Chapter 2

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We landed in New Jersey a bit later than I expected. Walking out of the plane I saw all the soldiers unite with their families and it brought me some peace. I was the last one off so I took some extra time taking everything in. Man how I've missed the smell of moist night time air. walking with my head down I didn't see where I was going I walked into my Aunt Harley. She looked at me and I just smiled. Dropping my bag I gave her a hug. I was so happy to see her again but I still wondered where my mom was.

"Where's my mom?"

"She wasn't feeling good. She asked if I could pick you up."

"Oh Okay. Take me home then."

The car ride home I told her bits and pieces about what happened over there. She just sat there listening to it all. Pulling up to my house the only light that was on was the front porch. I gave Harley a hug, took my bags from the back seat  and walked to the house. It felt great walking the familiar path. Taking my keys I unlocked the door and quietly opened and closed it. I locked it again. Walking upstairs I skipped the third step because it had a squeak so loud that at night it could wake up the dead. Coming into my room I fall into my bed uniform and all. I wasn't in there long when I heard footsteps. Ignoring the alert I got I continued to ley in my bed trying to fall asleep.

"You missed the third step."

"I know. I skipped it."

Turning on the lamp I moved over and Payton lay down beside me. Taking me in her arms we lay there in bed. It felt like the nights when I first got here. I got the feeling that I always got. Safe. I felt safe. Mom took my hand and placed it on her belly. It wasn't big yet but I was getting excited to meet this baby.

"Harley said that you weren't feeling good. Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine hunni. I'm just dealing with some morning sickness."

I looked around my room. It changed throughout the years but the boat shelf was still here and the lantern as well. My room was exactly the same as when I left it. Every time when I leave I change something so that if it got moved back I would know if someone was in here. Not that I cared. I just like it when they leave things the way I left it and not move it back. But looking at the lantern it started to bother me that it was off point. Standing up I went over to it and moved it back.

"I promise I didn't let the kids touch anything when they came in here."

"I did it before I left. Just to see if you would leave things the way I left them."

She just smiled.

"What were they doing in here anyways? Not that I mind."

"Well the twins wanted to sleep in here sometimes. They did it mostly when they really missed you. Athena and Jacob came in because they say it felt like you were here, and I came in here because I felt it as well."

I felt it again that feeling I had at Luca's family. I feel that I'm missing too much. Before I could think my heart started to speak.

"One more."

"Sorry?"  Payton looked at me confused.

I sat down on the bed and looked at my mom.

"One more tour then I want to get out. I've been doing this for long enough."

"You promise? Just one more?"

"I promise mom. It is time to hang up the uniform."

"That's great hunni."

"Could you come to the office with me tomorrow to tell them?"

"I'll see how I'm feeling, but for you my love, anything."

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