16-Egos Clashing ✮

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"Heart! Heart! Heaaaaart!" You've been dodging and observing this creature for around 10 minutes while the boys are doing who knows what.

You've observed that the monster's head seems the most delicate spot as it's made of glass however you've had no way of getting close to it. Every time you tried, the monster in question would take it as a way to grab your heart. The plan was to distract the monster until the boys got the stone but it's been 15 minutes now and they're STILL NOT HERE. They're really testing your patience and you honestly wonder if you should just take care of the monster yourself. (What are they doing?? How are they still looking for that stone it was only a few meters away.)

"Heyyyyy! (Y/N)! We got the stooooooone!" A familiar high pitched voice emerged from the cave as Grim was waving the stone in his hand for you to see. You were happy for a moment, until you realized that the word 'stone' had just been mentioned and the monster immediately turned around.

"Stoooooone..? STOOOONNE!" The monster whipped its gigantic body around immediately attacking Grim who passed the stone right to Ace as he realized what was happening.

"Duck!" You yell out to the trio as they realized the dire situation they were in. Ace and Grim dodged in time however Deuce... wasn't so lucky. When you yelled out to him, he turned to face you and didn't see the gooey arm until after.

"Begone! Begone! Begooone!" And just like that, the monster circled back to its original goal of protecting the stone, all the while hitting Deuce in the stomach.

"Bwaaah!" Deuce toppled over and managed to get back on his feet but unfortunately immediately after, the monster grabbed Deuce and started shaking him aggressively looking for the stone.

"Aw, crap! He's got Loosey-Deucey on the ropes! Not on my watch! Heeyah!" Ace tried blow the monster with his wind magic, barely touching Deuce in the process and it seemed to have worked as the monster dropped Deuce but...

"Rrroooarrrgh!" The monster immediately doubled back and hit Ace.


Once Ace and Deuce were token care of, the monster turned to Grim, the one with the stone. "Myaaah! Stay away from me!" Grim yelled while running to you for safety.

"Grrraaawrrr!" The monster cried out before trying to capture Grim.

You successfully pulled Grim out of the way in time. "It's like nothin's even hurtin' it!" Grim yelled.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Weren't you supposed to take care of the monster while we got the stone!? You couldn't do that?!" Ace yelled at you. Like he did anything.

"I meant I was gonna stall it! I know it's weak spots but as a person with no magic I don't really think there's much I can do!" You screamed, still trying to avoid the monster's blows.

"GWAAAAAAAH! Nooo giiive yooouuu stooooooone!" The monster cried once more.

"Alright then, why don't you make yourself useful AND HIT THOSE WEAK SPOTS RIGHT NOW?!" Ace yelled back.

You were seriously annoyed. The boy sitting there in the corner after getting hit and taking 15 minutes to get a single gem that was only a few meters away with two other people was trying to tell YOU to be useful. "Says the guy who took 15 minutes to get a stone that was like a meter way! I'd be GLAD to if you'd get your lazy butt off the floor and help me out?!"

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