Chapter 38 - Not going anywhere

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A/N - I honestly can't apologise enough for taking such a long break. A-levels are killllling me. I'm also in a complicated friends with benefits thing with my ex because we can't seem to leave eachother alone. Despite all that, life is okay. I hope everyone is doing well :)

I think for me personally, this book has gone on a bit too long and some of the previous, most recent chapters haven't been up to standard. I have decided that instead of dragging it on further, it will be ending soon (i'm thinking of closing it off at around 45 chapters).

When you're reading this chapter, the whole book will be completed. I want to take the time to write the chapters and ensure I have something to release consistently.  

Short chapter (under 2000 words) because something big is coming next chapter

Rosie's POV:

Georgia, who was lying on her side facing away from me, groaned when I got out of bed, "What are you doing Rosie? It's cold...". Giving her shoulder a quick squeeze, I promised, "I'll be quick". A small sigh left her lips and I knew that she wanted to have some time with me before I left for quite a long period of time. Despite her tiredness, she asked, "Do you want me to come with you to answer the door?". I placed a light kiss on her forehead, "It's okay, but thank you". 

The whole house was silent, until a familiar voice pierced through the cloud of quietness, "Stand still and raise your arms!". The Barcelona defender's voice shook me, causing me to physically jump. I burst out laughing when I turned around and saw Mapi standing with a hairbrush in one hand and a hairdryer in the other - using them as potential weapons against the intruder she thought she heard. Releasing a huge sigh of relief, her expression relaxed when she heard and saw it was me, "Rosie...what are you doing?". I shrugged my shoulders and began to walk down the stairs, "Follow me and find out".

Surprisingly, Mapi followed me - still carrying her items. I turned a couple of lights on downstairs before disabling the alarm - i'm not sure the neighbours would be too happy if sirens started ringing in the middle of the night. Turning the key in the lock, I pulled the front door open - revealing Leah Williamson. Standing in front of me, my tired brain was slow and couldn't understand what she was doing in Barcelona when she should be in London. Leah did jazz hands before grinning, "Surprise". I frowned, completely lost for words. I was very confused. 

Rolling her eyes playfully, she commented with a smile, "Thank for the warm welcome Ro". She stepped into my house, rolling her suitcase on the floor, and greeted Mapi as if they were long lost friends. Kicking the door shut with my foot, I stood and watched my two friends embrace in a long hug. Placing my hands on Mapi's shoulders, I pulled her away, "Okay that's turn". Leah's face lit up, seeing I had overcome my shock, and picked me up - spinning me round and round in the air. My hands were clasped around the back of her neck, resting my head on her shoulder, "I missed you". She rubbed my lower back, "Me much". 

When we finally detatched outselves from eachother, I picked up her suitcase and we all walked through to the living room. Making herself at home instantly, she took of her jacket - laying it over the back of the sofa - and sat down. Just as Mapi left the room to get Leah a drink, Georgia stepped into the room - a grin on her face when she spotted Leah. They shared a short hug and instantly got straight into a conversation, Georgia coming to sit next to me. Naturally, I placed an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, my other hand gripping hers. My love language is definitely physical touch. With the right people, I am always up for a hug. 

Me and Georgia have only been officially together a short amount of time, but it's going well so far. She just gets me - more than anyone i've ever met before. We get eachother, and that's the best part. We know how eachother are feeling before any words are even shared. I would definitely say I am falling in love with her. Maybe i've already fallen. But i'll wait a little bit longer before I tell her, just to be sure.

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