Chapter 5

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The familiar sound of gunshots rang in the background as I made my way to the bunks. Those Three months went slower than a snail. 9 more months to go. I just hope that the time just flies by.

We didn't do much today so at night we all hung out in the bunk. Having the radio up on max eating snacks that our families sent us. I was sitting in the distance looking at pictures that mom sent me a few days ago. There growing up so dang fast and because of that I'm glad that this is my last tour. Around 1:30 we settled down and went to bed. Not being able to sleep I layed there looking up at the ceiling. This is the fourth night in a row where I wasn't able to sleep.

"Walker." Lt James called from behind me.

"Yes Sir?"

"Come with me."

Following him away from the breakfast table to the nurses ward.

"I've been noticing that you haven't been getting much sleep. You can't leave this room until you have a good rest. You are of no use to us like that."

"Yes sir. Understood sir."

Turning on some sleep therapy the nurse closed the door of the one bedroom. Pulling the blanket up to my nose I listened to the noise till I fell asleep.

I haven't slept like this in a long time and when I woke up it was 15:20 to be even more honest I even felt refreshed and that I could take on the world. Leaving the room I went looking for Briar. Finding her with a few other soldiers around a truck engine.

"Like I mean how many soldiers does it need to fix an engine?"

"Hey Quinn, well we are trying to figure out what is wrong and why it won't start." Austin answered.

Looking at the engine I knew almost immediately what was wrong with it.

"The spark plug is loose..." Tightening it "...try it now."

Cole turned the key and the engine roared to life.

"Okay we gotta admit something. We knew it was that we were standing here talking and when someone walked past we pretended we were trying to find the problem." Tracy confessed.

"What's happening now?" Briar asked, seeing Cor. Smith walking towards us.

"Well get prepared to head on a mission." I said.

Walking up to us he started with a bit of small talk then he went down to business giving us a assignment. One of our teams was in Baghdad and needed some help. ASAP. We are to leave later in the night. Packing a bag with the supplies that I would need placing my gun near my bag I went to have a meal. Doing a bit of tachtical training and talking with some friends I went to get my stuff so I would be ready. Seeing my laptop I figuered I would call home. Clicking on skyp hearing the rings hoping someone would answer. Checking the time it was 2:17am so it would be 7:17pm at home so they are having supper or putting the kids to bed. Closing the laptop Briar walked in.

"We can't take anything that we dont need so no laptop or satilight phone."

"Why not?"

"It's a deep cover op, classified stuff."

"Dang it. When are we leaving?"

"In a few. You calling the fam?"

"I tried to but their not answering. I'll just call them when we get back."

In the chopper I looked down on base but it's so bloody dark that I couls hardly see a thing. Landing in Baghdad Capt. Sutherland greeted us and lead us to a building to get us up to speed and explained the mission to us. In the middle of the wight boared was a pictuer on the man they wanted. Our men have been stuck in a buliding the last two days with no way out. Where his men have been surrounding them but nobody has gone in or out. They have tried sneaking out at night time but they noticed them and started shooting but thankfuly no one has been hit from our guys.

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