Chapter 11 - Celebrations

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Lucy Bronze's POV:


"I'm scared mum". My mother looked at me with tears glazing over her eyes, "I know you are darling, but I'm here with you". I looked up at her, and asked carefully, "You're not angry?". She stood up and placed her hands on her hips, "Oh I'm angry, but what's done is done and there's nothing we can do about it". Biting my lip, I realised how much I had messed up. I was 15. 15 years old. In 6 months time, I would enter my last year of secondary school - pregnant. The baby would be due in December, only a short time away from the beginning of my GCSEs. How was I going to cope?


Me and my best friend, Lucy Staniforth, were sitting in McDonalds - shoving as many salty chips in our mouths as possible. Well, she was. I was sitting subdued. The day before, I had told my dad I was pregnant. When I told my mum, I begged her to let me tell my dad myself when I wanted to. Reluctantly, she agreed. I finally gained enough strength and I just told him. He ran his fingers through his hair and kept stealing annoyed glances at my mum. He didn't say much and I knew I had disappointed him.

"I hope your baby's a girl". Lucy told me while picking the gherkins out of her burger - neither of us liked them much. I raised an eyebrow at her and sighed: "I don't even know if i'm going to keep him or her". She frowned, "You mean you're considering adoption? Don't you think it would be cool, we could raise them together. Play football at the park, go shopping together, go on days out". I rolled my eyes sarcastically, "Yeh sounds like great fun. All while everyone's staring and talking behind my back". She shrugged her shoulders, "Well I think it would be fun".

She didn't seem to understand that this baby would need constant attention, food and love. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.


"Lucy! Lucy! Come on the big water slide with me. Please!". I shook my head sadly at my younger sister who had a disappointed look on her face. Sophie scrunched her face up in confusion, "Why not? You love water slides...". I replied, "I just can't. Not today. Maybe another time". She was too young to understand that there were certain things I couldn't do. Neither her or my brother knew I was pregnant and I was trying to hide it for as long as possible. Jorge would probably think I was joking and make some stupid comment and Sophie would most likely be excited. I couldn't face it.

There were so many things I was missing out on due to my pregnancy. Rollercoasters, water slides, drinking too much caffeine, eating certain things. It was very restrictive. I just hoped that it would all be worth it in the end - but I was no closer to deciding if I even wanted to keep the baby.


"I don't think I can do this!" I shouted at my mum while lying in the hospital bed about to give birth. The pain rushing through my body was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was ripping through my body, causing extreme discomfort. My mum held my hand, which I squeezed harshly - trying to exert the pain from my body.

The nurses had all been sympathetic, but I could tell they were all thankful that it wasn't their daughter giving birth at 15. In the eyes of everyone else, I was a disappointment. I even felt like that around my family - my parents were about to have the grandchild they didn't want for at least another 10 years. We were all being forcefully pushed into a life that none of us really wanted this early. The direction of my life was changing - would I ever make it professional now? How would I do it all?

"Congratulations! Here is your baby girl". The nurse placed the fragile, vulnerable child into my arms. I was exhausted and mentally drained, but a small smile crept on my face when I saw my baby girl. She was mine - no one elses. Her features were perfect, from her small nose to her cerulean blue eyes and her soft, pink lips. My dad said softly, "She's gorgeous Lucy". Grinning proudly, my mum asked, "Do you have a name for her?". There wasn't a moment of doubt in my mind, ever since I had heard itm I had fallen in love, "Rosie. She's called Rosie Bronze".

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