Evil Dread

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama, I welcomed the All-Stars to the newly decontaminated island. Then, it was Heroes vs. Villains—diving into shark-infested waters in search of the one key that would unlock the door to the all-new McLean Spa Hotal, for winners only. Thanks to Scott's cowardly fear of sharks, we learned that inside every robot beats the heart of a Spaniard. In this case, Alejandro. And, while Alejandro might not hold the key to Heather's heart anymore, he did "hold" the key to the Spa Hotel and victory for the Villainous Vultures. And the Heroic Hamsters bid farewell to Lindsay via our newest and most humiliating "commode" of transportation, the Flush of Shame. Who will be next to pop through the pooper? Find out right now. On Total– Drama– All-Stars!

Audience POV

Inside the boy's side of the loser's cabin, all the boys are sleeping, while Mike looks like he's sleep-talking.

Mike (Chester): There's a storm A-comin', dagnabbit! *Gasps*

Mike (Svetlana): I'm scared! After all these years, he's going to return! *Gasps*

Mike (Vito): Ayo, how are we "gonna" stop this goombah? *Gasps*

Mike (Manitoba): Hush it, mates; Mike is waking up!

At that moment, Mike woke up as himself, still groggy, as he looked around.

Mike: "Uh...huh, whazzat?" "You guys say something?"

Mike then sees that the rest of the guys are still asleep. Just then, a mosquito lands on Owen's ear and starts draining an absurd amount of blood from him, making him look pale.

Owen: *Giggles while sleeping* Ooh, Izzy. I love it when you play Vampire on my ear.

Mike shrugs as he goes back to bed. At that moment, Brick's alarm bulges, and Mike shoots upward in fright, fully awake. Owen also shoots upward but hits his head on the top bunk, which also causes Cameron to fall off and land on the floor in pain.

Owen: *Groans in pain* "My head..." Sorry buddy.

Cameron: *Groans in pain* No worries, Owen. There are far less desirable ways of waking up, even when you've been raised in a bubble your whole life. It's only natural that this happens to be one of them.

At that moment, Brick summersaults out of his bed. He does some stretches and silences his alarm clock.

Brick: *Sighs happily* Rise and shine, soldiers!

Mike: *Groans* "It's really great having you back, Brick, but are the early morning bugle calls really necessary?" I don't even think Chris is awake by now.

Brick: Just trying to keep us all punctual and ready, men! "As your captain, it's my responsibility to ensure that we're prepared for..."

Cameron: Wait a minute. You got to be team captain? "...NICE!" How did you convince Courtney?

Owen: "Yeah, you don't know her like I do..." "When she wants something, she can be spooky!"

Brick: That may be Private, but I've yet to meet an argument I COULDN'T negotiate. "You see, Courtney and I had a calm, thoughtful, and civilized discussion yesterday after the challenge..."

*Start of Flashback*

We can see that Courtney has Brick's arm bent painfully against his back as he hollers in pain.

Courtney: There is NO WAY I'm letting YOU be team captain!!!

Brick: *Groans in pain* Ma'am, if you can try to be reasonable with me and allow me to exp–

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