Chapter 17 - Forever

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Rosie's POV:

Light streamed in through Mapi's apartment windows, casting shadows on the floor. It was the Friday evening of an unusual weekend where there wasn't a game to be played. We had strategically planned Mapi giving me a tattoo for this specific weekend. In Mapi's words, "Lucy and Keira will have had too many glasses of wine to be annoyed". I didn't bother to correct her that my mums weren't big wine drinkers during the season. 

Obviously in England, it is completely illegal to get a tattoo done under 18. But in Spain, you can be 14 with parental consent, and 16 without. Mapi made me wait until I was 16. Not only because then I wouldn't need parental consent, but she wanted me to spend time thinking it through. It wasn't a very big tattoo, but it was in a fairly visible place. After all, it would be on my body permanently for the rest of my life unless I choose to get it removed. 

Since Mapi had completed all of her training, she was able to do it for me - which definitely made the whole process a little less scary. She had invited me round for dinner before to ensure I had a big meal which would keep my blood sugar levels up. Surprisingly, she was a good cook and managed to not burn the whole block of apartments down. 

I was just lying on chair, with my arm in an extremely awkward position. She focused intensely while applying the transfer of the design onto my skin which allowed me to inspect it and decide if it was in the right place. I confirmed, "Yeah that's fine", but Mapi looked up at me, "Are you sure?". Nodding my head enthusiastically, she finally settled for my answer and began to prepare for the actual tattoo.

While she was getting all of her stuff ready, the doorbell rang. Mapi frowned, but came to a conclusion, "It's probably Ingrid". She called towards the unlocked door, "Come in!". It wasn't Ingrid who walked through the door, but instead it was the Barcelona captain - Alexia. 

She pushed through the door, talking quickly, "I was just passing by and thought I'd drop by...". When she spotted me, lying on the chair next to Mapi and all of her equipment, she paused before stating with a raised eyebrow, "Tell me that this isn't what it looks like". Mapi threw her a smirk, "It is exactly what it looks like". 

A horrified expression rose up Alexia's face as she placed her car keys and phone on the side table, "Are you both out of your minds?!". I tried to input, "It's legal..." but Alexia responded with a groan and placed her head in her hands, "Do Lucy and Keira know?". I shook my head as she basically growled towards us, "What the fuck Rosie? María, seriously, why would you agree to do this? She's sixteen for goodness sake!". I knew she was pissed when she used Mapi's full name and swore because Alexia rarely ever does either of those things.

Mapi shrugged her shoulders, "It's not just an impulse decision, we've been planning it for ages". Alexia remained quiet so I pointed out, "You've got loads of tattoos so why are you bothered about me getting one?". She sighed, "Because I don't want you making a mistake. I got all of mine when I was in my twenties and able to make mature, rational decisions". Mapi looked guilty and grinned, "I got my first one at 14 because my uncle owned a tattoo parlour so...". Alexia glared at her before turning back to me, "Are you sure? About getting it done...and getting it done by Mapi?". I chuckled at her and told her honestly, "I'm sure". 

After much persuasion from both me and Mapi, Alexia sat herself down on a sofa where she could watch us carefully. Mapi mumbled so only I could hear, "She comes in all angry but hasn't even seen the design yet". I looked over at the Barcelona legend and asked, "Don't you want to know what I'm getting done?". She shook her head, "Show me when it's complete...and when I've processed the whole situation". Mapi rolled her eyes and murmured jokingly, "Dramatic" which Alexia seemed to hear and did not appreciate in the slightest, "María...".

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