Chat Log: Dan and Jake

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Jake: This isn't fun anymore Dan.

Dan: Damn it Jake not you too.

Jake: Kig is taking training to the max more than Bad Grounds training.
Always the same song and it's so loud I can't even hear my orders.

Dan: I don't like it either Jake, Somethings wrong.

Jake: Your wife, Man

Dan: I've talked to her, she said the same time each time we'd all understand someday, someway.

Jake: Shit.

Dan: Got busted didn't you.

Jake: Franklin found me.

Dan: start over.
(Hours later.)

Dan: Jake I have an idea. Everyone's about done training the same way over and over.

Jake: The kids like watching

Dan: Don't tell Franklin but Balor likes watching Mama bust Klin almost more than when I catch Bear 🤣

Jake: whats your idea?

Dan: Jessy has a mission. Escorting an official through common areas. Ace wants you and kig on it after chatting with Eli.

Jake: Good Idea, Being Benched is causing have the issue here

Dan: I don't think so.
Anyways I'll talk to Kig if you're on board, Jessy needs to know now it's short notice.

Jake: Sure you don't want to go with Kig?

Dan: It's Daddys turn to stay with Balor

Jake: :) Either way.

Dan: I have a bad feeling about missions right now, Jake. I don't like this and I would go but Ace is positive I'd be a show of too much force. I'd prefer you over Dark

Jake: I understand.


Jake: Kig texted me, We're on for tomorrow morning.

Dan: Great. A day off from training is what everyone needs.

Jake: it's more like 2 days.

Dan: your all not training now though.

Jake: OK three.

Dan: Hopefully Balor doesn't act up too bad.

Jake: I think he'll give Pie a harder time whenever that comes

Dan: Promise me one thing on this mission

Jake: Sure

Dan: You leave my the pass codes for your laptop. Just leave em on a post it in the laptop.

Jake: But I'm taking it?

Dan: The official has tight security Jake, want them on your shit?

Jake: Fine. It'll be under my bed.

Dan: appreciate it.

Jake: Is that your guys TV?!

Dan: final destination 4. Gotta go :P

Jake: Lock the door!

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