Chapter 7

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My eyes shot open but nothing but complete darkness. Did it work? Did I succed in what I tried to do? I heard mom as she was kneeling by my side crying asking me to stay with her. She prayed so did God hear her and answered her prayer? Am I still alive? Then I heard a voice and everything was answered. I am still alive just unconcuss.

"Payton hunny she's going to be okay."

I heard someone say then I lost conusness. For the next I don't know how many days I was in and out.

"Quinn please come..."

Out again. Pretty sure that was my mom telling me to come back. I heard everyone talking to me. Kelsey, Aunt Kaci, Aunt Harley. Mom, dad and some times the kids they were all tell me to wake up that they still want me here. I was told to keep fighting to not give up. Finally one day I was able to gane concuness and open my eyes. Looking around the room my eyes landed on mom who was in the chair next to me. She was leaning forward resting her head on the bed her hand was holding mine. Slightly moving my hand in her wich made her to stir. Looking at me she got this big smile but her eyes were all buffed up from crying and I didn't like seeing her like that. Mom called the doctor in and he did a few check ups on me. When he left it was just me and Mom. I have been looking out the window everysince I woke up mostly because I couldn't look mom in the face.

"How long?" I asked in a horse voice.

"How long what?" Mom asked back.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About a month."

"A month?" I repeated in a quite voice.

I have been asleep for a month. That can't be true. When morning came everyone dropped by. Not all at once but they all came. But the person I was most exited to see was Holly. When mom came in the room with her that was the only time I looked at her. Then I looked at Holly till she handed her to me. Holly sure is growing. Defantly not staying small.

Giving her back to mom when it was time to leave I turned over so that I was facing the window. Waiting till everyone left I let out this big breath. I was finally able to breathe again. A Nurse came in to check my vitals and to see if I was doing okay. The rest of the night was crazy. I counldn't sleep everytime I closed my eyes I saw myself looking back at me in the mirror. When I did fall asleep it was only for a bit. I didn't have my phone to waste time on tiktok so, I just laid there wide awake looking up at the cealing. Wanting to streach my feet I figured I'd go over to look out the window. Swinging my feet off the bed I got a head rush. Standing up it felt like I was standing on pins and needles. Losing my balance I was able to catch myself on the IV stand. Going over to the window I looked over the city. No stars. Not there weren't any you just couldn't see them with all those city lights. That's why I love it back at moms place. Turning away from the window I decided to go for a walk around the hospitl. Walking into one of those rooms were you can watch a surgery. Nobody was in there so I sat down the doctors didn't even seem to notice that I was up there. I had no idea what kind of surgery it was but I was intreged by it that I stayed till it was finished. The patient didn't die which means it was a sucess. Since I woke up from the coma this was the first time I felt something. I felt happy. Walking back to my room my Nurse was standing at my door hands on her hips and shaking her head.

"Where have you been?"

I just pointed down the hall.

"Still won't talk huh?"

I shoke my head.

"Okay then. Let's get you back to bed."

I didn't even know I had fallen asleep till Harley woke me up.

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