Chapter 7

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It's been a month since Kyle asked me out. I was lucky. Very lucky. We had privacy, and if we were still together by the time I was 18, we could live together. Oh, wouldn't that be great?

I was in my room, blasting Fall Out Boy and studying. I had a BIG test next week and I didn't want to fail. I couldn't afford to fail.

The only problem? Kyle was blowing up my phone.

Kyle: babe
Kyle: princessss
Kyle: sugarplum
Kyle: babyyyyyyy
Kyle: I'll cry.
Kyle: I'm crying
Kyle: sweetie?

Me: I would love to text you, but I will after I get bed ready. Which will be like 10. I'm studying babeee.

After that he quite. He respected the fact I needed to study. Ugh I hated studying. I was legit always studied. Studied and studied. Never worked out.
I usually always got a C. The teachers usually always change something. This time, they can't. So I have a chance of making a B maybe even an A.

I had spent all day studying. Well, most of it other than school. I was starving. I was always starving.
Mom had made us pasta. I loved pasta. Whether you new it or not, our mom was half Italian so she was pretty good at pasta.
I was stuffing myself. Food was the best this on this earth right now.

After dinner I went up stairs to shower and get ready for bed. I threw on my shorts and a blue tank top. I put my hair up in a bun and took off all my makeup. I hopped in bed and completely crashed. I forgot to text Kyle, hopefully he wouldn't be mad.

**The next morning**
My alarm clock was going off, Caitlin was screaming because she couldn't find her hair curler. Mom was basically burning the toast. I was not having a good morning.
"WHERE IS MY CURLER!!" Caitlin yelled barging into my room.
"I don't know! Use mine it's under the sink in my bathroom." I said pulling the covers over my head.
That solved one problem, but I could still smell the burnt toast which was about to get me sick. I decided to either throw up and miss school. Or go to school.
I've had enough school. I ran into the bathroom and started to throw up. I didn't even want to throw up yet. I then went to get up to go lay back down but was to dizzy to move. I could feel the sweat running down my body.
"M-MOM!" I shouted. My mom ran upstairs and put me in bed.
"You're running a fever. You're staying home and if you aren't better by 3pm. I'm taking you to the hospital." Mom said handing me some medicine and water.
Looks like my plan to fake being sick failed. Because now I actually am sick.


My fever has gotten worse. And I can't stop throwing up. I'm so week, I can barely even text or change the channel on the tv. Kyle new I was sick and told me he wouldn't bother me and to blow up his phone if I needed anything. I needed more medicine, but I couldn't even get up to grab my phone. I started to cry. I cried and cried until it was 2pm and Caitlin was home.
"Larissa? Do I need to call mom?" She asked handing me medicine. I nodded my head.

**At the ER.**

Mom was worried I was super sick, so we came here. The doctors ran all sorts of test. I didn't have Ebola, which I was extremely happy about, nor did I have cancer. I had some virus. A serious one, because I had to stay in the hospital. The kept me on IVs and made me drink a spoonful of Gatorade every 15 minutes, until around 10. I was still throwing up a lot, and still had a fever. But I could move again.

I fell asleep around 1am. I was no longer throwing up, and my fever had dialed down a lot. Kyle was texting me cute, get better texts. Mom read one, but didn't bother to ask anything.

**A couple days later**
I was released from the hospital yesterday. I was still sick. Except I could move and eat. I had the fever so I wasn't going to school. Mom was at work, Caitlin was at school. So Kyle came over.

"Babeee? I'm making you soupppp." Kyle said.
"But I'm tired of soup." I said crossing my arms and giving him a pouty look.
He put the soup in a pot and put in on the stove. He came over to me and hugged me.
"Eat the soup and then I promise I'll watch some of those princess movies with you!" He said kissing my forehead.

**An hour later**

We were watching Peter Pan. Wendy was just about to meet Tiger Lilly. Then Caitlin came home.
"Lerrrissssaaa I am home!" Caitlin yelled walking upstairs. I panicked. Kyle couldn't be seen so I practically made him jump out my window.
"Okay go out the window and go to right. There should be one of those white things you put on walls for roses to grow. There are no thorns so just climb down and leave. I'll come over later. Love you." I told him pushing him towards the window.

That was a close one. I can't let mom or Caitlin find out. It'll be World War 3.

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