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Matt POV

My phone rang at '4' O clock. When I open my eyes I saw a beautiful face in front of me. I took my phone after a little struggle because my little devil sleeping on me like a price. His skin glows like a gold.

We had beautiful night not because we took a one step close but at least I feel his body on me. I want to make our first time more special. Because he deserves everything happy.

The movement I heard his moans my heart noted it as my favorite music. Because it's hot he's hot. He snuggle more on my chest.

I rubbed his cheeks like a feather touch. He smiled and opened his eyes to see me. I leaned and kissed his forehead so he hugged me more.

Matt: Morning..
I said in a raspy voice. He chuckled before pulled my neck to kiss those lips which is pressed on mine.
Harry: Morning my love..
He said and gave me a breathtaking smile. I'm just seduced by him by his smile.

How could I give myself for only one smile but I don't care. Before I do anything he sat on me and leaned to kissed me.

I don't want miss this chance so I pulled him more on me to deepen the kiss. I licked his lips several times but he moaned without open his mouth. So I pulled away in a confused face.

Harry: What? I didn't brush..
I annoyed and asked.
Matt: Do I look like brushed my teeth and kissing you..
Harry: No but..
Before I moved him away from me he pinned my hands above my head. I looked at him with a smirk because I knew he can't resist for a dump reason.

Matt: We're getting late..
I said but my eyes closed when he mouthed my neck. He kissed and sucked my skin. I wonder how he finding my sweet spot perfectly. I threw my head back to give him more access.

Matt: Ahh..
He hummed in return and licking and eating my neck. I let him take what he want. After placed different butterflies on my skin he looked into my eyes.

That's it our world stopped. I release my hand and pulled his face by his neck to explore his mouth. It's like a battle. We fought for dominance.

He sucked my lower lip while I'm doing on his upper lips. I let him take control so he explore every inches of my mouth. I moaned and pulled him more on me. We kissed and sucked like a hungry lions.

But we pulled back breathlessly when my phone rang again. I always set more than one alarm and it's used for now otherwise we don't plan to stop this. He looked at me by tilted his head before laughed.

We got ready and came to the airport before ten minutes. But our lucky time the flight was fifteen minutes late.
Harry: Baby wait here.. I need to pee..
I looked at him with a raised eye brows. He rolled his eyes.

Harry: You're the reason..
Really I don't know what he means but I'm the one who stopped him at home because it's already late. So I nodded my head. He walked towards the rest room.

We're already inside of the airport. It's more than ten minutes but he didn't come out. I'm tensed. What the hell he was doing.

I walked towards the rest room but I saw two men talking something and walked away. Once looks like an Asian and another looks an American. I passed them and called him.

Matt: Harry.. Harry..
I shouted and opened every toilet. Suddenly he opened one toilet door and hugged me tight. I don't know what happened because he sobbed on my chest. I put my arms around him.

Matt: What happened? Why are you crying? Harry..
He didn't look like give any answer so I rubbed his back to relax him. He looks afraid of something.
I would never see him like this before. After he slowly controlled his crying I pulled his face and kissed him.

Matt: I'm here.. I'm here.. Relax.. I love you..
I said in a calm voice because I don't want to show how I'm tensed.
He smiled but it's a fake one. After he washed his face we came out and it's time to leave this place.

I noticed how his grip was tight around my arms until we sat on the seat of the plane. While came here he looked around like he checking someone.

I didn't ask anything. Because I know if I ask anything it makes him more worst. After reached NY I took him at my house. Because he didn't look like well. He slept on my shoulder while travel here.

Matt: Bae.. We're here..
I said and pulled him more towards me. He nodded his head and sat straight before smiled at me.
Harry: I started like this nickname..
He said and again looked down sadly. I cupped his face and kissed his cheeks.

He smiled. We came inside of the house. He slept on my bed for sometime. I was cooking a breakfast for both of us. I looked at him when he came down from upstairs. He walked towards me I smiled at him. But he turned off the stove and held my hands. I don't know what he was doing. He pushed me on the couche and sat on my lap. Each legs to side of me. He hugged me and snuggle in my neck. I feel little meow on my neck because it tingles and a shivers spread on my spin. I pulled him close by wrapping my arms around him.

Matt: Harry.. Come on.. I made breakfast.. Let's eat..
I called him but he pulled back to look into my eyes. I don't know it's a right time to ask what happened inside of the bathroom. But I'm sure nothing bad sexually happened because he's so strong to face that. I knew how strong he was. But it's something else.

Harry: Why don't you ask anything about the toilet incident..
I was surprised but I said looking away.
Matt: I'm scared.. I don't want you to hurt but I'm dying to know that..
Harry: Baby..
He gripped my chin and make me look at him.

Harry: Before I got out of the toilet I heard.. I heard..
I saw he was getting nervous. The fear in those eyes which I love most.
Matt: Bae.. I'm here.. You don't have to talk about that if you afraid..
I said and hugged him right. Right now I don't want to know anything other than make him comfort.

Harry: No.. Listen..
He said and pulled back. But still I hold his face in my hands.
Harry: I heard Daniel voice.. He was talking with s-someone.. I closed my mouth to let out any sound.. I I felt my legs getting weak so I lean back on the door.. I was cried and fear consumed me.. I want to r-ran to your arms but I'm afraid what will happen if he see me or I'm with you.. I don't want anything happen to you Matt..

You're a precious gift of my life.. I want to live with you.. Nothing I wanted more than your safety at the moment.. But when I heard your voice I felt like my world again started moving.. I don't know how he came out of the jail.. I'm scared baby.. Lot's of thoughts running in my mind.. I don't want to cause any problem to you.. But I need your love because when you say 'you loves me' I feel like I was really breathing.. I don't know what to do..

He said everything while letting out the valuable tears from his eyes. I don't like the way he wastes his tears so I wiped it.
Matt: Harry.. First you have to understand you're my everything.. It's mean I decided my life only with you.. I understand you're afraid of him.. Please trust me if you're next to me nothing will happen.. And it's same goes to you.. Nothing will happen to you until you feel my breathe..

I'm always next to you for give my love everyday.. For protect you from anyone and anything.. I want you to live your life peacefully with me.. If I see him again I'll break his bones for your parents.. Before he touch you he would cross me.. If 'my love' it's makes you happy and feel alive I can tell you more than thousand times everyday.. Because I love you unconditionally..

He smiled and it looks a blessing view for me. I said 'I love you' each time I kiss his nose. He giggled and put his hands around my neck.

Then we kissed passionately. It's mixed with lot's of emotions. It's just a kiss but I felt it's a conveyed process of our love.

We pulled back and ate our breakfast while talking some comedy scenes from movies. I looked at his face when he laughed.

At the moment I want to see and heard his laughing everyday in our house..!

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