Chapter 10 - The one

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Everything began with a comment. A comment that I screenshotted immediately knowing that future me would thank me later. This comment was deleted as soon as it was posted - my intuitions were right. It's ambiguous meaning confused me as I scrolled through the thousands of comments on my most recent post. I was double checking to see if it had definitely deleted and it wasn't my eyes deceiving me. The two emojis seemed to be embedded in my brain, making it work hard to try and figure out the meaning : milliej05 : 😍✈️.

There were multiple possibilities of why she put a plane emoji, but they all lead to the same theory. Millie was coming to Barcelona.

2 days until my birthday and I definitely did not need this stress on top of my already hectic week. Mapi was persuading me to have a party (mainly for her benefit), Lucy and Keira were acting suspicious about some secret they had together, and Leah was bombarding me with text messages. Additionally, the air con in the house had broken so Lucy was desperately trying to find someone to fix it before Christmas. The temperature wasn't scorching hot outside, but when the sun shines through the windows all day long, it gets quite humid in the house. 

For a week straight, Mapi had sent me: PARTY?! multiple times each day. I think she just wanted an excuse to get drunk and go crazy, but I just couldn't be bothered to organise it and invite everyone. Lucy and Keira had both said that I could invite people if I wanted, and I was seriously considering it. But I had my final check-up on my back the next day and I needed to make sure that I was well enough to consider my physiotherapist that I'm fine to play again. It was important to me and I wanted to be clear of all medication and regular physio sessions by the end of the year. 

I called out through the house, "mum?!". Lucy responded, "I'm in the kitchen". Jumping off the sofa, I made my way towards the back of the house, sliding along the wooden floor. Lucy raised an eyebrow as I nearly fell over but luckily caught myself. Standing up straight, I showed my phone to Lucy - who was cleaning the kitchen. Placing her spray bottle and cloth down, she took my phone in hers. I'm not sure why she needed to hold my phone, maybe she has bad eyesight. Frowning at the phone in her hands, she asked, "why are you showing me a screenshot of your Instagram post?". I told her, "look at the comment underneath the photo". 

The post was literally just a picture of me and Georgia from last week with the caption: Reunited 🥰 there was nothing in it that provoked my ex-girlfriend to comment that very unnecessary comment. But she had done it purposely for me to see it briefly and then question myself if I was going mad. She clearly wanted me to stress about it and that's what annoyed me the most. 

My mum announced dramatically, "Oh...Wait- Oh please tell me she's not coming here". I shrugged my shoulders, "unfortunately, it looks that way". I added on, "I take it you didn't invite her then?". Lucy passed my phone back with a horrified expression, "God no, of course not. I don't want her anywhere near us after what she did...". Keira walked into the kitchen, eyeing up Lucy's pissed off face and her balled up fists on the counter. She frowned and questioned, "Who're you talking about?", having overheard bits and pieces from our conversation. I passed my phone over to Keira who spotted the comment and immediately threw her hands up in defence, "I didn't invite her". Lucy bent down, rested her elbows on the counter and placed her chin in her hands: "No...but someone has. She wouldn't just book a flight randomly - Joanne would never let her do that". 

After our breakup, I told very few people. Obviously Leah, Lucy and Keira were all there when it happened, but I didn't tell many more. For one reason, I didn't want to re-tell the story over and over again to different people. But mainly, I was moving country. Moving away from all the drama, betrayal and hurt. I had limited time to even process what had happened before we jumped on a plane and began a new life in Barcelona. Alexia and Mapi both knew that I had an ex-girlfriend and things didn't end well with her, but they wouldn't even know her name to invite her. It had to be someone else...

You are my mums (a Lucy Bronze fanfic) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now