14-To the Dwarfs' Mine ✮

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You finally make it through the mirror portal and thankfully for you, you stuck the landing. When you opened your eyes, you saw Grim on top of Ace on top of Deuce. A human sandwich if you will. Deuce, sadly, had his air supply cut off by a redheaded boy and a grey cat.

Once you dragged them off of each other, you had a chance to look at your surroundings. You were in a dark forest of tall forest green trees and a small little gravel path which led up to a cottage. Although the cottage looked like it was from Snow White and the seven dwarfs, it was VERY run-down. Almost as broken as your new house. Almost. There were cobwebs all over and moss spread everywhere.

You then had the idea to one day fix it up to look like the cottage in the movie, although that might take some time. While you were looking around, Deuce slowly regained his breath and began to admire the scenery again. Same with Grim and Ace.

All of your attentions were drawn to the dark cavern entrance. "So this is the Dwarfs' Mine... Long ago, the mine was flush with magestones." Deuce recalled his history lessons.

Grim followed your guys' gaze towards the dark entrance and his ears immediately fell down in fear. "Urgh... Who knows what lurks in there now?" He mumbled out as he clung to your arm.

Ace spotted the rundown house and drew everyone's attention to it. "Look, I can see a house. Let's see what the people have to say." He smiled before walking towards the house.

(Isn't it abandoned? If someone was living in there... the poor soul...) You thought to yourself before following close behind.

When you enter the broken house, dust immediately fils the air trying to escape the house through the entrance you had just opened. You all break into a fit of coughing before slowly opening your eyes to look around you. It was a quaint little home. Just like in Snow White. Although it was quite broken, it was comfy in a way.

"Hellooo? Is anyone home..? Must be empty. It looks like it's been abandoned." Deuce sighed shrugging his shoulders while staring the obvious. Even though he said it was abandoned, he kept looking around the house.

While Deuce was investigating, Grim was scared out of his mind. Mainly because he ran into a spiderweb. "Bwah! I got a spiderweb on my face! Ptchoo! Ptchoo!" He yelled, brushing his entire face off.

Ace was doing a little investigating of his own. "Look how tiny these desks and chairs are. Did children live here?" He questioned as he started to count the chairs. "One, two... Seven! It's like a clown car in here." He pulled back in shock

(It's called the Dwarfs Mine isn't it? And since there are seven chairs it is Snow White and the seven dwarves.) You thought to yourself. You didn't voice it as they probably would have no idea who you were talking about as this is a Villain reincarnated world not heroes. Or so you thought. But we'll get to that later.

"When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place." Deuce muttered to himself, thinking about how chaotic the household would have been back in the days.

Ace one the other hand, was ready to give up. He didn't want to be here any longer. "Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine. Let's head inside and take a look." He blankly stated before carefully leaving the house.

Deuce followed after then you then Grim. On your way out, you made sure to take a good look at the home before continuing on. You'll be sure to come back and repair it. Grim was latching on to your shoulder like if he even let go just a little it'd be the end of the world. A part of it made you want to laugh however he's probably in a bad mood so you'll take it easy on him.

"You wanna go inside THERE? It's pitch black!" Grim clutched your arm even tighter, trembling at the sight of the dark and desolate cavern entrance.

Ace, being Ace, decided to do what he does best, mocking Grim. You've only known him for a day and yet it's terribly easy to understand him. "What, are you scared of the dark? Pathetic." A ghostly grin appeared on his face while staring at Grim.

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