Chapter 14: Crunchtime and Confessions

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A few days pass by for Carter and the music club, who decided to call themselves The Tuners, as Carter rejoined the band and got new instruments from the money Xavier and Sophie's fathers gave to the school, and Carter rekindled his friendship with the band and Zeke, Cameron, and Aphia. Now lunchtime approaches as Carter is walking to the music room with Zeke, Cameron, and Aphia, all 3 of which asked to go with him. As they arrive at the music room, they are greeted by the other members, "Hey Carter." Seth said. "Hey guys. Hope you don't mind if Zeke, Cameron, and Aphia join us." Carter said. "Of course not. The more the merrier." Michael said. "Thank you Michael." Cameron said as he, Zeke, and Aphia sat down and ate their lunch with the music club. After a few minutes, Aphia speaks up. "So are you guys excited for the competition?" she asked. "Yeah I'm stoked for it!" Maya responded. "I am excited as well. But with how far behind we are on rehearsals, I don't think we'll be ready for it." Sara said. "Oh right. I forgot that because of Xavier, you guys haven't gotten a chance to rehearse." Zeke said. "That's right. But thanks to his and Sophie's dads, we were able to get new instruments for us to rehearse with." Carter said. "I guess so. Though, have you guys decided on what song you want to sing for the competition?" Cameron asked. "Oh crud! We've been so behind on rehearsing that we haven't even decided a song to sing!" Seth said panicking. "Alright Seth. No need to panic. Let's just think of some ideas." Sara said as the Tuners started thinking about ideas. It was a few minutes until Carter spoke up, "Guys. I think I found the perfect song." he said. "Well don't keep us in suspense. What is it?" Michael said. "I was thinking that we could sing "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John. Look, I even saw a video from Glee where the song is a duet." Carter said as the the other members gathered around Carter as he played the video on his laptop. "This is perfect!" Sara said after watching the video. "Yeah. I say we give it a go." Seth said as the others nodded in agreement. "Well it looks like we're in agreement." Carter said. Just then the sound of the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. "Alright guys. Let's begin rehearsals after school today." Sara said as she gathered her stuff. "Hey Sara." Aphia said. "Yes Aphia?" Sara said as she turned to face her. "Is it okay with you if me, Zeke, and Cameron come watch you rehearse?" Aphia asked. "I don't see why not." Sara said smiling. "Thanks." Aphia said. After opening the door, the music club, Aphia, Zeke, and Cameron left the music room. A few hours later, Sara and Sicily were walking to the music room. "So Sicily." Sara said getting her friend's attention. "Hm? What's up?" Sicily asked looking up at Sara. "Are you planning to ask him?" Sara asked. "W-W-What? I d-don't know what y-you're talking about!" Sicily said as she went red in the face and was waving her hands frantically. "Sicily." Sara said calming Sicily down, "You don't have to hide it from me. I know you still have a crush on Carter." she then said. "*sigh* You're right. I just don't know how to ask him? I mean, what if I mess up and he gets weirded out so much that he'll never talk to me again-." Sicily rambled before Sara tapped her head. "Sicily, two things. First. You need to calm yourself. Take a deep breath." Sara said as Sicily did what she said. "Good. Second, you shouldn't overthink things. Remember, I used to date Carter so I know that he's a nice guy." Sara said. "Come to think of it Sara, why did you and Carter break up?" Sicily asked her friend. "Well, it's kind of funny. The truth is, we broke up because I couldn't keep up with how musically gifted he was. I've been a part of the chorus club since middle school, but never once had I ever heard a voice as pure and clear as Carter's. I guess I just thought I wasn't good enough for him, so I broke up with him." Sara said. "I see." Sicily said. "But I'm sure you and Carter will be a great couple." Sara said turning to face her best friend. "You think so?" Sicily asked. "I know so." Sara responded. "Alright. I'm ready to confess to him." Sicily said beaming with confidence as Sara simply smiled. As they got to the music room, they saw Carter, Seth, Ryan, Henry, Michael, Maya, watching Aphia, Cameron, and Zeke singing karaoke. "If you come down to the river, bet you gonna find some people who live." Cameron sang, "You don't have to worry 'cause you have no money. People on the river are happy to give." Aphia sang shortly after. "Big wheel keeps on turnin'! Proud Mary keeps on burnin'!" Zeke then sang shortly after.
