Chapter One

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. Like any normal teenager would do, I pressed the snooze button. But my mom decide to come in my room and start yelling at me.
Great, I thought to my self . I got up and threw on a pair of black ripped jeans, I threw on a comfy white shirt that said 34 on it. And some black vans. I put my hair in waves as applied eyeliner and mascara.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was silently drinking her coffee.
"Hey mom." I said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Hey sweetie. Would you like any coffee?" My mom asked me.
I just shook my head. "Uh no, where's my keys?"
"Over at the door."

I got my keys and drove to school. Also known as hell.

**An hour later**
Mr. Douglas is going on about how we need math to survive and stuff. Normal things. This has to be the most boring class there is.
"Larissa, if you would like detention then feel free to not pay attention, but if you don't then I suggest you listen." Mr.Douglas told me, since I was doodling in my notebook.
"Okay , okay," I said rolling my eyes.

Class ended and I want to go home. I mean, it is Friday. So, it wouldn't hurt to just leave.
I texted Aria to cover for me.

Me: favor?
Aria: what is it?
Me: cover for me...
Aria: ??
Me: left school, when teacher ask, say I started to get sick so I went home.

I drove home and changed out of my school clothes. I threw on by mint colored bikini and my black shorts. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and took off my makeup besides my waterproof mascara. I threw on my blue crop top. And grabbed my phone. I was gonna go to the beach. Just to chill.

The beach is kind of quiet. A lot of families. No teenagers really. Well besides this one dude. But he looks to be in his 20's. Which sucks, bechase the dudes really cute.
He was about 5'8. He had brown hair and a nice body. I couldn't see his eyes, but I bet they were amazing.

I got up and started to walk towards him. I wasn't trying to be creepy. He was just at the tiki bar and I wanted a soda.
Turns out he was the one that worked there.
"Hey, I wanna beer." I said sitting down.
"Sure, ID?" The man asked.
"I was joking, I'd like a coke." I said handing him a dollar.
He tossed me the coke, "thanks." I said.

I went to walk away when he yelled, "Hey come back."
I turned around and went back, "I'm kind of lonely, wanna talk?" He said.

I wasn't about to pass up this opportunity. So I sat down. "I'm Kyle." He said smiling at me.
"Larissa." I replied. He smiled at me and I'm pretty sure I was blushing because I could feel my face starting to get hot.
"How old are you?" He asked staring at me with beautiful blue eyes.
"I'm 16."
He smiled and took out his phone and handed it to me. "I'm 23, but I guess it's alright if we talk, put your number in." I put my number in and handed him back his phone, and then mine started to blow up.

unknown: Larissa
Unknown: you're beautiful
Unknown: I'll definitely keep In touch
Unknown: Kyleeeeeee

I laughed and saved his number.
Kyle was cool. Well, he seemed cool. I just needed to get to know him before I assumed anything.

"So, When did you start working here?" I asked sipping on my drink.
"Yesterday actually. I'm a college student a few hours away and I had to leave for a family emergency for a couple months." He explained.
"Ooh a college boy." I winked.
He rolled his eyes, "Alright now, what about you?"
"I'm a sophomore at LCHS." I answered.
"Only a sophomore?" He asked.
I nodded my head and finished my soda. "Yeah, well I gotta get going. My mom wants me to cook dinner for the fam." I said walking away.

**A few hours later**
I was about to take a shower when I got a text.
Kyle: Hey..
Me: Heya
Kyle: Wanna hang out? Like tomorrow.
Me: Sure, but where?"
Kyle: My place. I'll pick you up at the beach around 12?
Me: Sounds good. Byeeeeee
Kyle: byyeerr

I hopped in the shower, and then all chaos began.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! IF DAD WAS HERE, HE WOULDN'T GIVE A DAMN!" I heard Caitlin yell at mom.

Ugh. I thought, now I have to fix things.
I finished showering and threw on shorts and a tank top, I dried my hair and cleans my face. I brushed out all the knots in my hair and threw it in a bun.
After about 30 minutes of getting ready for bed, they were still yelling.

I walked down stairs and when I got into the kitchen I couldn't take it anymore. "SHUTUP! What could you possibly be arguing about for half an hour!?" I shouted. Which shut them up.
"Cait? Wanna tell your side of the story?" I asked.
"I was in town with Cameron. When I came home mom was outside and saw I was with him. Which I don't get the big deal. He's only 17." Caitlin said

"Mom? Your turn." I said looking at my mom.

"He's 17, she's only 14. Boys like sex. And I will not be having my 14 year old daughter coming home pregnant." Mom said.

"Now? Cait, do you promise me you won't have sex until you're 18 unless mom says it's okay?" I asked her.
She nodded her head.
"Mom. You can't control who she's with when she's not home. You just have to accept that." I said yawning.
We all agreed and went to bed.

Today was a tiring day.

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