Chapter Twenty-four

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"You ready?" Shawn said standing outside Jenny's door.
"Yes." She walked out the door; her hair was a little shorter than usual. the scent of the channel perfume made its way through the air just like the scent of rain, it filled Shawn's heart with pure bliss.

"Guess who's looking better than ever today." Shawn flirted, his eyes gazed onto her, I'm the luckiest man alive. He thought to himself.
"You?" She flirted back. "I love the shirt! whoever bought that for you has great taste," Jenny touched his chest with her fingertips, she felt the soft fabric against her skin, I'm so lucky to have him. She thought to herself.

"Are you going to do that every time I wear something you bought me?" He rolled his eyes.
"I mean, the teal top, the black skirt, the belt and shoes are all things you bought." She pointed at every part of her outfit. "You had about four chances, and wasted every single one of them." She walked into the elevator with a smile on her face, tonight was special, she knew it. He had something planned, some kind of surprise.

"How's the dog doing?" Shawn changed the conversation. "We played so much to the point that she got tired and fell asleep," Jenny answered.

"You managed to make a puppy tired enough to go to sleep? Impressive." The elevator doors opened.

"So, you still haven't told me where we're going," Jenny tried to figure out his plan.

"Afraid of getting kidnapped?" He joked.
"Now I am." They walked out of the elevator.
"Well, we've been dating for a while and we always go somewhere fancy on date nights," He paused. "So tonight, I thought why not go on a beach date," He suggested.

"Isn't it a little dark for a beach date?" She asked. "The spot where I'm taking you isn't that dark. Plus, a romantic night that ends with both of us inhaling a double cheeseburger? What's not to like!"
"A burger does sound nice." She came around the idea. Shawn pulled out his phone and ordered an Uber. "I miss my car," he let out a sigh.

"Lena really bullied you into using Uber huh?" Jenny laughed as they waited. After a long ride they finally arrived at the beach. Jenny got out of the car and looked around the area she was in. The beach was dark but the light in the distance gave it that soothing warmth.

"We've been here before," She remembered. "We hung out here with your friends from college when we first started dating!" She smiled as she remembered that day. It was her first time meeting his friends, she was worried they wouldn't like her, which was not the case. She was bold, charismatic and cared for Shawn better than anyone else. They ended up loving her. If you break her heart I'll break your bones. She overheard one of his friends whisper to him.

"I didn't think you'd remember," he said in a surprised tone. He watched her run in the sand, she ran wild and free. Shawn took a deep breathe, he his fingers across his pocket and felt the little square box poke his thigh. By the end of the date, she might be his fiance.
Shawn spread the mattress on the sand close enough to water to hear it splash against the rocks. While Jenny stood in front of the water. The waves tickled her bare feet while the wind brushed through her hair. The breeze tickled her bare shoulders around her shirt's straps.

"I hope you like the natural view ma'am," Shawn said as he got closer to her.
"Don't call me ma'am," she said with a disgusted look on her face. "Sir?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"I mean if I'm a 'Sir' you know what that makes you," she said as she walked towards the mattress.

"Savage much?" He said as he heard her laugh out loud. They sat side to side as they reminisced about all their precious memories together, and how neither of them can deny that their existence in each other's life made it better. It made it worth living.

After they talked and laughed for a very long time. they both let the waves fill their quietness, with smiles on their faces, and feelings of peace and love in their hearts.

Jenny got up and stood on the rocks in the distance. She shut her eyes and felt the air tickle her skin, she couldn't but smile, her day couldn't be any better, or so she thought.

Shawn looked at her and realized that the woman who stood before him; someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He had her father's blessing. He had enough love for her to last them many lifetimes ahead, he didn't want to spend a second away from her presence. He got off the mattress and stood right behind her. "Jenny." Shawn cleared his throat.

"We've been together for years now. And I don't know about you, but I'm different when I'm around you, I feel safe, I feel the warmth of home." He held her hand. "I want to take the next step," he said. He gazed deep into his eyes, she saw the flicker in his and realized just what his speech was headed towards.
"Hell, I want to take the next hundred steps but I'm slowing down my horses for your sake," he laughed. He pulled the small box out of his pocket, she gasped and covered her mouth, even though she saw it coming, happiness still overwhelmed her. He opened the box, it carried a diamond ring. The ring's silver handles were shaped like roses, it twisted around the radiant shaped diamond, covering its edges.

"I want to be with you, for the rest of my life." He got on one knee. "Jenny Winston Evans, Will you marry me?" He asked her, and at that point, he was pretty sure he saw a couple of tears falling from her eyes. She stood there, so happy that she forgot she had to answer.
"YES! YES!" She wrapped her arms around him, their laughs were loud and pure.
"Yes." She stretched her hand while Shawn put the ring on her finger gently. She put her hand on his face and felt his beard with her hands, she wanted to freeze time, she wanted to hold onto him and never let go. She got closer to him and hugged him so tight, she giggled and pulled away as she gazed in his eyes.

"Ten." Her happiness was cut short.

"Nine." She felt the smile on her face fade away.

"Eight." She felt her tears build-up, she shook her head in disbelief. She remembered her element... water.

"Seven." She walked backwards in shock. She ran towards the water.

"Six." He ran into the water.

"Five." He put one hand in the water.

"Four." He grabbed her hair with the other as he saw her attempt to run away.

"Three." She screamed.

"Two." His skin turned pale... too pale.

"One." His grin grew wide. Aquilla held onto her hair so tight making sure he kept his left hand in the water. he looked at the vast ocean before him then right back at the struggling woman in his grip. "Miss me?" He whispered in her ear.

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