"Rollin', rollin', rollin' on a river! Rollin', rollin', rollin' on a river! Da do do do Da do do do Da do do do ba da ba yeah ba da ba ba ba yeah! Rollin', rollin', rollin' on a river! Rollin', rollin', rollin' on a river! Da do do do ba da ba yeah ba da ba ba ba yeah!" The trio then sang together as the song closes. A few seconds later, the music club applauded the trio for their performance, "Man amigos, I never knew you guys had some good pipes." Maya said. "Thanks. Believe it or not, Aphia, Zeke, and I are on the same praise team with Carter at our church." Cameron said. "So you knew all along that they could sing, Carter?" Ryan asked turning to his bandmate, "Yep. Sorry if I didn't say anything earlier." Carter responded rubbing the back of his head. "Well it would be such a shame for your voices to go unnoticed." Sara said as the others turned to face her and Sicily. "Since when did you two get here?" Henry asked. "About a few seconds ago." Sicily said. "So Sara, what were you saying when you talked about us?" Cameron asked. "What I was saying is that we would like you three to join the music club." Sara said surprising the trio. "Wait, seriously? You want us to join you guys?" Cameron asked. "Well of course. I mean, we could really use a few more hands for the song." Sara said. "Even though we used to be friends with the people who destroyed your instruments?" Aphia asked. "I admit that we were pretty hurt by it, but that's water under the bridge." Michael said. "Besides, this could be your chance for redemption." Carter said as he put his hands on their shoulders. "Well, if you really do want us to help you, then sign us up." Zeke said. "Great! Now then, let's get to work." Sara said, clapping her hands as everyone got into positions. After about an hour and a half later, the music club wraps up their rehearsal as the members grab their stuff and leave. After walking through the hallway, Carter sees Sicily in the lobby, "Sicily? What are you doing here?" Carter asks as he walks up to her. "Oh, hey Carter. I was waiting for you. I...want to talk to you about something." Sicily said. "Oh yeah. I mean, my mom will be coming over to pick me up so I got some time." Carter said before he and Sicily walked outside the school. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Carter asked. "Well, it's just...I know it's been a few days since you've rejoined the club and all. But I just...want to apologize." Sicily said. "Apologize for what?" Carter asked. "I want to apologize for...for not believing you." Sicily said as her eyes teared up, "I'm really sorry for not believing that you didn't do it. I was just...really heartbroken to see the video. I just didn't know the video was fake. And I really hope that you could forgive me for hurting you." she then said as she started crying. "Sicily..." Carter said as he walked towards Sicily before hugging her tightly, "Of course I forgive you. I care about you and the music club with all my heart. You guys are more than my friends, you're my family." he then said. Sicily then looked up at Carter's face, which had a very genuine smile, before smiling herself. "I'm really glad that you forgive me. You're so kind." Sicily said as she hugged Carter, "And your why I fell in love with you." she then said. "W-What? me? W-When?" Carter asked surprised. "Would you believe me if I told you since the day you kabedoned me against the sign at the mall?" Sicily sheepishly said before Carter started laughing, "W-What's so funny about that?" she then asked. "S-Sorry. I'm laughing because that's the same time I fell in love with you." Carter said wiping a tear off his eye. "W-What? Really? Wow, what are the odds?" Sicily asked. "Yeah." Carter said as he blushed. "So...what does this mean?" Sicily asked. "Well...if we both like each other, then maybe we should probably go out with each other? I mean, if you really want to go out with a guy like me-." Carter said before being interrupted by Sicily kissing him on the lips. A few seconds later Carter closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Sicily's waist, pulling her deeper into the kiss. A few more seconds later, the two part from the kiss before staring into each other's eyes. "So I'll take that as a 'yes'?" Carter asked. "Of course silly." Sicily responded. "Good. I promise you I'll be the best boyfriend you ever had." Carter said to his new girlfriend. "And I promise to be the best girlfriend you ever had." Sicily said to her new boyfriend. Just as the two were about to kiss again, the sound of a car horn interrupts them. "Sorry! Was I interrupting something?" Carter's mom asked as Carter and Sicily turned to her. "N-No mom!" Carter said. "Well alright then. Anyways Sicily, if you'd like you can come over for dinner tonight." Amanda offered. "I would love to come over Amanda." Sicily said. "Great. Now hop in you lovebirds." Amanda said as Carter and Sicily got into the car before driving off.

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