Chapter thirty-eight

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"T--Tom," Emma coughed. Her whole body ached her, one thing they didn't account for was the toll that spell would take on their bodies.

She lifted her heavy head off the floor, her body felt too numb, like she wasn't in control of her own muscles. She looked up with all the strength she could find to see Tom. He was on the floor just a few feet away from her, coughing blood.

She struggled to find her balance, a helpless attempt to stand up ended with her on the floor.

Falling wasn't enough, she had to go there and help him, one way or another.

Emma crawled her way to Tom and although she felt helpless, she couldn't help but crawl her way to his aid. He suddenly went still only for her heart to follow for a split second.

A rush of adrenaline pumped through her veins giving her just enough power to reach him.

"Tom?" She looked at his face, drenched in his own blood. Red liquid drained down his nose.

"Tom!" Her voice cracked. She pulled her hair and settled it behind her ear then put her head on his chest to check for his heartbeat, she put her head on his chest for a solid minute. She heard his heart thump against her ear.

She took her head off her chest as she felt her own heart thumb rapidly through her chest.

She looked away only to see his chest was rising and falling naturally.

Thank God he’s breathing. She thought to herself.

She searched his pocket, she felt the solid rectangular object pressed against his thigh. She pulled it out, its luminous light hit her eyes too hard. She panted her way to his hand. She pressed her shakey hand on his to open his phone. She panicked as she looked for the phone app.

She tapped aggressively

"911 What's your emergency?" Emma heard the operator across the phone.

"H-h-help," She managed to blurt out.

"Ma'am I need you to calm down and tell me where you are," The operator said firmly.

"I-" Emma stuttered.

"Just take a deep breath, okay?" The operator said. Emma struggled to let the air fill her lungs.

"O-ok." The cold air of the night soothed her.

"I-I'm on 57 West street where she was." Emma proceeded to explain "My friend collapsed and started coughing blood, please send help." She cried.

"Is he still coughing blood?" The operator asked intently.

"No, he's unconscious." Emma's eyes couldn't break away from Tom.

"Lay him on his side, make sure there is no fluid in his mouth." She instructed.

Emma did what the operator told her, every step, every check. "Okay just hang tight, help is on the way." Emma heard her words and fell on her back, too exhausted to move.

At least twenty minutes passed before an ambulance reached them both. The backdoor of the ambulance opened only to reveal two paramedics.

They jumped out of the car with a gurney and ran to Tom's aid. They lifted him off the floor after asking Emma if she was okay.

"Nothing happened to me, just get him to the hospital, I'll be right behind you." Emma said she made her way to Tom's car.

The sirens flashed their lights as they drove away with Emma right behind them. The back of the ambulance with the flashing lights only reminded her of the day Andrew died.

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