3-A Dissmisive Ranking ✮

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[Off With Your Head!]

Riddle casts some sort of spell on Grim. You jump up a bit from the sheer force of the voice.

(Jeez, that was terrifying... Wait... Off With Your Head? I'm having serious déjà vu. Queen of Hearts? Actually, now that I think about it, the lion man reminds me of Scar, Azul said that Grim was a poor unfortunate soul, just like Ursula!) Is everyone here some reincarnation of Disney villains?

Suddenly, a collar popped around Grim's neck. "MYAH?! What are you doing?!" You grab Grim by the tail to make sure he doesn't escape. He flails around trying to escape your grasp but you keep him steady.

Riddle sees your action, gives you a small smile and then turns his attention towards Grim. "The Queen of Hearts's Rule 23: One must never bring a cat to a formal affair. Your very presence here immediately."

(I was right! He just said The Queen of Hearts's Rule!) The words that came out of Riddle's mouth has verified your thought process. You are in some Disney villain fantasy world. You look around the room to find more resemblances to villains but then Grim struggles in your arms and pulls your attention back towards the scene at hand.

"But I ain't a cat either! Don't you try'n collar me! I'll burn it right off!" You shut your eyes and brace yourself for the fire that's about to burn your hand off but it never came. You squint open your eyes and see Grim huffing and puffing but ultimately failing. "Huh..? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!" His eyes widen in surprise as he blows and blows but nothing comes out!

An evil smirk forms on Riddle's face, you're a bit surprised as he seemed to be nice to you but you guess that it just varies by person. (That's kinda terrifying...)

"Until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're naught but a pet cat now." Riddle chuckles a little, it almost sounds sadistic.

Grim of course did not like this statement, "M-meoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!" You're sure that if the collar wasn't there, fire would be surrounding you right now.

"Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus." Riddle's face tenses up as he glares at Grim.

"Ha-HA! Good show as always, Riddle. Your signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy. I've just GOT to have it—ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it." Azul quickly corrects himself  but you hear everything.

(I knew he had something behind his smile! Thats kinda terrifying actually... What does he mean by have that spell, doesn't he have magic?) You're questioning his wording when he suddenly addresses you.

"Ah, and you're (Y/N) correct? Great job catching this little creature. If you have time please pay a visit to the Mostro Lounge, we will welcome you with open arms."

(Nope! I don't trust this one bit! Plus, I'll be going home soon I won't be able to visit!) You warily respond to his praise and little advertisement.

"Thank you, you both did great as well and I'm not so sure I'll be staying at this school but if I do... I'll keep that in mind." You force the best smile you can on your face and try to be as professional and calm as possible. Thankfully, he buys it and before you make a deal with the devil, Crowley calls out your name.

"(Y/N)! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar? Now discipline your—"

Before he could continue yelling at you, you reach your limit and you snap back at him, again. "Would you listen for once?! He's not my familiar!"

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