Chapter 10: Tragedy Ensues

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[This chapter includes Carter angst]
Lunchtime now approaches as Carter makes his way to the club room when he trips and falls to the ground. Carter then got up before turning around to see Xavier standing behind him, "Oops." he simply said. "What the heck was that for, Xavier?" Carter asked. "I told you before. If you're going to keep hanging out with those freaks, then you're gonna get the same treatment they deserve." Xavier said. "What do you mean?" Carter asked. "I'm not saying a word." Xavier said as he walked away from Carter, who rushed to the music room. As he got to the music room, Carter saw that the door was open. As he looked in the music room, he saw that the music room was completely vandalized, with the instruments totaled, and the blackboard had a message saying 'GO AWAY FREAKS!' in caps-lock. "Oh my goodness!" Carter said as he looked around the room. A few minutes later, the others arrived as they saw the music room trashed. "WHAT IN THE WORLD!" Michael said. "AYE! ERNESTO!" Maya screamed as she ran towards her guitar, which was totally destroyed, before breaking down into tears. "Maya. I'm really sorry about what-." Carter said as he reached out to his crying bandmate before having his hand being swatted away, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Maya screamed leaving Carter speechless. "Carter, what happened here?" Sara asked Carter. "I don't know. I just got here a few minutes ago. Also, when I got here I saw that the door was open and when I went in this is what it looked like when I came in." Carter explained. "Mr. McAlister." said a voice. As the music club turned to see the principal at the door. "Principal Winters? What brings you-." Carter was about to ask before being cut off by the principal, "My office. Now." the principal said before turning to face the others, "You all are free to come too." he said. After a few minutes, they arrive at the principal's office. "Now then, I'm sure you're wondering why you're here. Am I right Mr. McAlister?" the principal asked Carter. "No sir, I don't." Carter replied. "Well, I received a video from an unidentified source that you vandalized the music room." Principal Winters said. "What?" Carter said in shock. "I am just as surprised as you are. But what I don't understand is why would a good student like you vandalize the music room." the principal wondered. "Sir, I swear to you that I would never do anything like this." Carter said. "And do you have any proof that you were not responsible for it?" Principal Winters asked. "Well, no. But I-." Carter said before being cut off by the principal again, "Then how can I be sure that you weren't responsible?" he asked. Carter said nothing. "That's what I thought. I'm sorry Mr. McAlister. But until you can provide evidence to show that you weren't responsible, I cannot take your word." the principal said. "Sir, may we see the video?" Seth asked. "Of course." Principal Winters said as he pulled up the video, which showed a hooded figure breaking the instruments before turning around to reveal Carter's face, shocking the music club and Carter. "Carter! How could you!?" Seth asked in disbelief. "Guys I'm telling you that wasn't me! I swear it!" Carter said before turning to face Sicily, who looked like she was about to cry, "Sicily. You gotta believe me I-." Carter said before being interrupted by Seth, "Don't come near her!" he said shocking Carter speechless. "I can't believe you, Carter. We trusted you. And this is how you treat us? By calling us freaks!?" Michael said. "Guys, come on! You have to believe me I would never-." Carter said before being interrupted by Sara. "Enough Carter! We don't want to hear your excuses. If you're going to convince us that you didn't do it, then you'll just be wasting your breath. I cannot tolerate the fact that you lied about us being your family. Seems like we don't need you around us anymore. You're out of the music club." she said, shocking Carter. The music club then left the office before Henry looked at Carter with a sad look and closed the door. "I am sorry that you have to go through that Mr. McAlister. If you'd like, I can excuse you from class for the rest of the day. Are you okay with that?" the principal asked Carter, who just nodded. "Alright. You are excused." Principal Winters said before Carter walked out of the office. As Carter was walking, he felt tears running down his face. Carter then tried to stop them but they couldn't stop. Carter didn't know why, but he felt his legs start to move as they made him run through the hallway and up to the roof. As he got to the roof, he felt his knees buckle underneath him as he held onto his stomach and screamed from the top of his lungs. Unbeknownst to him, Xavier, Sophie, and their friends watched as Carter suffered. "Looks like the plan worked out pretty good." Xavier said. "Yeah. Now he has no friends and is completely alone." Sophie said. "Guys, are you sure that Carter deserves this?" Zeke said. "Of course he deserves it Zeke." Sophie said. "Yeah. This is what he gets for leaving us for those music freaks." Xavier said shortly after. "I don't know. He really enjoyed spending time with them. Don't you think that this is too much?" Cameron asked. "Too much? Maybe you've gotten too soft Cameron. You were hurt when Carter called us jerks for ruining Sicily's notebook too, right?" Xavier retaliated. "Well, yeah I was hurt but-." Cameron said before being cut off by Sophie, "Then this is what Carter deserves. End of story." she said. "Now I don't want any of you two saying a word of this to anyone. Understand?" Xavier asked Zeke and Cameron. "Understand." they said simultaneously. "Good. Now come on, let's get to class." Xavier said as he and Sophie walked away with Zeke and Cameron following shortly after looking at Carter with sad looks.

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