Saving Private Leechball

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama All-Stars, our Heroes and Villains went digging for buried treasure and uncovered a few nasty surprises. *Chuckles* The girls found out that Moonchild Dawn had a crush on James, who had gained sight of the beauty of my Chris AU Naturale painting, which was stolen by one of these NO-GOOD ART CRITICIZING ROTTEN LITTLE... *Takes a Deep Breath* Owen's powerful sniffer once again surpassed any of the world's best bloodhounds. Scott Villain'd it up big time, trying to sabotage the Heroes, and when he got caught, he didn't take it so well. But in the end, the Heroic Hamsters were victorious, and Lightning, fresh from a hungry night of exile on Boney Island, made enough boney-headed moves to get the royal flush from his teammates. Sixteen competitors remain; which one of them will ride the sewer system next? Find out right now on Total– Drama– All-Stars!

Audience POV

Inside the boy's side of the loser's cabin, Duncan and Alejandro are sharing a bunk bed, with Duncan on the bottom and Alejandro on top while inside a sleeping bag. As for the other bunk bed, James was on the top bunk while Scott was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking unhappy.

Duncan: Ugh, I had almost forgotten about the craptacular cabins.

James: I did. I also forgot how crappy these beds were when we slept on them years ago. *Sighs* At least there aren't any paintings of Chris in here, and thank god someone took that awful and disturbing painting of his; I hope whoever took it destroys it with the flames of hell.

Duncan: Yeah, I hope so too, but for now, we have to sleep in this crappy cabin.

Alejandro: *Sighs* Let us hope this is our only visit.

At that moment, Scott flops down onto the bed, only to find it stiff.

Scott: Owww, I miss the hotel. Now that I know how rich people live, everything I used to love stinks!

Scott then slams his fist down, which causes the bed to collapse under him and James over him.

Scott and James: *Screams in pain*

James: Dammit, Scott! That was our bunk bed for the night!

Scott then gets back up, only to have a spring stuck in his eye.

Scott: Lousy discount bed!

Scott then punches the rubble, only for James to holler in pain. Scott then pulls his hand back and screams to reveal that nails have gotten stuck in it.

*Start of Confessional: James*

James: "...*Snickers* 😂 *Laughs* Oh my god! Did you all see his hand?! There were literally nails in it! *Continues Laughing* Oh my god, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. *Sighs in relief* I know that Scott's evil and all, but I have to admit, he's a funny guy."

*Start of Confessional: Duncan*

Duncan: "Scott's okay. At least with him you know what you're getting... Which is crap, but still, nice to know. And James... Eh, he's alright; except for those time he knocked me out."

James (Outside Confessional): Which you deserved back then for talking about Gwen like tha–

Suddenly, Duncan uses his elbow to hit the confessional wall.

James (Outside Confessional): AHH! You struck me in my left eye, man!

Duncan: "*Chuckles*"

*End of Confessional*

Alejandro: Well, goodnight, gentleman.

Alejandro then zips up his sleeping bag and sighs contently.

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