Chapter 6: Walking Down a New Path

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It is about a day before the football game as Carter is rehearsing, "Anywhere we are! Anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us! Anywhere we are! Anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party! We got the party! We got the party! We got the party with us! We got the party with us!" he, Sicily, Seth, and Sara sang together as they closed out. "Man, now that was a great rehearsal guys." Seth said after taking a drink from a water bottle he had with him. "Yes. I can definitely say that we are indeed ready for tomorrow." Sara said smiling. "Oh that reminds me. Are you guys busy this weekend?" Carter asked. "Not really, why?" Henry asked. "Well, I told my mom about you guys and she was wondering if you would be interested in coming over for dinner on Saturday." Carter said. "Well I got nothing going on this weekend, so I'm down for coming over." Seth said. "Yeah I got nothing planned this weekend, so I'll come." Henry said. "I'll come too." Ryan said. "I'm sure my parents will be alright with me staying over. So I'll take you up on your offer." Michael said. "Sure. I mean, I don't have anything else going on this weekend." Sicily said. "Well if everyone's in then I guess I'll join in too." Sara said. "Awesome. Well, feel free to come over around 2 pm." Carter said. "Alright. Well that concludes today's rehearsal. We'll continue during lunch tomorrow." Sara said as the club members packed up and left. As Carter was walking out of the classroom, Seth came up to him, "Hey man, you want me to give you a ride home?" he asked. "I appreciate the offer but I got something to talk to my coach about." Carter said. "Alright man. Catch you later." Seth said to Carter as he walked away with Sicily, "See ya." he said as he walked the other. As he is walking, he sees Xavier as he tries to walk away from him before being spotted by him, "I thought I told you that you shouldn't get distracted by hanging out with those guys." Xavier said as he approached Carter. "Hey, they're pretty awesome if you get to know them." Carter said in defense. "Open your eyes, man! You're a football player, not a singer!" Xavier said angrily. "Well maybe I don't want to be a football player anymore!" Carter said offending Xavier. "W-What are you saying?" Xavier questioned. "I don't care about football. I only joined the team because you told me to. Besides, I'm a musician and I love being a part of the club. They treat me like a family." Carter said. "You're making a big mistake man! I'm your best friend, I know what's best for you. " Xavier said as Carter walked past him. "Well if you were my best friend, you would have supported me for making this decision." Carter said as he walked further away. A few minutes later, Carter arrives at his coach's office before knocking on it, "Come in!" said a voice from behind the door. Carter then opened the door as he walked in, "Hey Coach. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something I've had on my mind for a while." he said as he walked in. "Sure thing McAlister, have a seat." the coach said. "Thanks." Carter said as he sat down in a chair in front of the coach. "So what's been on your mind lately?" the coach asked. "So I'm sure that you know I'm in the music club, right?" Carter asked the coach, "Oh yeah. I saw you at the Homecoming dance. Gotta say you really looked like you were having fun with those guys." the coach said. "Yeah, well. The thing I've had on my mind was...I've been wanting to leave the football team." Carter said to his coach with hesitation. "Oh. Really?" the coach asked Carter with disbelief. "Yes. I know that you would not like the idea of me leaving the team. But I want you to know that I love music and want to continue being a part of the music club." Carter said. "If it's your decision, then go for it." the coach said. "Huh? Really?" Carter asked in surprise. "Well, yeah. If you're really passionate about something you enjoy doing, then I'll support you in your decision." the coach said as he got up from his chair before walking up to Carter, "But if I'm being honest, I'm sure the team is really going to miss you." the coach said as he rubbed Carter's head. "I'm going to miss those knuckleheads too." Carter said as he fixed his hair. "Now then, how about you go to your locker and turn your gear in and I'll tell the guys that you're leaving the team?" the coach asked. "Got it. I'll be back." Carter said as he walked to the dry to grab his gear. After he closed his locker, he left the dry to bring them back to the coach. As he was walking back, he turned to watch the team practice before walking away. After a few minutes, he returns to the coach's office, "Got my gear. Here you are." Carter says as he walks up to the coach. "Thank you. It's been a pleasure having you on the team, Carter. Good luck with pursuing your passion." the coach said to Carter as he held his hand out, "Thank you for having me. Good luck in the game tomorrow." Carter said shaking the coach's hand. Carter then walked out of the office before leaving the school. About a few minutes later he arrives at his house before opening the door, "Mom, I'm home!" he said as he walked through the door before closing it behind him. "Hey kiddo. Did your friends get the invites?" She asked as she got up to Carter, "Yep. I told them that they're free to come over at around 2 pm." he said in response. "That's great." Carter's mom said before asking her son "So how did school go?". "School went great. Got another rehearsal done without a hitch." Carter said. "That's great. Anything else happened?" Carter's mom asks. "Well, because of how much time I've been spending with the music club, I actually left the football team." Carter said. "Oh, I see. Are you okay with your decision?" Ms. McAlister asked her son, "Yes. I want to continue being a part of the music club and hang out with my friends." he answered. "Well as long as you're okay with your decision, I'll support your decision." Ms. McAlister said. "Thanks mom. I'll be up in my room if you need me." Carter said as he walked up a set of stairs. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour." Carter's mom said. "Got it." Carter said in response.

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