Locked in room 213 [Jake/Dan]

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Eli had snuck us into Dragon's Keep forcing a window open. Dan and I hid in room #213 which had obviously been cleared.
Eli went to find his sister and wasn't even gone a minute before we heard something above us hitting a wall.
Dan slid down the door sitting on the floor he mumbled "I feel useless."
I sat across from him carefully picking my words I replied "I know the feeling but Dan this is helping."

More thumping came from above followed by loud unintelligible voices. We stared up in silence, I sensed a gift or I thought I had whispering to Dan I asked "Did Kiga ever explain what sensing other gifts was like?"

Dan raised an eyebrow at me but said quietly "She said it was weird but if she knew who it was she knows straight off. With you she said It's like a Musky cologne but Gray is a sweet dead flower. Eli is more like a warm coat. Why?"

I looked around the room as the upper floor grew deathly silent. I focused trying to force my gift to find Kig but her comforting darkness was over shadow by a raunchy rot smell tinged with hideous music.
I hit my knees staring hard at Dan and grabbed his hand focusing on our Fears as Kigs fears filled my head, I saw it on Dan's face as he dragged up old fears and our shared fear of Losing Her.
Something crackled in the ceiling followed by a musical assault as Trouble played on old speakers. Dan smiled snarling "Get her Boo!"

The upper floor burst into a terrible smashing noise, I felt my gift do as Kig explained as an Attack. It flew down the dark hall finding Malone, He was angrier than I ever thought possible but my rage level matched his.
I reeled myself back in and sat by Dan "Malone's with her." I whispered as we heard the song stop amidst fight noises.
Dan sat staring at me finally he stood and looked down at me "Jake, Let's hash our bullshit out."

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow saying "Okay?"

Dan sat in the dusty sheeted dead chair kicking his combat boots on the desk smiling as he rambled "I love Kiga, You love her too, and she loves us both. I know Her Healing isn't something to brush off man, It's a solid connection but an intimate one. Man seeing you on the computer about did me in too Jake just like when I got to the hospital."

"I'm sorry." I murmured.

Dan swatted me "No. No sorry, I want to talk to you about this shit Dude." Dan paused and I nodded Yes I wanted to hear what he had to say too. Dan continued "I got to the hospital and the doctors weren't even sure if she'd be alright but I sat with her holding her hand watching the monitors. Val was the first to say Kig did better with me in the room but She looked for you constantly. Fuck I looked for you too knowing She wanted you but as time went on she stopped looking and stopped communicating. When. She woke up and we started PT together I pushed her saying We both had to walk to find you. When you left her on Read man I realized I was head over heels for her. She was going to stop her updates after the fourth text but I pushed her until part of her gave up. Have you ever felt that kind of abandonment? I have. But after everything that happened Jake it's weird but we're all intertwined don't even tell me you don't feel the same drive I do to save her, to fly out of that door find her and Just hold her."

I stared at my own boots then looked at Dan "Her final text stung, I left her on Read because of my own idiocy but I know the Could Have Been Now, somehow I knew then it was best for her to stay away but watch over you both from a far. It always irritated Pie that I'd call for Kiga, She was nothing but jealous. I have felt abandoned though when I heard what Cooper had to say I felt like She had gained my trust to use me I know it's not true now after reading her diary, Dan she was always torn between us and now she's in the Middle."

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