Chapter 23 - Pressure

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Lucy Bronze's POV:

When it rains in Barcelona, it rains. It had been the wettest week of the year and it showed no signs of slowing down. Ever since I came back from England, there had been very little dry weather. I'm beginning to think me and Keira brought the British weather to Spain. Most of our training sessions had either been rescheduled or held on the indoor training pitches. Every single team at the club had to work around eachother inside, which occasionally caused clashes in the gym or indoor pitch. 

Our Champion's League semi-final match is approaching very quickly and we're due to fly over to London the next day. Barcelona's social media accounts had just announced the squad they would be taking over to England. It wasn't really a surprise to see both mine and Keira's names, but I was slightly shocked to see my daughter's also. I was ecstatic for her. She joined the team over 3 months ago and her name hadn't been listed for any matches so far. Maybe Jonatan was just waiting for her to settle in before he put the pressure of playing on her. She has come so far in the past few months. From walking off the pitch because of her dislike towards the club, her coach and football in general to being listed to play against Chelsea in such an important competition. Proud doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.

I sprinted up the stairs to Rosie's room to see if she had seen the news. Knocking on the closed door, I pushed it open and entered the room. My facial expression must have shown Georgia I was surprised to see her there as she explained, "Rosie invited me round after we grabbed lunch in the city". I nodded my head and let her know that it was okay. Leaning my head against the door frame, I looked at my sleeping daughter who was slumped across Georgia, using her legs as a pillow. I knew that it wouldn't help her sleep schedule to be having afternoon naps, but she looked exhausted and I couldn't bring myself to wake her. Raising my eyebrow at Georgia, I asked, "How long's she been asleep?". The brunette replied, "Probably about an hour". Nodding my head, we both watched my daughter sleep peacefully.

Sitting on the edge of Rosie's bed, I chuckled, "I can't believe she invited you round and then fell asleep". Georgia smiled, "I don't mind, I've had lots of emails to reply to. My team have just let me know that I'm coming with you to London tomorrow". I was shocked at how little notice the club had given her, "You seem to work a lot of hours, do you ever have time off?". She nodded her head, "I actually took this afternoon off to be with Rosie. But I need money so I try and do as much as possible". 

I didn't want to come across as prying or interfering, but I was interested to why she needed money that desperately. I presumed she lived with her parents so she wouldn't need to pay for much herself. She explained before I could even question it, "I'm saving up for a house. My step-mother has made it pretty clear that she wants me out of her way now that i've turned 18". I frowned, "You don't get on with her?". Shaking her head certainly, I offered, "Well you're more than welcome to stay here whenever you want. I'm not just saying that because you're dating Rosie, I just don't think you should be worrying about buying a house at your age". I felt bad for her. She didn't deserve to be basically kicked out of her house at 18 by someone who isn't even her mother. If there was anything I could do to help, then I would.

Picking up a blanket off the floor and folding it, I told Georgia, "Rosie will be pleased you're coming tomorrow. She's been selected for her first match day squad". A wide smile crept up on her face as she looked down at the sleeping girl, "She deserves it with all the extra work she's been putting in". I nodded my head and steered the conversation in a different direction, "Look after her please. And whatever you do, don't cheat on her". Georgia looked me in the eye and spoke, "I promise she's safe with me. I lo-..I like her more than anything. Even if she annoys me all the time". Nodding my head, I stood up to exit the room, "When she wakes up, tell her to pack her suitcase". 

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