Chapter 7: Hyped-Up Spirits (Part 2)

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It was about a half hour until the football game as Carter is getting ready for it. He then walked towards his mirror as he looked at his reflection to check his outfit, which consisted of a white dress shirt with the top button undone under a black vest with black pants, and blue sneakers, as well as a red necktie (which was what Sara told him to wear for the performance) and a black leather jacket along with having his hair gelled. "Man, can't believe I'm performing at the football game." Carter said to himself as looked at his reflection one last time. "Hey kiddo, are you ready yet?" Carter's mom said from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah mom! I'll be down in a minute!" Carter said in response as he made his way down. As he got down the stairs he saw his mother standing by the door, "How do I look?" he asked. "You look real snazzy." Carter's mom said as she grabbed her car keys, "Now let's get going or you're gonna be late." she then said. "Alright. I'm all set." Carter says as he walks out the door with his mom following suit. After a few minutes of driving, they arrive at the football field. "Alright. We're here." Carter's mom said as she parked the car. As the two walked to the field, Carter saw people murmuring to other students around him. After purchasing their tickets, Carter and his mom made their way to their side of the bleachers. As they got closer, the student section erupted into cheers as Carter got within sight. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go sit with my friends." Carter said as he turned to his mom, who nodded in response. Carter then walked up the bleachers until he saw the others. As he sat down, he saw that the boys were wearing the same clothes as he was while the girls all wore white dresses under a black leather jacket with black leggings and red sneakers, except Maya who wore the same shirt, jacket, and necktie as the boys. "Hey guys." Carter said as he took a seat next to Seth and Sicily. "Well if it ain't the former star player." Henry said before Carter rolled his eyes, "Haha very funny." he said. "But I wonder how the team is going to do now that Carter left." Ryan said. "Who knows?" Michael said. "Oh come on guys. Just because I left the team doesn't mean that they're gonna lose. Besides, we have to cheer for them." Carter said. "The dude's got a point there." Seth said as the others nodded in agreement. A few minutes later, the marching band marches onto the field as they play their school theme song while the football team runs out to the field. After playing the national anthem, the football game begins. Throughout the first half of the game, the Roadrunners were able to keep a good distance in points with the score being 21-10. "Alright guys, let's go get ready." Sara said as she got up from her spot and walked down the bleachers with Carter and the others following suit. After getting everything together on the field, with help from the faculty members who were at the game, Carter and the others made their way to the center of the field, "And now ladies and gentlemen. Please give a warm round of applause for your very own high school music club." the announcer said as the student section erupted into a cheer. "Hey there everyone. We're very glad that we got the opportunity to play in the halftime show." Carter said into the mic. "Now then, let's rock!" Seth said. A few seconds later, Maya starts playing her guitar. "Come on, guys, tell me what we're doing. We hang around when we could be all over the place." Sicily sang before Henry played his drums. "The sun is shinin', just the way we like it. Let's get out of this hall and show the world our face." Seth sang shortly after. "It's Friday but there's nowhere to go. Anywhere is cool but we're not going home." Sara then sang as Carter joined in later, "And we can do anything we wanna do
It's all up to me and you!" he sang. "Turn this park into a club, the stars are lights, and the moon is so bright from above! Skateboard here's all right, so pull on up, everyone is waiting for us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us!We got the party with us! We got the party with us!" The four students sang together. "Radio, let me be a DJ. I'll turn you up, keep us moving 'til we're on a roll." Seth then sang. "Everyone is dancing to their own beat. And letting go, everybody here's gotta soul." Sara and Sicily sang in harmony. "It's Friday and there's nowhere to be. We're kicking it together, it's so good to be free. We got each other and that's all we need. The rest is up to you and me!" Carter then sang. "Turn this park into a club, the stars are lights, and the moon is so bright from above! Skateboard here's all right, so pull on up, everyone is waiting for us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us!We got the party with us! We got the party with us!" the four students sang together once again before Maya broke into a guitar solo. "Life is for dreamers and I'm a believer. That nothing can stand in our way today. Let's find a place to play!" Sicily sang shortly after before it went back to the four students singing together, "Turn this park into a club, the stars are lights, and the moon is so bright from above! Skateboard here's all right, so pull on up, everyone is waiting for us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us!We got the party with us! We got the party with us! Turn this park into a club, the stars are lights, and the moon is so bright from above! Skateboard here's all right, so pull on up, everyone is waiting for us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us! Anywhere we are, anywhere we go! Everybody knows, we got the party with us!We got the party with us! We got the party with us!" they sang. "We got the party! We got the party! We got the party! We got the party with us! We got the party with us!" Carter and Sicily sang as they closed out the song. The crowd then erupted into applause and cheers as Carter and the others took a bow before walking off the field. A few minutes later, after the faculty members moved the gear, the football team immediately ran out to the field as Carter and the others walked back to their seats. "Man. That was amazing! I can't believe that I sang for the first time at a football game!" Seth said in excitement. "Yes. It was pretty...awesome. But I never knew that singing would be so exciting." Sara then said. "So does that mean you'll be singing more often?" Ryan asked her. "...Yes. I think I'll give it a try." Sara hesitantly said. "Sweet!" Carter said. Throughout the rest of the game, the Roadrunners were able to win 34-21. "Man, I can't believe that they won without Carter." Michael said. "See? I told you guys they would do great." Carter said. "So anyways guys. Since we all worked really hard for this, why don't we head to the mall tomorrow?" Henry asked. "I think that would be great." Seth said as Ryan nodded in agreement. "I got some time to kill tomorrow so I'll take you up on your offer." Michael said. "I'm down." Maya said. "Sounds like a good plan. I do want to go get some new clothes anyways." Sara said. "What about you Carter? You interested in going?" Seth asked. "You bet. Plus we can head over to my place afterwards." Carter said. "Oh right. We're coming over for dinner." Sicily said before a car horn went off. "Looks like that's my mom. Catch you guys tomorrow." Carter said as he ran off from the group. "See ya." the others said. After Carter got into his mom's car, he buckled his seatbelt, "You did an amazing job out there kiddo." his mom then complimented him. "Thanks mom. So, me and the club will be going to the mall tomorrow at noon. We'll be coming back to my place afterwards. That okay with you?" Carter then asked. "Of course. I'm really looking forward to having your friends over." Carter's mom said. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too." Carter said as the car drove off.

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