Chapter fifteen

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An old rusty pipe laying on the floor caught Lena's eye. She knew she could protect herself with that but it would cost her the life of that kid; she couldn't bring herself to do that.

She looked back at the kid, she looked deep into his eyes to notice a flicker of color.

"Usually when I take a meat suit, their eyes don't do this," he said as he blinked a couple of times.

"He is struggling in there; you know that right?" He pointed at the kids head with the broken bottle.

"All I know is that you're dying to have me rush into you, I won't give you that advantage," she said. she looked around the alley leveled with cement.

Choose your elements

She remembered her words that day, she never thought she'd want to find a patch of grass so bad. She looked around her trying to find an escape, something that will protect her and stall him. She found nothing.

The demon began to slowly approach her, every step he took echoed through the alley. the sound of a broken pipe dripping behind Aquilla grabbed lena's attention like a ray of light through the dark.

"I find it weird that Melissa decided to come to this local mall, it's kind of old," he looked at the walls, "I always thought she preferred places that were a bit more... fancy," he said as he looked at the car in the distance.

Lena looked at him with a puzzled face. How does he know my mother's name? she wondered.

"What do you mean by always? how do you even know her?" Lena asked.

"Oh, her name is actually Melissa?" He laughed, "Lucky guess!" He shrugged. He laughed and let out a sigh before his face shifted from pure joy to pure evil. "Or," He said in a gravelly voice, "I know her through your dad." He looked right into her eyes.

How does he even know my dad? what does he mean by that? Is he just trying to get in my head? Thoughts fogged her mind, she felt tears build up, a mix of fear and confusion crushed her heart to shreds.

"What the hell are you talking about." Lena noticed the fire escape behind him, next to the puddle formed by the broken pipe. The stairs were close to the floor, close enough for her to climb.
She knew if she climbed up there, she'd have enough time to pull out the message. She had a plan all she needed was for him to move.

"You know what, you can take your mind games and shove em"

"Language!" He said with an offended look, "I'm getting bored of this," He interrupted.

He charged at her. She ducked and pushed his legs flipping him behind. Lena ran towards the stairs, she pulled herself up.

Just as she thought she was safe, she felt something grip onto her ankle and drag her to the floor. "Your father never was one to run from a fight!" He yelled.

"Smart, but not fast enough though," he said with a frown on his face. Lena was shaking she crawled on her back only for him to drag her one more time and shove her under the stairs. She felt the cold puddle of water beneath her. She looked up to see the kid she admired standing there, hardly himself.

"You think I didn't notice you looking at that thing?" he slammed his left hand against the stairs, making them shake.

"You really thought you could over power ME! I am in a teenager's body but I can still drag your ass through the mud!" He said as he climbed on top of her. He pinned both her hands with one arm while holding the broken bottle against her hands.

Slowly piercing her skin. Lena's eyes filled with tears. She tried to scream but ironically enough her screams were still silent. She squealed in pain as she felt her blood run on her bare skin. her heavy breaths only excited the demon, they only made him cut deeper. "Not many people suffer in silence like you do," He whispered in her ear, he watched her suffer with a grin, he enjoyed every squeal that came through her mouth. His lips parted once again, "goodbye." He pinned the bottle against her neck.

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