to heavy for you weakling." "Hey! I am not a weakling!" Evelyn protested showing her small muscles. "Look I am strong!" She grinned proudly and Katsuki tried to hide his grin. 

"Oh Kacchan!" The two heard shouting from behind them and a familiar green head ran up to them. "I didn't knew you guys were walking together." Izuku remarked now seeing Evelyn. "Well we are exchange Partners, so yeah makes sense that we are going to school together. By the way where is your exchange partner?" Evelyn asked the green haired boy who was walking alone. "Oh Tim? He doesn't visit school today for... uhm reasons." He said nervously, "He's skipping right." Evelyn knew already that her Classmate liked to skip school so it wasn't surprising. "You can walk with us Izuku. Right Katsuki?" Evelyn now faced Katsuki who didn't seem all to happy with that but agreed nevertheless. 

Now finally arriving in school, Evelyn's friends already waited for her. They all put their stuff away and walked to class. "Do we have PE later?" Suzan asked which caused Éloïse to check the time table, "Yeah, 5th and 6th period. Do you guys have gym clothes?" "We have PE today?! I forgot my gym clothes" Evelyn gasped. "Well Evie, you never bring Gym clothes, sometimes I think you do that on purpose. Can it be that-" Fay observed but Nataliya interrupted before the redhead could talk further. "You are thinking too much my friend. We are all a bit scattered sometimes and Evie just forgot. Right Evie?" The blonde girl questioned. "Yes you are right, Katsuki do you have gym clothes? You have a copy of the timetable right?" Evelyn's attention was now on Katsuki who was walking next to her and texting his friends. "Yeah, unlike you I checked it this morning." "Ah great then." she smiled and said goodbye to her two younger friends, who were a grade below them. The six of them went into class closely followed by Izuku who didn't want to disturb them.   

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