Chapter 16 - Stop

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Credit to @allofedkts for the chapter idea x

Keira Walshes POV:

"Cheers". Lucy held her glass of champagne up to me and resumed her position sunbathing on a deck chair in the garden. Normally, we don't drink that much alcohol during the football season. But this was a special occasion. All of the Barcelona girls had come round to our house for a pool party to celebrate mine and Lucy's engagement. Our schedules had been packed full of games so it had been postponed until the end of January, but finally we could relax and celebrate. 

The cork off the champagne bottle had rocketed through the sky and landed somewhere in our fairly large pool. Mapi, being the big kid she is, began to dive down beneath the surface of the water to find it. She reminded me of swimming lessons when I was younger and I would have to dive down to retrieve objects. When she finally found it, she held it up into the air and exclaimed, "Got it!". She then proceeded to stare inquisitively at it, unsure what to do with it now she'd found it. A smirk appeared on her face as she launched it from her hands and it landed on an unsuspecting Alexia who just chuckled and threw it back into the pool for her to find. 

Patri rolled over on her deckchair to talk to me, "How long's it been then?". A grin crept up on my face, "Nearly a month". She began to put her hair up in a ponytail while speaking, "Has it sunk in yet?". Shaking my head, I told her, "Not yet". She grinned, "Yeh, I mean if Lucy Bronze asked me to marry her I think I would be in a state of shock for the rest of my life". Rolling my eyes, I stole a glance to my fiance lying down beside me and my brain began to flood with memories of that day. How the fuck am I engaged to such a beautful, thoughtful, caring woman? She's literally perfect. Sure, she annoys the hell out of me some days. But I couldn't imagine anyone better to be about to spend the rest of my life with. 

Aitana chimed in from the pool, resting her arms on the ledge, "I wish I was there to witness it, it sounds like it was incredible". Only Alexia had flown over to England to be there to surprise me. Despite her being the only representative of Barcelona, I still greatly appreciated the time she took to fly out and be there with us.

The past month had been a blur. Each morning I glance down at my hand and see the beautiful ring sitting neatly on my finger. Then I look over to the spectacular woman who gave it to me. What made the night of the proposal so special to me was how Lucy involved people who mean a lot to both of us: Leah, G, her mum, Rosie, Steph. They had all played a part in mine and Lucy's relationship - whether it was listening to me talk endlessly about Lucy, or reassuring me that mine and Lucy's relationship would last when she went to Lyon. 

Lucy stood up and raised an eyebrow at me, "Do want another drink?". I nodded and looked up at her through my sunglasses, "Yes please...just water though, I'm not sure I can take any more champagne". Before Lucy could even take my glass off me, Patri was holding hers out in front of her, "Can you get me a drink as well Bronzey?". Lucy sighed light-heartedly, took the glass out of Patri's hand and wandered inside. 

While Lucy was inside getting the drinks, Alexia questioned me, "Where's Rosie?". Tilting my head to face her, I told her, "She's actually meeting with Jonatan". Alexia raised an eyebrow at the mention of our coaches name, "Oh?". I explained further, "Luce mentioned to him that Rosie wanted to get back into football and he was very insistent about having a discussion with her about it". Mapi joked, clearly listening to our conversation, "Next thing we'll know she'll be in the starting eleven for our game next week". Alexia stated, "Jonatan doesn't usually get involved in the youth groups much, he must really want her to play for Barça". I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess we'll find out what it's all about when she returns. She should be back soon I think".

We spend the next half an hour or so sunbathing or taking long, cooling dips in the pool. It felt great just being able to relax and not think about anything stressful. Lucy swam gracefully up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, "You look good in that bikini". My cheeks flushed red from the compliment. Despite receiving them all the time, she still made me feel butterflies in my stomach. 

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