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The nice lady didn't dare to let a word come in between the two. As they had another moment they shared which could be mistaken for falling in love.

The young director had tried to take the folder from your hand. But she ended up brushing with her fingers against yours while feeling the butterflies dancing. The redness in her cheeks rising and her heartbeat increasing in a breakpoint while her eyes and mind felt like hypnotised.

She smiled from afar, looking at the both of you, just standing there. Soon enough the brunette snapped out of it, shaking her head, wanting to slap herself lightly for letting her desires get in her way.

Work always comes first when you're at a client.

She locked her gaze with the elderly woman. The client looked happy. "Young love.. such a beautiful concept to experience" she laughed.

"What- no we're not.." Hu Tao protests shooting glances over to you from the sidelines. A relived sigh escaped her lips as soon as she noticed you hadn't been listening.

"Shhh.. it's okay my husband and me were the same!" she laughed, shushing the young director jokingly.

Hu Tao looked over to you, a following time. You were still as immersed into the papers as before. Very immensely indeed.

Glancing back at the elderly woman- "she isn't into me.." she whispered, leaning close to her. As soon as the words reached her ears she visibly gasped and the joking attitude towards the topic she wore vanished.

"..Oh." the woman smiled, "that's quite sad actually, you two would make a good match." she acknowledged, the long haired brunette thanked her quietly with a sweet smile. Yet it pained her at the same time.

Why couldn't it be anyone different. Why her? It was already difficult enough dealing with a funeral parlor- a difficult reputation from it and now even a crush that was unrequited. How much more did she had to loose to obtain her own happiness. On some days it was really quite the disaster at managing to keep up the positive self image.

"Anyways- would you mind if my funeral were to be a happy place? Where people can feel joy of the past, but also choose to relive the sad moments and look forward to the future wether what it is that or that?" The gray haired female asked.

The red eyed observant boss let hee eyes slide towards the client. "Of course not! We wouldn't mind. After all if that's your way of having a last goodbye without feeling the regrets bind you into the in between, then I'd love helping either way." she smiled proudly. Anyone's loved ones deserved to be able to give their last goodbye.

"Oh, you see.. I have lived a fulfilling life as it should be and am hoping now to end it naturally with my time finishing up. I did not have any regrets I've kept around until now." She smiled, a peaceful one. The young funeral director knew that moment that it truly was a genuine one- something that she couldn't help. She had to think about her grandfather.

"That sounds admirable!" you said, trying to add up to the conversation after you were done completely spacing out.

"Indeed, but after all it was a goal of mine to truly understand the sense of it." She whispered quietly.
Hu Tao nodded, understanding what she meant. There was for her personally something poetic at the same time about it. While the wind stroke against her cheek, she has to remind herself of the fact how difficult it was to even talk that way about this topic with anyone within the closest gates of Liyue

Her face filled up with something. "Exactly as life should be, a timespan filled with memories between special and life teaching ones." she continued, looking at the elderly.

"Only once you know and respect death you truly understand the value of life." Hu Tao reminded herself. A lecture she'd never get rid off. Something that had been continously burned into her mind.

"That's a wise one, young lady." the woman complimented. A wonder that she was referred to as wise instead of childish, immature or spooky for putting death and life as it is.

"Thank you. I've learnt it as well at a early age." she said, chuckling at the small appreciation. Yet it had such a dark history behind it. This sentence sent somehow goosebumps, down the spine of yours.

But after recoverimg from that- another familiar emotion took place of it. A shiver going down as you cane to realization of something. "So your name isn't written down here.." you remarked, breaking into the moment. You disliked breaking into such a heartfelt moments, but yet you had too.

The lady took a closer look and startled for a second. A laugh coming from her- "Oh did I forget signing?" she asked herself. A smile twitched onto her face. It was warm and comfortable, sharing a wonderful feeling when looking at it. "Silly me.." she took the papers and signed them.

"There we go!" Hu tao cheered while her arms went wide up in the air.

You two gave your respectable goodbye's and separated from her. There wasn't much in that moment to be said. Sort of it only felt exhausting, but it was relaxing.

Along the way you left tree's and flowers behind the sight of the eye. Some time passed all in the silence.

Up until the brunette decided to raise her voice. To fill the space with a cheerful, teasing attitude. Which was something nessecarary to take place in some way.

"You were spacing most of the time out," Hu Tao pointed out. You shrieked up as she started to laugh. The loght weighing sound coming from her mouth, making the place feel warmer than before. The teasing of her best friend was more than a fun job to do in her opinion.

"Was not!" you exclaimed embarrassed. Your cheeks turning red as roses, feeling the flustered feelings grow over your whole body.

Somehow, you liked it- it was fun. On the other hand it was embarrassing. She'd fill your face with the crimson tone so easily it almost made you question some things.

Speeding up your walk suddenly, you felt beyond flustered. You didn't know how to comprehend it- where to sirt it in or why it was that way. Hu Tao catched soon up with her best friend- she followed the path you went.

Her eyes on you and only you. A individual beautiful flower, with petals as soft as stuffed animals. A spark was found in them, that was lighter than the sun on a good day outside.

It would never bore her- the sight of you was simply beautiful. Even if it was limited by time.

She continued- to sprint towards you. Putting her arm around your shoulder. A good feeling coming to her.

"Oh yes!" she smiled, laughing hysterically as she answered the protesting. However the red eyes met the eyes of yours it would always clash into a soft glance. One that called to tease you, appreciate, cheer you up, be there for you, support and love you.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
Another one :)

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