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The brunette carried a basket of decorations on her arm. The handle was loosely attached with her hand. It moved along to the rhythm of her footsteps.

The pattern of those small items was all mixed together. When she had first gave it a brief glance, her eyes didn't appreciate it right away. She hadn't put to much attention to it as it appeared underwhelming only collected in this basket. Sooner or later it would look pretty on Liyue's streets and walls.

One thing crossed her mind as soon as she returned her eyes to the flowers in front of her was was the event from earlier this week.

As she thought back to the honorful gesture— she did feel surprised at first. It caught her off guard that they stood there. This was the least she expected when it happened. As she had regained her mind to the fullest she found herself back then listening to their request. The moment the flower came to mind, a picture of a old memory appeared to her. One was was a bit older— buy not old enough to be labeled off as ancient.

One month prior around this time the two were walking around Liyue. Observing the nature while finding the one or other interesting thing. When you walked with her past a flowerbed you smiled. You had pointed out your favourite flower. "The red spider lily is so pretty!" You exclaimed excited.

You felt it go through your arms— that physical joy. As you looked into her eyes you were so unbelievably happy. The brunette laughed watching your joy.

"Did your favorite change again~?" she teased. Looking with a smug glance at you that put you into annoyance. You rolled your eyes, feeling hotter.

This comment was more than unessecary for you in that moment. Somehow it managed to tug on the strings attached tou your tolerance. You felt called out and flustered.

Only one word in mind.


This made you wanna tickle her until she'd beg for mercy. That thought was thrown away as fast as it appeared though. Since a smile of hers distracted you—

You smiled sighing as your eyes fell on her. They softened with delight that filled your heart.

As you two had stumbled over the anomaly that had made a appearance out of sudden you were surprised.

You rubbed your eyes paranoid thinking you went insane— crazy or had lost it entirely, but then Hu Tao gently held your shoulder out pf a sudden. Giving it a slight squeeze to signalize that this was real— this was no illusion.

Yet the tender touch comforted you.

A ghost— of a woman who had last regrets left. One to be certain: she could never say a last goodbye. In her heart it was someone important. "Oh my dear.." she would mumble. Repeatkng it all over the place at different time's. Roaming the surface of the world of the living.

This was something she couldn't let go as it was taking a big amount up in her mind.

The couple sprinted over to the elderly woman. At first she was easily to be mistaken for someone alivewhich she wasn't. That would only be the case of people who have not yet witnessed the death.

On a close attentive glance the small particles that departed from her appearance gave it all away. At least with the right amount if knowledge on the topic.

They inquired about what her her problem was. "We'd like to know to help you." You had expressed with a smile. She would reply with her so said problem. "I lost the chance to say goodbye to a person I loved deeply, but I cant let go of it." she explained with sorrow and regret filling her tone.

Fast it was figured that they had to help a lost entity. One that would have to find peace or roam forever between the borders.

"Oh my husband.." she then said, which you had picked up on quickly. The speed at which your ears comprehended it was impressive.

After a while of research on that evening you two had come to the conclusion where to find him. The moment you saw them reunite you felt bitter in your stomach— it acted. Like a poison spreading slowly.

"I missed you dearly.." the husband mumbled sounding so loving with his soft tone. He was so gentle with the ghost as if she was alive..

"Oh my dear husband. For all I could aimlessly seek for was to clinge on the fact to say properly goodbye to you." She said with a smile, giving him a confirmation of love. By giving him the 3 words, "I love you."

"I love you too, so much— my dead love." he smiled gently.

"I'm sorry that I have to go but we'll see the other soon." she assured him. That sudden lingering sadness was intense, it was all over the place in the air. With a weak smile they both accepted their fate.

This was rather lovely to watch, but also sort off.. scary thinking off. Death was coming for everyone. No exception. Sooner or later all would be gone.

In the end the two had ended up somehow finishing the job. Which was a bit of a surprise that the way they had it, backfired. This weird feeling, of maybe loosing a loved one any day. It was back again— something both were reminded of, through the job.

Then the brunette stood still holding onto your hand which caused you to stop. She looked at you with her big eyes as you turned to her. Those ruby red eyes were sparkling. Her whole body was filled with adrenaline from an impulsive decision being made. Which after all wasn't thought through as the word would describe.

"..Tao?" you ask unsure.

She put her anxiety aside and focused on her courage. She held gently onto your hand. Her mind didn't want to let her regret something, but she'd do that if she didn't try. "Would you like to go to lantern rite with me possibly? I've witnessed how short life can be more than once as a chef of a funeral parlor.." she scratched her neck nervously, beginning to feel flustered. Her cheeks slowly reddening while the blush of the blood rushing to her cheeks filled her face.

"I'd love that!" you replied joyfully which made her heart jump with happinesss.

Returning from the thoughts it left now a rather sad and depressing sight in the memories. Maybe one day it would be a happy one. There was hope left, maybe at a certain point where the grief was at the stage of acceptance.

"Well I guess that won't happen. Now that the next lantern rite is around the door." she chuckled with a hint of sadness. Masking her true emotions away for a moment before taking on her way to solve the tasks given to her for preparations.

History of Death ─ Hu Tao x reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now